The Banished Villainess’ Husband

Chapter 7

Shop to the town of Exi [Preliminary]


Intense light shooting in through curtainless windowsills.

With the thin blanket that I brought in, the strength of the floor immediately hits my body.

Well, if you buy me a ready-made bed or mattress in town today, I’ll get rid of it… okay?

Yes, I stretch my back and twist my hips while convincing myself.

Mm, my neck hurts, too.


So, I’ll take a look in the room illuminated by the morning sun.

Well cleaned, but still omg.

Floors, ceilings and walls are stained, especially ceilings and floor arrays, which would undoubtedly be due to rain leaks.

There are some bookshelves, but they are more rotten down there.

Tables and chairs… As far as I have used them, they don’t seem to be a problem, but there are no ornaments of any kind.

Well, mass production for citizens.

Bed…… Lana is asleep, don’t sleep too well , in this sun .

She’s still a diagrammatically fat lady, really.

… I would also be shocked if I thought of the bed she had been using.

And the kitchen…… Xu is old-fashioned and user-friendly.

I have some Lana’s advice yesterday, and as for rebuilding this… the rest is the bathroom and the bathroom.

Get up and throw the blanket in the chair.

When I open the door to the bathroom and the bathroom in the light, yeah, it’s narrower and dirtier than I imagined.

What a bath. This is just a giant bucket.

The toilet is a mechanism that flows into a hole dug outside.

Hmmm… I heard the fertilizer will handle the filth, so the process has to be in town as well.


Put your head on with me.

Well, I don’t know… you have a lot to do.

For now, a lot of things today, like living procedures, beds.

Yeah, I need the bed ASAP.

And curtains.

I wasn’t dazzled and I couldn’t sleep.

Plus, I want a separation.

No, it’s not like I’d want to attack you if I was watching you sleep, no.

Basically, I’m not good at working in people’s spaces, and you need personal spaces?

It’s big, but the room that looks like a room only has a bathroom and a toilet.

You can separate it with a bookshelf, but this bookshelf, if you move it, is going to collapse down there.

“… ha”

I have a lot to do.

Well, at any rate, it would be rice first.

I had the rest of yesterday’s bread and dried meat and the rest of the vegetables left, so do you want to make some soup with it?

I could make something a little more decent if I had an egg…… hmm, would you like to buy a mattress and chicken for now .

I have a little money, but I figured I’d have to go shopping.

Speaking of which, this cookware, it’s been around since the beginning, but is this also the service of the Carl Rate brothers?

The frying pan will be heavy and hard for Lana to use…… buy a frying pan too if she can afford it.

Also dishes and cupboards, seasonings and… food… chickens as a buy… clothes… closet, costume case because it seems impossible.

Although there was a well outside, I want it to be large because the water bottle is small.


No, yeah, it’s nothing floating .

“Hmm… good morning Fran…”

“Oh, good morning, Lana. It’s ready for breakfast.”

“Thanks … I’ll wash my face”


Lana’s awake.

I yawned and my hair hasn’t even been fixed yet.

I go outside with my back stretched.

Yeah, because the well’s outside.





I haven’t floated, though.


By the end of breakfast, Brother Carl Rate had visited.

Take the house description again lightly and ask for some precautions regarding the location of the well, stables and the house.

Well, as I thought, the stain on the ceiling is a rain leak.

Floor stains also rot due to rain leakage.

The same goes for bookshelves.

Tables and chairs and cookware are serviced.

Beds are old…… no, well that’s good.

“You’re going shopping in town today, aren’t you? I’ll give you a ride.”


“Wow… Horse carriage, right… I’m new here…”

“A lot to buy, and it would be a valuable experience, wouldn’t it?


Laughing and saying, Lana looks disgusted.

Yeah, yeah, sometimes you can look like a lady.

… I was worried that I was too resistant to civilian life, but I guess that doesn’t mean I’m abandoning myself?

I hope so……

“Brother Carlate, the pharmacists and doctors are in the ‘town of Exi’, right?

“Oh, right. He’s here. There’s a good medic. The doctors have to come to the town of Eng.”

“Yes. Well, then, let me introduce you.”

“Of course I don’t mind!… That’s just solid.”

“If you calm down your life, you’ll be more likely to lose your mind and get sick…”

Lana looks like a rare view of the carriage.

I look fine now, but it’s changed dramatically from my previous life.

If it’s true, it’s no wonder you’re not feeling well anymore.

Too much than I thought…… no, I’m surprised you’re more adaptable, but I don’t know when you’re going to putz, so I need to be careful and watch.

… The Chancellor also made his face so squeamish and cry… I’m sure he would have liked to put it on one of the samurai ladies.

Well, even if they follow me, I can’t pay my salary, and I’m just more dependent and oppressed.

That’s right, Prime Minister, I guess you didn’t even tell me to take the samurai around there with understanding.

Regular liaisons are about to come… well, I wonder who will.

“… hmm”

“Hmm? What?

