The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Male Principal’s Grass, Kind of Sleek 17

“If you were Kang Yong, Yao Yufei and Su Yan, who would you choose? ”

“Bullshit! Of course it’s Yao Yufei! Body, looks, temperament, school flower level? ”

People in the class are discussing, Yao Yufei walked in at the door, the old fresh and cold school flowers, today’s face is not very pretty.

Straight towards Su Smoke, he stood in front of Su Smoke’s seat.

The whole class was quiet all at once.

Eat melon.

This is the biggest melon of the year.

Yao Yufei’s voice was cool and he pressed a fire.

“Come out and talk to us. ”

Su Yan did not get up immediately, but rather had some tangles.

She remembers yesterday’s chemistry teacher asked her to go to him early this morning.

Yao Yufei wants to talk to her and looks angry.

After hesitating, Su Smoke nodded.

Soft sound


When she heard her response, Yao Yufei turned around coldly and left.

The classmates whined for a while.

It’s a school flower.

This shelf is big.

But think about people’s lives, people’s talents, it’s also capital.

At the corner of the classroom hallway outside the door.

Yao Yufei hugged her chest with her hands, and the school uniform with the camel pleated skirt lined her up tall and slim.

Looking at Su Smoke, the breath is cool and refreshing.

“What’s going on with you and Kang Yan? ”

Su Yan thought about it.

“It’s my private business, I can’t tell you, can I? ”

Although she said there was no hostility, Yao Yufei felt that Su Yan was provoking her.


Yao Yufei had some anger on his cold face and some sharp talk.

“While I left, I hurried to throw a hug. Su Yan, that’s how you did it. ”

Good upbringing, she is not allowed to say anything worse.

Su Yan, listen, blink your eyes and shake your head seriously.

“No, I have a lot more. ”

She hasn’t done anything yet. How do you know there’s no way?

Yao Yufei looked a little ugly.

She looked at Su Yan, silenced, and her face was getting ugly.

Finally, stick your finger out and point to Su Yan in a high position.

“I advise you to stay away from me while I have patience with you! ”

The chilled voice filled with anger and tore the cold mask to pieces.

Just as they confronted each other, Hana whispered from Su Yan’s ear canal.

“Host, this Yao Yufei likes ginger. She’s jealous of you. ”

Listen to your system. Su Smoke winks. There’s some doubt.

“Are you jealous of me? ”

Yao Yufei’s face suddenly rose red, presumably while she was questioning the host.

It was as if my snack had been pulled out and exposed to the sun.

Yao Yufei stared dead at Su Smoke and laughed sarcastically.

She stroked her hair and the sound slowed down.

“You’re really smart. ”

Su Yan thought about the reviews he had received before and slowly revealed them.

“Fine. ”

Yao Yufei snorted softly, probably realizing that he had lost his temper and slowly recovered from the cold.

“What kind of girl hasn’t seen Kang Yan? He’s seen too many people like you with pure, inner poison scorpions. Xingxiu, you can confuse him for a moment, but wait for him to react, and then the person who kneels on the ground crying will be you. ”

Su Yan, listen carefully and nod your head.

“Probably. ”

Her answer made Yao Yufei mute again.

This Su smoke used to be really small for her.

I can’t believe I’m dealing with it in such a colorless way.

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