The Banished Villainess’ Husband

Chapter 37

Princess’s Request

So, the hair arrangement tournament lasted about an hour, and when my belly and brother Carl Rate’s were starting to feel like tapon and sound with tea, I finally moved on to the next agenda.

The soap story ended well in the play, so the princess wanted to talk about the new product.

New product, so what Lana took out in Nico’s upper mood was a sandwich.

It is the wheat bread that is used.

“Is this… is the sandwich a new product?

“Hehe… it would look like a regular sandwich, wouldn’t it?

“Huh? What’s different?

“Well, try it”

Zuzui, and bring a basket with a sandwich closer to the princess.

The princess, wondering, put one sandwich in her mouth for her hand.

The ingredients are ham eggs.

Sliced boiled eggs in chopped ham, fresh lettuce, drizzled mayonnaise there and pinched with wheat bread.

The princess Rosalee, who took a bite, shines her eyes with Paa.

It’s really easy to understand.

“Oh, delicious……! Strange texture and sweetness, plus, bread elasticity? Oh, what can I say? Yeah, yeah, this is a material harmony…!

… Sandwiches alone make me feel like this or something. That’s royalty.

But soon I hacked and blushed as I looked around, “Or keep it to everyone in the castle that I’ve bumped into,” he said.

Lana and Leggles are “car wierd” and smothered at the look of it.

What is it?

“Of course it is. But a sandwich can only be worn.”

“Oh, you’re right.”

and Lana and I are slowly getting into a conversation.

Are you crazy?

Lana, you haven’t forgotten what I told you before you got here, have you?

What if they like me and tell me to serve the castle?

“This is called wheat bread. It takes a little work, but you can make different kinds of bread than bread fleas. This, for example. A croissant with butter. Fluffy marble butter roll. Sausage bagel with sausage inside. Chocolate dinish with chocolate. Coronet made into a circle and chocolate or cream in the middle cavity. I’m thinking a lot more right now.”

“… Huh!

Glitter is doubling.

“Actually, Elana and I are going to open this specialty wheat bread shop in September in the border town of Exi. These are still prototypes, you can arrange them in the store or the dokas are mixed with the undetermined…”

“The princess will try it and push her heartbeat to talk about it, and it will be a stepping stone to opening a specialty wheat bread store in Wang Du… how about that?

“! That’s a great idea! Me, I’ll invest!


Princess Rosalee, isn’t it too soon to fall?

It’s a little unusual. It’s speed, isn’t it?

“Actually, I, your father and mother, can now entrust me with the management of farming…”

“Eh, eh! also, already!?”

“Is it too soon, La?

“Oh no… it’s about too late. Oh, and only one village near Wangdu, right?

That’s royalty.

Too harsh.

No, are you trying to say that it’s also education that makes you fail?

Compared to her, Allefald is all grown up spoiled……!

“Uh, but I still don’t get it very well. We have to increase our stockpiles for the winter, but with as little as usual…… If you’re in trouble, they advise you, ‘Why don’t you change your perspective and think about if you can make something new’… but even if you say that, you don’t know what to do…”

“I see, sir. Sure, then the development of wheat for wheat bread isn’t a bad story. If it succeeds, it could be a new industry on all routes from wheat to bread production in Wang Du, and it could be a specialty.”

“Well… stockpiles… I think I read in a comic book that if you were going to make it into a preserved meal, you know, French bread, it did have that role, too, like?

“” French bread?

“Oh, uh… it’s a very hard-baked bread. I read in the book that in winter, it becomes a preserved food…”

Oh, the Book of Wise Men, where every broad knowledge of ‘cartoons’ that I loved in the previous life of the example can be seen in painting…

I’d like to see it again.

Save the bread for food?

Awesome idea……

“Is bread going to be a preserved food?

“Yeah, you think it’s good for preservation when you cook it hard? I soaked it in soup, ate it, baked it in butter… there were several other cooking methods on it. But I can’t remember when or where I read it. I used to read a lot of books a long time ago… Whether the book still exists…”

“Well! That’s an historic book!

No, she says it’s a book from another world, Princess.

I’d love to read that, too, such an amazing book.

But I’m sure it’s enormously thick.

“Elana was a student-san, sir.”

“Hey, I don’t know”

It lit up plainly.

If anything, it’s cute.

“… so maybe you know other delicious and rare dishes!?”

“Huh? Uh, duh, why not!?”

Oh, no?

I got up a little bit, but Princess Rosalee leaned down to grief and sighed, “Actually, I’m in trouble”.

Brother Carl Rate said, “Trouble?,” Princess Rosalie nodded deeply after looking up at the samurai.