“No, well. Something was going on, but how could it be… a young lady with a good influence on Euphrane?

“Seriously, it’s an extra favor, huh? You want a wagon?

“Boy, that’s a break! No, no, ha-ha! Shit, you bastard!

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

My relatives Oniisama, who became so desperate to kill me, prompted me to get in the carriage, and for now I quietly followed the instructions because I don’t like to continue to be teased.

Roads that have not been maintained are more vibrating than traveling on horseback.


“Are you okay?”

“Well, I’m fine… but Lucy’s back won’t shake better with this!

“It’s probably safer to keep quiet.”


Every time I step on a stone, I jump back more.

When you jump, it will be hard for a woman as light as Lana because her butt floats for a moment too.

This lasts about twenty minutes and we finally reach the ‘town of Exi’.

“Come on, we’re here. I think I explained it to you in advance the last time you came here, do you want to explain it again?

“Um, no, I generally remember”

“Huh? What?

“In town…. Oh, speaking of which, wasn’t Lana listening a lot?

I was tired of riding my horse for the first time.

Were you hungry and depressed?

“Ugh… right. I want you to tell me again if you can.”

“Really? One woman is just in danger, isn’t she?

“Uh no… there’s something you can’t buy without a woman alone, huh?

“Well, so was that. This is rude. Then I’ll be brief.” The Town of Exi “was a town in the fort a long time ago. It’s the remnants of it that have walls.”

“! But surely that ranch too…”

“That’s right. From that ranch to this neighborhood, it was all one fort. But the struggle between the guardian dragons destroyed them so lightly that they flew in tornadoes.”

“… Huh!

Well, I don’t know how true that is.

However, such anecdotes remain gobbling around the world as the myth of a guardian dragon, including on this continent.

It’s a common story to have a whole fort and a whole town.

“Well, forestry flourishes around here because of the proximity of forests, and there are a lot of carpenters and carpenters. Uh, that’s the boulevard. The city opens once a month, so most of the townspeople don’t buy up a lot then. Akiguchi opens a festival called” The Great City “. You should look forward to it now. There are stores, but they are expensive. Well, I guess you guys would be more familiar with that. There are woodworkers and carpenters’ shops over there that I just mentioned. You should visit if you want to fix the floor or ceiling. Give us our names and they’ll give us some accommodation. And then…”

… Yeah, I mean, where can I buy a mattress?

On the boulevard?

Like a woodworking shop?

You want to go?

But I also want curtains .

Can we get it all together in one day?

“Brother Carl Rate, can we split up? Me and Lana want to get our supplies together.”

“Oh, yeah, I don’t mind. What can I get you?

“Brother, you’re going to give me food aid, right? Many eyes on food that can be preserved.”

“Wow, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Fine! Let’s buy you a lot!


Watch me and my brother interact while Lana becomes a poker.

Because it’s more efficient to break up on the second hand.

Keep the carriage over here, well, first the mattress and the curtains, right?

“Hmm? What?

“Yes, no… Something like this, a unique nori…”

“Oh, people in this country are pretty much like that.”

“Huh? Really?

It’s strange because different countries have different nationalities.

Well, it’s true that in “Arsedios” the nobles and the people were both quiet, and they were just the ones who were dying to pull their legs together.


Oh, yeah, Lana.

Really, that country was a hell of a place.

A good pawn to rub sesame seeds above himself, and a title below himself.

Civilians from the nobility are also close to slaves.

I’m sure you don’t know what kind of situation civilians live in in in that country.

Regardless of whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing… you’re the king now.

Wouldn’t ‘Arcedios’ be doomed if the asshole Alefaldo were to take power?

Miss Lijuana won’t even have a Queen’s education, and it’s a mountain field after the two marriages, reigns.


Open your eyes.

Oh, well… I don’t care anymore.

If we’re ‘unnecessary’, do our own good.

You kicked him out because you could do it, didn’t you? Allefald.

“Nothing. Let’s go find a mattress first.”

“Ah… uh, yeah, right. It’s important.”


Seriously, no denial of sleeping separately?

… Well, fine.

Long way to the real ‘couple’ ……

No, can you be a ‘couple’ in the first place?

… Cancer, good luck.

Something else I thought I needed.

I went around the store and asked the store people “where they were selling” and so on while greeting them, and I was able to buy them all in advance.

Thanks to you, your wallet is sober .

“I need to make another hard earn!

“Yeah. The ceiling and floor repairs in particular hurt. High…”

“And I have no choice. I can’t substitute for a safe life!

“Sort of.”

The carpenter who will be in charge of the restoration is due tomorrow.

The quotes were from people who had been developing abandoned ranches for the past month, so they had already given me a “more or less this much needed”.

I appreciate it but it was expensive.

Fifty silver coins hurts my hand.

No, I have trouble getting the floor and ceiling out.

“And then there’s farm equipment…… it’s old but it’s good to have it. If you build a field with this and grow vegetables, you’ll be self-sufficient!

“Why do you seem happy?

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