The Banished Villainess’ Husband

Chapter 8

Shop to the town of Exi [Part II]

Civilian work… life, huh?

If you’re a warrant lady, you shouldn’t even like touching the dirt…?

I heard it in gatitone for 10%, but Lana let her jump her shoulder and turn around with the motion that Gigigi like an oil cut door……

“Huh? Um, well, you know, a relaxing life? Ga, gardening? Yeah, well, you say you had that kind of hobby?

“Huh? That’s a rare hobby, huh?

“Sort of, huh?


You don’t want to get stuck too deep, do you?

Well, it’s not a complimented hobby.

Gardening is the business of gardeners, and I’ve heard that gardening is a common hobby if you’re a “Sergios” maid in this country… but in “Arsegios,” it’s weird for a Duke’s maid to garden because there’s a sense that it’s civilians and low-status people who touch the soil.

Well, there’s a business-stricken high-flying warrant lady who’s been scattering so much in the classroom… Huh?

I’ll stare, but I’m cold sweating and… if you’re aware it’s weird, okay?

“I do want to make a field. I appreciate your motivation.”

“Well, isn’t it?

“Oh, yeah… I remember it in the field. I was thinking of buying a chicken. You don’t have enough money.”

“Chicken? Why?

“You’d get the eggs, wouldn’t you? And emergency food.”

“Hi-hi, hi-hi, emergency food…”

Hmm, speaking of emergency food, should you have bought me a river nearby and a fishing rod?

Well, fishing rods can be made appropriately if they have yarn.

Should I make it by hand?

Anyway, chickens are your next chance.

“Oh, good! Newlyweds there!

“” Huh!

My shoulders bounce freaking out.

I looked around unexpectedly.

For some reason, I see Lana with a hurried face.

Could it be about us?

Looking back, I see the boy who’s been calling me.

“Newlyweds there!

“” Huh!

“Oh, I’m sorry to surprise you, huh?

“” Titty!? ”

It was a child about seven or eight years old who spoke to us.

On calf clothes, wooden shoes.

But he looks like a pretty little boy.

Huh? What, this kid.

Is it okay for a kid to wander around on his own?

As it is, well, people around me are greeting me lightly like, “Yikes,” so I guess it’s ok…… if it’s the lower town of “Arsezios,” you’re being grabbed?

“Hey, hey, come on, waz. I run a livestock business in this town.”

“! Oh, really? No, actually, I wanted to go buy one chicken, but I don’t think I could make it with the mansion repairs. I’ll ask you next time, where is it?

“Oh, that was just great! Hey, brothers, you’re selling a hair clasp called ‘Shh’, right? I heard they’ve been sold recently, not only among the nobles, but also among the civilians?

“Shh”…… hair tie decoration named by Lana.

By putting the elastic rubber in a cylindrically stitched cloth, I sneeze, and I just tie my hair together with it… the sneeze is cute and the woman is ugly.

If we lower the quality of the cloth, we can reach the civilian population as well.

The price is aristocratic. Twenty copper coins.

Ten copper coins belong to civilians.

It’s too cheap for the aristocrats to wear, but word of mouth has spread from the maids and orders are in so much that production hasn’t caught up in the past month.

At first, it was made into ten noble copper coins and five civilian copper coins, but even though Brother Carl Rate asked the working women to produce them, he said it was not time to raise the value.

It’s surprising because it’s so popular that you have to.

I can make a lot of soap at once, but there are more orders for this as well.

No, I didn’t expect that stuff to hit you lightly.

“Ten copper coins. You want to give it to the girl you like?

“No, it’s almost my mother’s birthday! That’s why I was looking for a present. Ten copper coins is going to make it!



So, you’re an angel…!

! Ko, this is… to think of Lana holding her mouth and about to suffer… probably thinking the same thing as me–!

“Oh, oh, well. That’s great. Yeah, then let’s take the order. I might be able to help you from now on.”

“Oh, you said chicken. If you want a chick, you just had a healthy one. What? So, what do you say, brother, a chick is ten pieces of copper?”


“… well, that’s…”

This kid, he’s a jerk.

No, I don’t hate it, that kind of thing.

“I see, that’s good. So let’s hit our hands. By the way, how much for an adult chicken that can lay eggs right away?

“Fifty copper coins! Well, depending on the quality of the chicken. That’s more or less the average. There are about thirty of them now. It’s time to grow up with twenty. Young ones are a little cheaper, but no one lays eggs yet . If you’re a male, it’s for meat and about the price of an adult chicken. Ten eggs and ten copper coins. A piece of copper. Thirty a bag of copper coins for bait”


No, you’re brilliant like our brothers without a joke. This guy.

“There are other cows, sheep, and goats. Fifty silver coins for cattle and sheep. The goats are thirty silver coins. Recommended is goats! They eat grass, and they can make cheese out of milk.”

“Oh, that’s good. He grew grass all he could for his former ranch.”

“Oh, yeah.”

“But sheep are good, too. If you can prune your hair and make yarn, you don’t have to bother purchasing cloth.”

