The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Schoolgrass Boy Leader, A Little Sheet28

Lift your fingers.

“As my classmate, he repeatedly verbally insulted me, physically punished me, and distorted me despite the truth.”

She paused and looked at Van Hollyn’s face.

Su Yan, continue.

“In accordance with article 21 of the Law on the Protection of Minors, school staff shall respect the human dignity of minors and shall not inflict corporal punishment, disguised corporal punishment or other degrading acts on minors. ”

Van Hollyn’s face was already ugly at this time.

I didn’t know Su Cigarette wasn’t finished.

“In accordance with Article 37 of the Teachers Law, if a teacher commits corporal punishment against a student, improper conduct, insults a student, and affects him badly, he shall be dismissed from school to administrative sanctions, and if the circumstances are serious, he shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with the law. ”

After that, Su Smoke blinked.

“Teacher, you broke the law. I called the cops and asked the teacher to change the evil. ”


Fan Haolin’s face turned blue.

I haven’t met such a student since I started my career. Barbara can drink and play behind the law!

Su Smoke turned to the police and pointed at his wound.

“This is an injury caused in the course of his corporal punishment and has caused serious trauma to my spirit. ”

Then he pulled out the list that Van Hollyn had in her hand.

“As a teacher, abusing my position, I retain the right to complain by leaving stains on my resume file at will. ”

She handed the list to two policemen, who looked at the list and at the scars on her wretched body.

Su smoke sounds very soft, but every word is very clear.

In addition to her faint eyebrows, she is somehow very persuasive.

After that, even the police were there for a while.

Follow me. She squeezes her lips.

“Police uncle, can you take him away? ”

At this point, those two cops reacted.

Take out the cuffs and look at Van Hollyn.

“Do you have anything to say? ”

“I do!”

Fan Haolin’s face was iron and blue. He reached out and pointed directly at Su Smoke. He almost stabbed her in the face.

“Bad students like her, you can’t believe what they say. I’m not like that. It’s her. It’s her.

If you don’t finish, Su Smoke will interrupt.

“Teacher, all you have to do is answer the question, have you ever done it? ”

Van Hollyn probably lost his temper.

“I did make you run around, but that’s also because…”

The words were intercepted by Su Yan again.

“Uncle Cop, if he admits it, can you take him away? I’ll be available to help with the investigation.”

Less than 10 minutes if you slip.

Van Hollyn sat there in angry words and was handcuffed by the two policemen and taken away.

Students stood in front of the office for a circle.

I witnessed the event with my own eyes.

And of course, 90 percent of all the students in this station are from the next 10 classes.

Someone swallowed a sip.

“My mother, where did this come from? The law is so sneaky, you don’t even have a chance to get that teacher back?? ”

“Hey, isn’t this the girl Kang likes? ”

“Oh, my God, really! ”

“Thought she was a soft girl, now it depends… business ability is pushing Kang straight!! ”

“Hmm? What business capability? Kang definitely doesn’t understand these things. ”

“Roll the calf, don’t yell if you don’t understand. ”

Jiang Yan leaned on the door, his posture was lazy, his eyelids slightly lifted with a playful taste, and he seemed to smile.

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