The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 2097

Chapter 2096 Xiao Yu, I pain 31

Chapter 213, Xiaoyu, I pain 31

Nanxun lying under the peach tree.

Hundreds of bored.

Finally, I saw that Su smoke that disappeared for a day came to her.

Su smoke came to the peach blossom tree,

“are you OK?”

Nanxi looks up, look at a serious Su smoke

“I have waited for more than a dozen hours here, do you say that I am not good?”

On the other hand, the South is lifted.

Soviet hood reached out and pulled her.

One side opens

“Sorry, I forgot you.”

South is a meal.

Look at the sauce.

“See your man?”

Soviet nod


She just should have a sound, and the south is on the Soviet hook.

“For a man, you will abandon the wilderness of your savior?”

Soviet explanation

“I don’t want to do this.”

When I said, I saw some wounds on the south.

And Nan Ming did not see it.

Nanxun slowly opening

“He ran.”

After that, the south sway his right foot.

Then there is a chain tied.

She can’t chase it.

Because of this iron chain constraint, once she out of the dungeon, it is impossible to leave the three kilometers away from Soviet smoke.

The two are talking about this.

Nanxun feels a gloomy breath.

She looks back to the rear of Sovietho.

The eyes are moving.

Austria is this man.

Although there have been one side, he is divided into the small world.

His body did not have seen him.

See you now.

See him long.


Eight achievements are deceived by this kind of caco.

Jun field looked at this scene.

A woman is smashed in the little arms.

Xiao Yan seems to not resist it.

When the Dragon is pair with the sight of the South.

Well, what is similar to similar people mutual exclusion?

Probably this looks now.

Two people were almost simultaneously narrow, and their sight was transferred to other places.

The dance doesn’t like this woman.

Similarly, Nanxun also doesn’t like this man.

The Jun Domain is at the bottom of the sun, looking at the sauce


Sound vessel.

Nanxun eyelids,

I glanced at the man.

Just look at it, know what this man is going.

Nanxun reached out, hook the clothes of Su smoke, opening in her ear

“I can’t stand the sun, I will weak.

I am a savior, no matter how to say, I should not throw me.

right? ”

Nanxun first throws his own weaknesses, then use the savior to use the savior.

She does not believe that the bar is not in this weakened man.

Soviet smoke heard the south of the south, and came behind the sound of the domain.

Go back and see.

The dance clothes are not complete.

Didn’t wear a blouse, only wearing a lingerie.

The hair is distributed and pale disease.

The genk is low, and the tears swayed.

He exposed a smile

“Is this a friend of Xiaoyan?”

Soviet smoke can’t wait to stick to the south of her body.

She nodded


After that, the Soviet Union added a sentence.

She saved me. ”

This exit is exported, and the Junyan has a look at the South.

His eye is low, and the slow holders are fastened.

For the southern behavior, it doesn’t seem so gloomy.

At the point of view of Nanxun, it is clear that this man is tolerated because of the savior of Soviet hook.

Nanxun does not care

“I am hungry, I have to eat.”

After that, she added another sentence.

“Only we are two.”

She said this, it is not a deliberate martyrdom.

Just simple, exclusive man who excludes Soviet smoke.

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