The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 2102

Chapter 2101 Xiao Yu, I pain 36

Nanxun does not have a tattoo that is exuded in black rays at the dish.

The long knife dragged towards the leaves of Ye Tili step.

Ye Qian Ling is vigilant for women who are unknown in Nanxun.

Lift your hand, the gold knife is again drawn again.


The blue ball will be wrapped in the South.

Resist all the attacks.


Once again, the blue ball is resistant to the attack.

Soviet stations are behind.

I don’t send it.

If some outsiders will look at this time, they will find that the sauce fingers are moving.

It is her small ball that is controlled with that blue.

Until, Nanxun went to Ye Qianling.

She holds a black long knife.

The face with a smile.

Hand lifted.


Just the knife has not yet fallen.

The entire space cast is like a glass.

Once again, they are still in that hill.

Xiaohong Su Tsui was entangled by Gifei.

Surrounded by strong dark power come.

The south of the south, withdraws the side of the Sovietho.

This time, the turn in the south of the shoulders of the sauce.

A sentence

“I have to die by the damn curse.”

The black rays exudated by the tattoos on the south of the south are finally dissipated.

Curse of imprisonment.

It is like it means it.

The Curse of the People in the Crime of Crime.

However, this curse is very unfamiliar, it is difficult, and it has a very high demand for the spell, and the people will refactivate.

This curse is applied.

I can’t kill people, I can’t get a heart.

Once the heart has a killing, the tattoo at this ankle will illuminate and give her a punishment in the bone marrow.

At this time, Ye Qian is no longer seen.

Ji Phi also left.

Nanxun will lose your hand.


“What to cut the knife. It is hard to use.”

Austria, she won’t use a knife.

Just ridiculous.

Obviously Ye Qianying is a space to open up a space.

That woman wants to kill Su smoke in that space.

But I didn’t expect that Nanxun actually followed into that space.

Su smoke and the south of the south, it is a weaker chicken with a severe disability.

This is exposed, and the Ye Qian is killed in the space in minutes.

I don’t know if there is a sacred in the south.

Especially all attacks have been blocked.

When I raised my hands, the dark power was born in an instant.

Ye Qi Spirit immediately fled the space.

The space is broken, and the South is also charged.

It is not a small gallbladder.

Nanxun is equivalent to a black soaking.

Nai, this’ black soiled of Su smokers were cursed, and they did not move, or they still hurt her.

This is not only a weak chicken.

Although it is a weak chicken, it can still be done.

Soviet smoke shot the back of the south.

“You are very good.”

Nanxia closed eyes

“To retrieve your strength?”

Su smoke should have a sound


She should look at the ridiculous mountain while she should go.

It seems that it has not yet ended.

When she voluntarily smoked the soul because she didn’t hurt the domain.

As a result, he still borrows her, let the Jun field fly.

in this way.

Then you have to return her strength.

That Tiandao old man, and the one from behind, she is a knife, she wants her to die, and wait.

I have to come back.

South, open your eyes, see Soviet

“Kindly, tolerance, is a virtue who should have the main god.”

Su smoke nodded

“If they are dead, I will not let them have the deadness, will be buried.”

Nanxun listened to laughing

“It’s just too kind.”

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