The Banished Villainess’ Husband

Chapter 9

Directors and merchants

“Hmm? Oh, waz. Isn’t that right? Business to new residents soon?

“Yeah. But mostly because the story’s all together.”

“Oh, I’ll visit you soon”

“Maido! I’m waiting!

Waving away waz.

Um, cute.

But he also said something that bothered me.

“Well, if I put my stuff on, I’ll get back to the ranch ASAP!

“No, it’s our house over there, not the ranch, right?

“Right? I’m a little interested in the ranch… but it’s like a game.”


“Hey, nothing! And, I mean! I wonder what defines it as’ ranch ‘!

“… right?

My perception is that we produce meat, dairy products, and wool with cows and sheep, what… yeah, we’re definitely not a ranch.

Well, unfortunately, cows and sheep want to keep them in the future, so it’s going to be something close to that.

“Fair enough!… Oh, yeah! But before you do, will you meet Coolow!? He’s the director of this town. If you’re officially here, you should say hello.”

“Oh, Coolow, what…”

Meet Lana face to face.

Oh, don’t be too timely.

That’s who Waz was talking about.


“What’s up? Eufranc”

“No…. ok, let’s go”

“Fran, um… just me if you want to say hello…”

“No, I’ll be the parent for once, so I’ll be the one.”

“… well, yes…”

I’m glad you’re worried, but I’m embarrassed to leave it to one daughter-in-law rather than a woman…

I’m not familiar with anyone else.

It’s just a character that’s not basically trusted by the first person to see it.

“Yeah? I don’t know, but let’s go!


Shall I hit him again?

I thought as I stared, but it didn’t seem to work, so I gave up and followed Brother Carl Rate.

Get in the carriage and continue west on Boulevard.

In about five minutes of the stuff, we get to the big mansion.

Here is — …….

“Kullough is our… dude commissioned by the Durtonil family to manage this town. Because of all the conveniences, I have been given the title of Baron once.”

“! That means nobility for once…”

“Don’t be. Now you’re the ones with the upper hand.”

Former and present nobles.

Me and Lana would be up there if we had the title of the original house, but we would be civilians now that we have banished from our native country and have lost the title of substantial nobility.

Naturally, in the former nobility and the present nobility, there is as much identity as the heavens and the earth.

It would be troublesome if you were in a bad mood, however remote the Count Doultonil family, lords of this neighborhood.

“Don’t worry! He’s a man of craftsmanship and affection!

“Oh yeah.”

The salvation would be where this country is not as committed to its identity as’ Arsedios’.

But the color of this hair tone of mine is ominous for a ‘Sergios’ human seeking an auspicious for ‘color’.

Ha… I should have bought a hat.

Is it quicker to make it even with patchwork with the excess cloth for shrews?

Oh, no… I’m gonna see hell because there’s only fancy cloths for women. Don’t do it.

“It would be the next workplace now. Over here.”

Brother Carl Rate, it’s someone else’s house I know on my own.

Leave the carriage with the servant who rushed in front of the gate and take your brother’s guide to the big building next to the mansion…… head to a warehouse kind of place.

It smells like wood there.

No, oh?

Big… Seriously Big Warehouse… No, a work place.

I don’t know what kind of roofed, walled workplace is likely to be about the size of one aristocratic mansion.

“Hey, Coolow! I brought Euphran and Elana!

…… why are you waving your hands so desperately boom?

A child.

It gives me a sigh.

No, I knew your brother was a bit of a pain in the ass like that… Yeah, a lot of wood.

And there are plenty of people behind it.

To see somewhat damaged furniture lined up, I wonder if this place is undergoing repairs or something.

Storage of properly cut and tidy wood.

Plus, part of an unused door or window frame or something.

Ha… Craftsmen are woodworkers.

Maybe he’s the one who adjusted for the abandoned ranch.

If you think about it, you have to say hello properly. It’s going to be a good job when we make future modifications.

No, hey, I really don’t make a good impression on the first person I meet.



And then the big Golligori skinhead macho stands up.

No, all the people who seem to work here are just Golligori machos.

No, it’s your physique, isn’t it?

The temperature’s clearly rising near there, isn’t it?

“Coolow! This red (…) hairy (…) is my relative Eufran!


You can’t complain about hitting him right now, can you, this guy?

“This beautiful lady is her wife, Elana!

“Ha, nice to meet you”

………… Hmm? You’re a lady with really beautiful green hair and eyes, aren’t you? Hmm, I want it for that fucking redhead! Isn’t she beautiful? ”

No, isn’t that just rude when you say that in person?

Fine, but nothing…………… you have eyes!

I think so too!

You’re a waste of beauty for me! Yeah!

“Dude, Euphran is a genius! Even if it looks like this!

Even if it looks like this, isn’t it extra?

Stop overestimating me.

Bottom line liking goes negative.