“Oh well, the cost of making shrubs will stop hanging!


If we’re going to do that though, we’re going to need yarn spinning machines and weaving.

Um, I’d rather make it.

There was a real thing in the woodworking shop earlier and I remember the structure, so I’ll make it when I can afford it.

“Well, for now, can we just swap chicks with shrubs?

“Yeah, the bait’s sold separately!

“Hehe, you’re pretty good at business”

“Hey, I can’t believe you’re here. Not yet compared to Mr. Leggles!

“Mr. Leggles?

“He’s a merchant who started his business in this town! I used to be an intermediary, but I just started a chamber of commerce. What? If your brother’s going to be in business, maybe we should keep him company.”

“… hey… thanks, that’s good to hear.”

“It’s a hot hot hot sauce.”

“Ha, I know the hard word.”

Is there a Chamber of Commerce?

Surely if we wholesale a lot of things there, will business be formed?

I’m not very good at selling.

Brother Carlate said, “You, if you make something because it’s just really amazing to invent, definitely bring it!” I’ve been pushing it… but if anyone can figure out how to make shrubs and soaps, they can make them.

Nothing. I don’t think it’s that amazing… whatever it takes to be money.

“Then I’ll make it and bring it to you within three days.”

“Is that true!? It’s early! Oh, we’re south of town. There are other horses and dogs.”

“Oh, well, next time I’ll buy hay if you want. We already have a horse.”

“Oh, that’s a former nobleman.”

… Huh?

Carl, I thought there was a place out there where the rate brother was remote…

“You know we’re former nobles?

“Huh? Yeah. Everyone in town knows about Carl Rate because he’s been in touch with people who’ve been working on an abandoned ranch for the past month.”

All right, let’s just hit him when we rendezvous.

“… Fair enough. It’s true.”

I’m fine, because I’ve been a pain in the ass at the Count’s house.

But Lana is a Duke’s Lady.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the civilians took it lightly?

I can’t help thinking this stuff is being fooled.

Being served something like aristocratic pride here will interfere with future relationships……

“Right. Well, it’s true. But don’t you have to touch anything else?

Oh, fuck, man!


“Huh? What?

“No, surprisingly, you know what I mean.”

“And you’re from a neighboring country, right? Because the adults said the Arsedios nobles looked great, I thought they looked better, but that’s not true at all.”

“Oh, well…”

In short, he touched it beforehand and straightened it out.

I’m the Duke’s Lady anyway.

Besides, I’m going to be in town for a little while.

You think I needed to be receptive as a person in town?


When it gets better, maybe…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

“Hey, Waz. Maybe some residents think it’s us?

“Hmmm…… actually Mr. Coolow doesn’t seem to think very well about it as he’s partitioning the town. When your brother came here, he said,” I don’t trust him with all that noisy hair. ”


Oh, you were on guard. Is that me? Is that right?

So, hair color again?

This country is less discriminated against on the basis of identity than ‘Arcedios’, but it is discriminated against on the face of the eye.

I’ll try to pick my forehead.

I got a sigh.

“Brother, if you care, why don’t you dye it?

“Dead mother, I give up.”


“Oops, that’s dyeing to dye. How about hiding it with a hat?

“Hmm, that’s a good idea. Consider it positively”

Nah, he’s not dead yet.

… but I have just had six brothers eighteen years of age difference so I have poor postpartum fatigue.

My father is a loving wife, so I don’t think I can force him to do this any more…

Will I write to you when I calm down a little bit?

“Does that mean Lana can be trusted?

“Uh, wah, me?

“Because Lana’s hair and eyes are the color of luck in this country, right?

“Yeah! Sister, that’s such a sweet color. If it’s natural, it’s hot in this country, you.”


Are you still unconscious when all that praise was given to you in the Durtonil family?

Or is it not pinned after being explained?

Ma, I wouldn’t normally pin it.

“Arsedios” is all about “identity”.

There is no way to decide bad luck with hair or eye color like this country.

So Lana can be happy in “Arsedios” or “Sergios” if it’s true, unlike me.

I should have been.

… one of these days, like I pull my leg, will I?

“Oh yeah…… But, uh…”

Lana looking up.

What the fuck?

“… I think Fran’s warm colored hair and eyes are nice too”


That’s what I say, I turn away.


What, now…


What is it now, what is it now, what is it now, what is it now…

“Hey, I’m done shopping!

“Don’t die.”

“Bubba! All of a sudden!

Carl, I joined Brother Rate, so I’ll beat him up for now.

Damn, no matter how much it takes to prevent it, I’m going to do something extra.

“The reward of saying we’re former Arsedios nobles.”

“Oh, yeah, but that…”

“I know, but so you didn’t think about the possibility of us getting into extra trouble or something?


“That’s enough. It could have been counterproductive. I just wanted you to think about it.”

“… well, you did. Bad…… But they’re all good people in this town! We can crack this in a minute!


This nori……

Are you really reflecting?

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