The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 2099

Chapter 2098 Xiaoyu, I pain 33

Waiting for the sale of Sui smoking, the task of An Yi is also completed.

He just took a bow, he retired, and did not say anything.

Su Tsukou

“Jin Xuan Temple has been a lot of people.

The people in nine heaven have come. ”

The second half of the Su Tao is the focus.

What happened before the millennium, Su Tao is not clear.

Just listening to the rumors outside, there is still the injury when you see the Soviet hook.

I know that Su smoke peeks away from the soul of the soul.

Soviet stations get up.

“Let’s go”

Little red automatically pulled the hand of Su smoke

“where to?”


“Go to Jin Xuan Temple, see him as a respected land.”

Xiaohong also nodded

“I will go, I will go.”

I shouted, and I went out while my fart.

I took a road and came to the door of Jin Xuan Demoti.

She appeared, the eyes of the seven or eight eight in this temple were all looking at her.

There is no expecting a vast scene.

Su Tao looked at it, and it was also an eyebrow.

Think about the character of the man of the Jun.

It seems that it doesn’t match him.

Soviet smoke stepped in red carpet.

Go to a table without a person, sit down.

Su Tao Xiaohong also sat down.

Su Then’s open mouth, the voice is faint

“No seeming to be a base, it is like a private banquet.”

After a while, Tang has gone over.

He laughs gentle

“Soviet girl is good?”

Soviet smoke.

Tang Yi smiled more gentle

“The Lord borrowed some of the tissue of the treatment from the Lord.

So understand one or two. ”

The Su smoke is nodded.


When you wait to talk, there is a strong breath that came in the door.

Continue to hear a smiley voice

“No wonder always feel familiar, it turned out to be a Sui smoke owner.”

After the voice falls, the woman sounds

“Olympics, it should be said, it is human sauce.

After all, your primary god’s identity has been deprived. ”

When the voice came, he heard the bell.

The man is a white robe, and the bell is taking a bell.

It is the fourth of the fourth of the main god.

That, it should be shut down in front of a woman.

Ji Fei karst the chair and sat down from the Soviethey.

Hold down the chin and look at the sauce, and you will play up and down.

At this time, the door remembers the cold voice again.

Gifei. ”

The voice falls, Gifei has a convergence and recovered the attention of the Soviet hood.

Get up, ,

“Principal God”

She smiled and saw the four words.

Trying to find some unnatural gods from her face.

Ye Qianli scattered with high cold holy, opened the position opposite the sauce.

Ye Qianling a pair of golden scorpions, looks forward to Su.

The first alternate change between the two generations of primary gods is not seen in the millennium.

Today, this history has witnessed the general meeting, and it happened from the abyss magic domain.

Jifei next to it twisted the body.

Take tea in front of it.

The bells of the feet are jealous.

She smiled and opened

“I really can’t think of it, I can meet you on one day.”

She taught, the voice is low.

“Peeling the soul, arrow, don’t have your life.

It’s really, the first of the main God. ”

Xiaohong kicked away the lotion of Su Tao’s waist, stealing himself to secretly put the dessert inside.

Every mouth to eat is a slag, watching Ji Fei, milk

“The two hoes in your chest are coming out, you still manage your hoe!”

If you are abrupt, with childish, loudly in this Kim Xuan Demple.


Someone did not hold back, and a tea was sprayed out.

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