The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Male Principal’s Grass, Kind of Flirty 16

Kang Yan doesn’t know why he would be so happy.

It’s like there’s a balloon in his heart that’s going to swell. It’s swollen. He’s happy that he has to hold Su Smoke in his arms to restrain it.

Until he had had enough laughter to release Su Cigarette.

He reached out and pinched her white cheek.

The sharpness in his eyes diminished a little, and he got a little smile on his face. It took a long time to listen to him.

“Do what you want. ”

“What if you don’t like it? ”



She listened to his answer and nodded.

Two people finally said goodbye.

Su Yan returned home without his parents except the maid.

Original parents are businessmen, flying around the North and South China Sea, rarely at home.

Probably not being loved, which is one of the reasons why people don’t like to talk in silence.

Back in the room, she licked her lip horn.

Lifted his hair and revealed pearl earrings.


“Host, well done! Come on!”


The next morning.

Sunny, sunny weather.

Su Yan still got up early and went to school for breakfast.

Almost as soon as she stepped into school, five girls were surrounded.

“Are you Su Yan? ”


These five girls then looked closely at Su Yan with a despicable gaze.

One of them held his chest in his hands.

“Not so good either.”


“What does Ginger like about her? ”

“She can’t even compete with us, let alone with Yu Fei. ”

“Pfft, geez, don’t be so worthless, if you’re a senior green tea bitch, where can we read it at once? ”

“Ha-ha-ha. ”

The five girls laughed ironically as they circled there.

Su Cigarette licked her lips and blinked her eyes. Think about it and take it slowly.

“Perhaps I’d rather shave than you.”

The voice dropped and the five girls were quiet.

One of them was furious.

“Do you fucking say that again?! ”

There was a noise blocking next to it.

“Forget it, it’s in front of the school, don’t get in trouble. There will be opportunities. ”

Saying, he glanced at Su Cigarette.

Don’t forget to talk to her when you leave.

“Su Yan, I’m telling you, only Yu Fei, you, don’t deserve to stand with Kang Yan! ”

Speaking loudly, high above.

They were curious to hear that there was a girl on the basketball court yesterday afternoon who was confused with Kang Yan.

I just want to see where it is sacred.

Not so good at first sight.

And the way she talks, Eight Achievements is green tea.

Several people deeply despised Su Smoke.

Then the five girls left.

Su Yan closed his eyes and walked back to class with his schoolbag.

From time to time, your eyes will sweep onto Su Smoke.

I don’t know if it’s because of last night or because those five girls stopped her from preaching.

Walk to the class door and hear the discussion loud and lively.

However, when Su Smoke walked into the class, the lively conversation suddenly dropped.

Everyone looked at Su Smoke, measured, guessed and, of course, much more, and had a good time.

She walked into her position and just sat down for a short while.

I heard someone say something.

“Hey, Yao Yufei is back. ”


“Of course!”

“That Su Cigarette is going to die. ”

“Su Yan and Yao Yufei, there is no comparison at all! ”

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