The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 2100

Chapter 2099 Xiao Yu, I pain 34

Su Tao brows picks up, look down at small red.

Xiaohong was seen by Su Tao, thinking that he said wrong.

It stuffed more snacks in his mouth, closed his mouth.

Su Jun hit the meatballs on its head

“Good performance”

Xiaohong listened, suddenly straight.

Ji Fei is a color in the face.

Looking up at the moment, you will fly a golden light.

Nanxun feels that he will appear.

Because one appeared in the Soviethoh, he was hit by life.

Nanxun bowed a look at his chest, glanced at Gyphi.

Sound is not careful

“How? I am recruiting you?”

Ji Phi did not expect that there was a sudden appearance before.

It is also possible to take a note without a contact.

Obviously, this is a powerful.

Gifei looked at this woman and felt some eyes familiar.

Just I didn’t think of where I have seen it.

However, she is looking for this rich breath. ·····.

Jifei holds the chin

“People in the world”

This is not a question, but a sure sentence.

The south is reached, and wipes the hit that you just have just hit.

Eyelids are low.

Ye Thousands of eyes were blind.

Suddenly raise your hand.


I don’t know when I have a black blade in the hands of the south. It is only one inch.

Nanxun looked at the air of the blocked.


I heard the sound of the sloppy, until she wanted to force.

Soviet hooks live in the hands of the South.

Nanxun glanced at his mouth and threw the dagger in his hand.

Suddenly the dagger became a black small ball around the side of the South.

It seems that I have just happened.

Gifei face change, but it quickly returned to normal.

She looked at the south, waiting to talk.

I heard a lazy sentence in Nanxun.

“I hurt me, I don’t even say anything.

The main god of this nine heavens is really proud. ”

The scene is again quiet again.

However, attention is divided into two waves.

Some unclear, look at the situation.

And some of the people are somewhat doubts.

What is the people?

Who is this woman?

Why have you never seen it?

When this is extremely quiet.

Ye Qianling sitting opposite the sauce is finally opened.

Icy sound,

“Do you have to say to me?”

Soviet smoke looks to Ye Qianling.


“I have something, falling in nine heavy days.

After a few days, I will take it. ”

Ye Qian Ling did not say.

Just look at the sauce.

They feel that the dramatic ground vibration is felt.

The original dark sky suddenly bombed, it is like a white light.

Obviously, the fried land is far from Jin Xuan Demoto.

But still feel a powerful breathing surface.

Tang Ye stood in the door of Jin Xuan Demoti, suddenly opened

“Welcomes new sergeant.”

The voice falls.

People sitting in the golden Xiuzhi Temple have moved to the explosion.

Nanxun glanced at this golden mystery.

“No wonder a few tables.

It turns out that I’m really slammed. ”

Far away from a wild mountain outside a thousand miles away.

The last five demon make.

There is also Anganian et al. And the abyss magic domain but all people who have a little demon have all come.

The wild mountain is down.

The scene is mighty.

“Welcome to the main business.”

The loud voice, the blood of the square listened to the blood.

And far in the abyss magic domain outside the thousands of miles, the people also look at the direction of the wilderness.

Pious worship.

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