“Yes, actually… the king of my neighbor, the prince, is here.”

“! of neighboring countries…”

Again, Allefald……

But I don’t really think he’s going to be able to give up his position and say difficult things.

There are other factors?

And that’s when I tried to ask you back.

Princess Rosalee opens her lips and tells the rest of it.

“Yeah, that and you two!

………… Huh? Two?

I asked back.

Maybe the question is different from the first.

Huh, two?

Alefald did?

No, it can’t be, can it?

Hmm? So Alefald actually has brothers?

Your Majesty’s Hidden Child?

No, even so, Prince Wang won’t grow on the two of us.

What’s this all about?

“Yeah, it’s two of us. Prince Alefaldo Arsezios, the king of Blue Dragon Arsezios, arrived about three hours ago with his fiancée and his squire… the problem is after that. Prince Twilight Braczilios, the king of Black Dragon Braczilios, was with several Kingsguard knights…”


“Huh? Well, why even Prince Wang of” Black Dragon Braczilios “? Are you saying it’s not planned?

Prince Twilight?

Oh, yeah, he’s definitely the king prince of “Black Dragon Braczilios”……

And yet, why is that kid in “Green Dragon Sergios”?

Princess Rosalie put her hand on her cheek and exhaled a deep, not seemingly twelve year old sigh.

“Because the engagement story between one of my sisters, Rosalia the Fourth Woman, and Master Twilight is going on. But Mr. Alefaldo from Blue Dragon Arcedios arrived“ slower ”than expected… so, but I didn’t think the date and time was much the same…”

I see, that’s…,… what a treat…

No, I don’t have any fine dust to apologize for… but I kind of held my head.

As you know, ‘Blue Dragon Arcedios’ is an overwhelming vertical society culminating in royalty.

Elegantly, freely and sparingly, the three other Duke aristocrats of Alefald, the royalty headed by the free man of…, basically do not keep time.

It’s like there’s no clock.

Forcing others to be on time and on time.

We are the center of the world for them.

Nobility is such a thing.

However, “Blue Dragon Arcedios” is more intense than any other country.

But, no way… no way…!

Bringing a woman on a restrained journey in the name of a tour to another country…… even if it is giddy…… what is so late…… ugh!

What are you doing, that asshole Faldo? Whoa!

“I’m really sorry about something”

“Huh? Well, why would Euphran apologize?

“Wow, me too… sorry about that…”

“Huh!? How could you even Elana!?”

“Oh, uh… these two lived in ‘Blue Dragon Arcedios’. But, uh, um… on the occasion of my marriage, I moved to Green Dragon Sergios!

Brother Carl Rate tells me it’s incredibly relaxing, but me and Lana just bowed their heads in remembrance of the disrespectful behavior of the former prince of our own country towards another country.

and, at the same time, “Those Three Fool Duke Family Sons! ‘and put up blue muscles.

Study as much as diplomacy!

You didn’t!?

Haven’t you?

You graduated, didn’t you!?

Were you even going to let diplomacy go down there!?

Are you stupid?

Oh, you did! You were stupid!!

“Well, did you? Then maybe civil rights are being applied for……?

“Huh!, well understood!?”

“Yeah, ’cause doesn’t having Doultonil’s son on your side all the time mean he hasn’t gotten citizenship of our country yet? Leggles is a merchant and has been here several times…”

“… that’s Rosalee… you’re smart…”

It’s true.

I want Alefald to fry and drink even the dirt from his nails.

No, well, Alefald can ‘study’, too.

Too bad I can’t ‘care’ more than a twelve-year-old girl at all.

… I just can’t believe I’m gone and diplomacy can’t make it this far…!

The rest of them, work harder!

“Yeah, and… I remember. Your pale peach hair… I’ve seen you talking to our diplomats from time to time.”

“!? Huh? Fran…”


Brother Carl Rate holds his head.

I was seriously surprised by this, too.

Come on, you princess, are you serious…!

“You, the nobleman of ‘Blue Dragon Arcedios’…? You weren’t a diplomat?

………… … Not now. ”

“…,… Oh, yeah…”

I’ve been fluttering with neighboring countries since I was in school, as well as gathering information, for sure.

When Lana looked surprised, she said, “Fran, were you even doing that?” It’s a pocket money use, “she deceived.

Half of it is true.

Yeah, I don’t get any money.

I don’t even get out of state spending.


“You were. Let’s do this, then. You two will receive my permission to issue ‘Civil Rights’. So, Elana…… make a ‘delicious and rare dish’ to entertain the two king princes! It doesn’t matter until the ingredients are ready to satisfy customers from both countries with different food cultures! Please………!


I said something really annoying.

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