The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Male Principal Grass, A Little Sheet6

The sound is lazy and profound.

Su Smoke nodded.

“Ginger burn.”

Cherry little mouth all in one, he listens.

Numerous names were shouted.

How can you shout it out of her mouth? It sounds so fucking nice.

He showed a smile and the teenager had a joke on his face.

“If you know who I am, you’re afraid you can’t give it back? ”

When he said it, he pulled the strawberry milk candy out of her hand, and she squeezed it tight and looked like she loved it.

The laughter between the lips deepened and nodded.

“Eat slowly. ”

Three words slowly dropped.

Then I looked at Su Yan and nodded seriously.


He flashed a smile in her eyes because of her reaction.

Counting time, it seems, is coming to an end.

No more words, no greetings.

Copy your hands in your pockets, follow the road you came from and leave.

The little flower system that hasn’t spoken has been slow.

“Host, your master god fragment, Xiaohua sensed it. ”

Su Yan chewed carefully, not slowly asked

“Where is it? ”

“On that boy just now! ”

“What do you mean? ”

“He has a fragment of your Lord God. ”

“And then what? ”

“Your Lord God debris possesses a certain amount of power, or it can be said that it forms the main character halo. He is the leading actor in the world. ”

“What do I need to do? ”

“You have to get your own Lord God Piece, two ways, first, until the male Lord dies naturally, and your Lord God Piece returns naturally. ”

“What about the second one? ”

“Secondly, help the main man achieve his wishes. Once you have fulfilled your wish, the Lord God Piece will come to an end and you will be able to retrieve it. ”

“Which of these two approaches is faster? ”

“System recommendation… second. ”

After the Xiaohua system was finished, Su Yan went into silence.

Long after,

Soft sound.

“So… what should I do now as a first step? ”

As he asked, Su Yan rubbed his eyebrows.

You really can’t think about it at all, just a little bit deeper, not enough brain capacity.

Hana, cough.

“I browse through all the information in the system library and recommend the simplest path for hosts. ”


She’s got to get down.

“Host, you approach him, get to know him, put him down, and then ask him secretly what his wishes are, and he’ll tell you. ”


“Of course!”

Xiaohua system chopped off the iron nails.

Su Yan nodded and agreed.

Until she became the Lord God, she was a human being, but rarely in contact with a normal person.

Interpersonal relationships and all that, Su Yan is just a little white.

Listen to the system, it shouldn’t go wrong.

After carefully thinking about it, Su Yan firmly believed in it.

And somewhere across the hallway from the second floor.

Four boys squatted at the corner of the wall with a strange look on their faces.

Looking at each other silently for a long time.

I was so excited.

“What the hell was that?! ”

“Strawberry milk candy?! Ha-ha-ha, am I right? Ginger bought strawberry milk candy for the girl?! ”

“Oh, my God! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. I can’t believe I even peeled sugar for that girl! ”

“It’s really raining red in the sky. Look at what Kang just did. I’ll bet you a red ticket. Kang is clearly interested in the girl! ”

Four boys, just like the old ladies sitting in front of the door, open their mouths, babbling, gossiping.

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