The Creation of the Eternal Sword at the Start, Which Shocked Erina Eyes

Chapter 11

11 Intimidation And Temptation

Hearing Hisako’s report,

Erina slowly closed the document in her hand:

“Just as I imagined.”

“There are indeed some secrets in this restaurant.”

“The taste of cooking can’t deceive me.”

“Even if the level of chefs has grown, it is absolutely impossible to grow to such a degree in just a few days.”

“I just can’t understand how bad cooking can make good food.”

“Hisako, apart from these few things, have you found any other useful information?”

Hisako hesitated, then replied softly:

“Miss, I found another thing!”

“The head chef of Aili Restaurant, Mr. Shimura Sota, had a lot of loans a few days ago.”

“Looks like I bought something expensive.”

“However, what exactly was bought, I haven’t found this yet!”

“Miss, do I need to step up my efforts and continue to investigate?”


After a moment of contemplation, Erina slowly said:

“There is no need to continue the investigation.”

“It involves a lot of manpower, material and energy in this matter, which is not worth it.”

“Specifically, what kind of secret does Ellie’s Restaurant have? Let the boss, Sota Shimura, tell us directly!”

Erina’s words were just finished when Hisako was stunned:

“Miss, do you mean we’re going to ask Chef Shimura Sota directly?”

“But didn’t you ask him last time?”

“If there is really any secret to improving the taste of cooking, he probably won’t tell us.”

Erina showed a faint sneer:

“No one can hide what this lady wants to know.”

“Go get someone and bring Shimura Sota over here!”

“This time, I’m going to change the way and talk to him again!”



That afternoon, Sota Shimura was brought to her office by someone sent by Erina.

Seeing Erina sitting at the desk with a noble temperament,

Shimurata became more and more nervous:

“That, Lord Erina!”

“You…do you have anything to do with me?”

Erina raised her head, glanced at Shimura Sota, and said lightly:

“It’s really a bit rude to invite Chef Shi Cun in hastily.”

“However, there are some issues that I still really want to figure out.”

“The last time I was in a restaurant, I said that when I reviewed Chef Shimura’s cuisine,”

“I don’t think that at the level of Chef Shimura, he can make dishes that taste like that.”

Hearing Erina’s words, Sota Shimura’s scalp went numb and said:

“That, Lord Erina!”

“About this matter, I also reported to you last time.”

“It’s about the delicious recipe passed down by my ancestors. Even you shouldn’t make a move to force me to answer.”


Glancing at Sota Hisako, Erina gave Hisako a hinting look,

The next second, Hisako took out a check and put it in front of Sota Shimura.

“Lord Erina, what do you mean?”

Seeing Sota Shimura’s somewhat surprised eyes, Hisako said:

“We have learned through investigation that you, Chef Shimura Sota, seem to have had a lot of loans recently.”

“You must be in great need of money, right?”

“This is a check for 10 million yen, you can choose to accept it,”

“Then, tell us the secret to improving the taste of cooking.”

“This is a deal, Chef Shimurazo, do you want to seriously consider it?”


Seeing this cheque, Shimura Sota swallowed his throat suddenly.

10 million yen?

If I take this check, doesn’t this mean that I can pay off all the money I owe to buy the Yongling knife?

I’m really excited,

But in the next second, Shimura Sota hurriedly shook his head, and then threw away his heart.

10 million yen, to buy a news, is indeed very attractive.

However, the “Eternal Soul Sword” is his biggest secret.

If only you own the Yongling knife, how many 10 million won’t be earned back?

In just a few days, the turnover of my store has increased three or four times.

You must persevere and not be moved by these little temptations in front of you.

Thinking of this, Sota Shimura raised his head and looked at Erina:

“Lord Erina!”

“The reason why our restaurant’s dishes become delicious is because I used a secret recipe from my ancestors.”

“I swore in front of my ancestors that I would never leak this secret recipe out.”

“So, Lord Erina, please stop forcing me.”


An ancestral secret recipe?

Mrs. Shimuraso didn’t know about it at all, and Erina’s investigation had long been clear about his family’s situation.

His grandfather was a factory worker,

His father studied cooking in Germany more than ten years ago.

Is there really any ancestral secret recipe that will be used until now?

It seems that this guy really does not intend to tell the secret,

But it doesn’t matter, I have other ways to pry open this guy’s mouth.

Thinking of this, Erina raised her head and looked at Sota Shimura seriously:

“Chef Shi Cun, whether there is any specific ancestral recipe, only you know it best!”

“My people have learned through investigation that Chef Shi Cun seems to have bought something at a high price recently, and then, the taste of your restaurant’s cuisine has undergone a very obvious transformation!”

“Chef Shicun can indeed choose to hide it, but on my side, I will never give up the investigation.”

“Our Nakiri family has a lot of influence in the Japanese cuisine industry. I believe that Chef Shimura himself knows very well.”

“I can definitely find out, it’s just more or less time spent.”

“The reason why I called Chef Shi Cun to talk face-to-face is because if it wasn’t to that extent, I wouldn’t be willing to spend a lot of time.”

“If you choose to take the initiative to tell me, you can take this check with you, and at the same time, Chef Shimura can also gain the friendship of our Nakiri family.”

“But if I found out this secret myself, then Chef Shi Cun really won’t get anything.”*

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