“Ah! I guess he’s the designer of dragonstone tools like that do-it-yourself ‘hairdryer’!? Eat shit! It’s so complicated, you can make it! Ah!?”

“… complicated? You’d just carve the effects into the dragonstone, wouldn’t you? I didn’t make anything that complicated.”

………… Ha!? ”

What the fuck?

Why are you surprised?

Golimaccio on this occasion all opened their mouths and solidified.

Hey, what’s this air?

“Oh, my God. Surprise me. I’ve heard rumors, and I’m really unconscious, sir.”


What? What?

Golimaccio, but there’s a guy who’s probably more beautiful than the others.

No, the old man’s an old man.

I’m wearing makeup, you old Golimaccio.

And more importantly, the only one wearing proper clothes.

I’m wearing it… Mr. Coolow, isn’t it thicker than a chest plate?

Big open chest clothes like women, because chest plates don’t come in?

And a very unique hairstyle.

The left and right are pruned, but the center is braided.

Big knitting, or three knitting.

Hmm, that’s why I don’t know.

And, yeah, probably the most splendid muscle in all of this.

It’s a level of muscle that makes me want to cry as a man.

I can’t, I don’t feel like I can win physically.

“Atashi is Leggles. I’m a merchant in this town, Wa.”

“! Oh, I just asked the town kid. Even the merchant. You know, starting everything up to the Chamber of Commerce.”

“Yeah, yeah yo. Merchants at Master Doultonil’s. Then you can’t rely on them. But, Woof, that was just great… I wanted to see you no…”

I was upset.

My back, something like that, Zowa.

I lusciously glance my fingertips at my lips and tell them to whisper in a low voice color.

He narrows his eyes and walks over deliberately moving his hips back and forth with a smile of garlic.

Ah, ah… ah, the pressure… eh.

“Sometimes it’s not normal to incorporate complex instructions into complex designed tools.”

“Oh, my God, this girl really doesn’t get it.”

“……………… Huh!

“!? Lana?”

Cut, sound the shoe, Lana comes out in front of me.

It’s like you broke in between Leggles and me.

I didn’t know what Leggles was trying to say, but did Lana get it?

“I’m sorry, but I have the right to sell his inventions.”


“I’ll take care of the negotiations. Because he’s going to continue to invent all sorts of things? Yeah, you’ll be what you think you are. I promise you! The benefits he brings! Revolution! From this town, this country will change!

“? Huh? La, lana?? A little?

Did you say something rash?

What? What? What’s the matter with you?

What’s going on?


“… sooo. Yeah, fine, yo! Then let’s negotiate with you…. first of all this’ dryer ‘! The wife of the Durtonil family asked me to make one, but it’s tough no. I got the blueprints, but, sir… I can’t make them with the technicians here very much. Yo!

“What do you need?

“I can manage to make tools wa. But the problem is the order (effect)! Carve it on the dragonstone, the core of the dragonstone tool! It was so complicated that this dragonstone nucleus wasn’t a joke, even the brother of the dragonstone artisan Atashi was good for you no! So I want Atashi’s brother to learn how to carve effects with fifty pieces of silver coins. Wah. Come on, La!

“Oh, what a surprise.”

… I don’t know why we’re talking about this. I think we’re moving in the right direction. What’s this?


To Mr. Leggles’ brother?


Teach me how to carve effects?

With fifty silver coins…… you know what?

It’s a good deal to get that much…

“Can’t you just give me fifty (…) or (…)?



“I heard you were enough to launch a new chamber of commerce, so I thought you’d know more about value… well, ho ho… silver coins… ho ho ho…! Only fifty…… oh ho ho ho!

“La, lana? Mr. Lana? You know what?

“Do you think it’s only worth that much? You can’t swallow the profits you can collect after this is on the market, unless you include it.”



Sure… Lana said that…!

Yep!? Quick!?

Leggles with an eye open for a moment.

But soon it deepens its garlic and grin.

Oh, what’s this, what’s this space, this, scary?

“Heh, heh, heh, heh! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!…… I’ll see you later – Yi! You got a good wife. Wah, Euphranção?

“… hello?

“Okay. But 20%! I can’t let you out any more, Yo.”

“No, 10% is fine. Something that the craftsmen here need to make more of in the future…. The tools are made by the people here, right?

“… oh… hehe, yeah, yo…. Yes, then I’m hoping Wah! Best deal ever, sir! Oh, ho, ho, ho!

“Oh ho ho ho ho!


Oh, well, I didn’t get it… er… something like Brother Carl Rate, Mr. Coolow, the craftsmen, maybe they don’t understand the conversation right now?

Aren’t I the only one?

… Well, yes.

“Lana, you know what?

“It’s okay! Mr. Leggles is someone who understands the story!

“… yes…”

Thumbs up. Wow. Nice smile.


…… but I had some bad feeling that this was just me?

… Oh, no… Mr. Coolow and his face are blue with no heart either.

Maybe we shouldn’t have let them see each other…

The rest of the festival, right?

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