The Birth Of A Villainess

Chapter 109 - Restless Heart

Lin Xiaofei continued to cry as she stared at her past self's lifeless eyes filled with unshed tears before it fell down on her cheeks marred with wounds and covered with blood.

Her body shook with pain and sorrow. Her life was miserable and filled with hardships that could make anyone wish they had never lived like that.

However, Xiaofei never had the choice to choose the parents she was meant to have. She was born to a poor family and because of that life has never been good to her or to anyone in that small village where she was living when she was young.

But despite that, Xiaofei didn't think that just because she was poor, she was never meant to have a good life like everyone else. That is why she worked hard to learn how to read and write. She even learned how to copy how noble young ladies acted and when she fell for Yu Fangzhu, she doubled her effort to make him notice her.

She was successful in becoming his wife and lived a few years of living in luxury. Delicious food was served to her and beautiful dresses covered her body from the cold.

Of course, when one lived in a good life filled with ambitions, one would still find herself or himself faced against trouble because that is what life is.

But did she deserve to be tortured in the end? Lin Xiaofei didn't think so.

Yu Fangzhu was only taking out his anger at her after she put him into trouble.

Lin Xiaofei walked to the side and tried to open the door to the cell but even after pulling and pushing, banging on the bars, the door remained shut.

"Let me in!" Lin Xiaofei screamed inside her nightmare but her voice was swallowed by the deadly silence that surrounded the dungeon.

She wished she could hug the figure of the person inside the cell and comfort her but with the iron bars keeping her from going near, Lin Xiaofei could only look at her past self who was trembling in pain and misery.

The tears continued to well in her eyes as she banged in her chest. The heartaches that she was feeling after watching herself in that state were drumming into her like someone was grabbing onto her heart, pulling and stabbing it endlessly with thorns.

As she continued to sob and keep her screams inside, she felt someone shaking her up.

Outside her dream, Qu Xing Xu who was looking at some reports that Gu Yan gave to him after Lin Xiaofei fell asleep beside him, noticed that something was wrong with her.

He threw the scroll on the wooden flooring of the carriage and looked at her.

Soft agonizing whimpers escaped her lips continuously and tears fell down in her fair cheeks.

Worried that she was under the spell of her nightmares, Qu Xing Xu tried to wake her up but her eyes were tightly closed as tears continued to stream down her face and the painful moans kept on coming.

"Xiaofei, wake up!" Qu Xing Xu called her but Lin Xiaofei was still not opening her eyes.

Then, he heard her speaking, "Why… why must I suffer like this? Why me? I only wanted to live!" Lin Xiaofei was still lost in her nightmares and the sorrowful scream that left her mouth pricked his heart.

Qu Xing Xu didn't know what to do as he frowned. He had never seen this side of her as Lin Xiaofei would always show her cold expression in her face. Her bravery and fearlessness was the thing that anyone who observed her close would first see.

However, because of this, Qu Xing Xu forgot that Lin Xiaofei was not like him who had to face countless battles and fear was an unfamiliar thing for him.

Lin Xiaofei was a young lady who was sheltered in her courtyard and the pearl in Lin Xiaomeng's hands.

Scooping her body off where she was seated, Qu Xing Xu put her on top of his lap and held her in his arms.

Softly patting her back, Qu Xing Xu treated her like a baby, comforting her from the nightmares that seemed to swallow her whole.

Lin Xiaofei's body trembled and that made Qu Xing Xu hug her tightly, "Shh… everything's alright." He softly said to her ear and chanted it a few more times.

He felt her hands grabbing on to his robes, pulling and pushing. She even banged her tiny fist against his chest as if she was trying to fight something and that made him restless. What was going on inside her dreams? Thought Qu Xing Xu to himself.

He continued to hug her and found his actions foreign to him. He had never done this to anyone before and even if someone were to wept their eyes out to him, he would remain unfeeling and ignore them.

Thus, when he tried to sway his body side to side like he was cradling a baby, Qu Xing Xu did it clumsily.

A few minutes later, his effort seemed to pay off as the petite body in his arms calmed down. Her tears were still flowing down her cheeks but the sorrowful whimpers were gone.

Outside the carriage, Qu Xing Xu heard Gu Yan's voice as he informed that they have arrived in the residence.

Qu Xing Xu hummed his response but didn't get off the carriage and held Lin Xiaofei's body in his arms, waiting for her to wake up.

On the other hand, Gu Yan who was standing before the carriage had a conflicted expression on his face.

His ears were trained to hear the smallest sound even from afar and could clearly hear the noises inside the carriage.

With red ears, Gu Yan's mind was in a whirlpool. He clearly heard the soft whimpers that came out from the female inside the carriage and found this strange.

Of course, he tried to keep his thoughts to himself but still!

Master, aren't you going too fast? The young madam hasn't stepped a foot in the residence and you're already bullying her!

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