The Creation of the Eternal Sword at the Start, Which Shocked Erina Eyes

Chapter 28

28 Yongling Knife Father, Please Show Your Spirit

“Big… Big River…”

“I…what are we going to do now!”

“Erina… Lord Erina gave us disqualification…”

“Our eternal sword… our eternal sword has no effect at all!”

Seeing that Erina was going to kick him out of the exam room,

Ah Saka is really panicking now.

Of course, Dachuan and the others also panicked,

Erina didn’t even eat, she gave them unqualified, how could there be such a fucking thing?

No, you can’t just leave like this!

The Yongling knife bought for 50 million is very ruthless,

It was Erina-sama who didn’t see the mystery of their cooking at all!

Thinking of this, Dachuan tried his best to calm his mind, and then said:

“Everyone, don’t panic!”

“In my opinion, there is still a turning point in this matter.”

“Sir Erina gave us an unsatisfactory rating just because the color of the dishes was not very good!”

“However, do our cooking depend on beauty?”

“Obviously, no!”

“The few of us, but we all rely on strength to eat!”

Hearing what Da Chuan said, several of his friends instantly cast inquiring eyes:

“Da Chuan, what does that mean?”

“Just say it directly, what are we going to do now!”

Dachuan took a deep breath and lowered his voice:

“Simply put, our cuisine is all about taste.”

“As long as she finds a way to let Lord Erina take a bite, she will know how good our cooking is.”

As soon as Okawa’s words were finished, Ah Saka opened his mouth and said:

“Da Chuan, I understand what you’re saying!”

“But, the problem now is, Erina-sama, you’re not interested in eating our food.”

“We can’t, force her to taste it!”

“I don’t want to be thrown into the sea the next day…”

Dachuan thought about it seriously, and then said:

“I have a solution for this!”

“Just watch me perform.”

After saying this, Okawa stood up and walked straight towards Erina.

Feeling a shadow flickering in front of her, Erina raised her head subconsciously:

“Why haven’t you left here yet?”

Looking at Erina, Okawa said respectfully:

“Lord Erina!”

“I want to ask you to give me another chance!”

“I think you should taste my cooking first, and then judge whether our grades pass!”

“I didn’t even eat, I… I really can’t agree with this result!”

Erina looked at Dachuan with no emotion in her voice:

“I think I made it very clear just now!”

“A chef who is not even skilled in cooking techniques will only smear my eyes!”


“Do you still want this clumsy cooking to sully my noble tongue?”

Although some were frightened by Erina’s aura,

But Dachuan still mustered up his courage and said:

“Sir Erina, you actually don’t know something!”

“We deliberately made the color of the dishes look that way.”

“This is because, in our cooking, there are secret weapons!”

“Secret weapon?”

Erina was stunned for a moment when she heard this,

The next second, she subconsciously asked:

“What does this mean?”

Okawa quickly replied:

“What is the secret weapon, please take a bite and you’ll know!”

“Sir Erina, we can swear to God that the taste of our dishes will never be as bad as you think!”


Erina raised her eyebrows, her indifferent eyes swept across several people,

What the hell is going on with these guys?

Could it be that their cooking really has a secret?

No, it shouldn’t be possible!

These dishes are only cooked by third-rate chefs, both in terms of fragrance and cookedness.

Secret weapon, how could this kind of thing exist in their cuisine?


“Since you all said so!”

“I’ll give you a chance!”

“However, if the taste of your dishes fails to satisfy me, you are aware of the consequences.”

“No one dares to fool me with cooking, I hope you won’t be the first!”

After saying these words, Erina picked up the cutlery,

Seeing that she was about to open her mouth to taste,

Dachuan and the others suddenly became nervous again.

please please!

Yongling knife father, you must play an effect!

The lives and future of our younger brothers are all placed on your father.

Everyone was praying desperately in their hearts.

Under their nervous gaze, Erina finally started.


Along with the food entrance,

Erina closed her eyes gently, then tasted it carefully.

This level of cuisine, no matter how you look at it, it should not taste good. . . .

But the next second, when the amazing deliciousness touched the tip of her tongue,

The expression on Erina’s face instantly froze.

what happened?

This taste!

what is the problem?

Not only is it not as clumsy as she imagined, it even brought a great impact to her god tongue.

As if a slight current was passing through the tip of the tongue,

Erina only felt that her whole body was about to tremble.

Mellow, delicious and unparalleled!

The taste of this dish is definitely the best of the best.

Although it is not delicious enough to make people feel uneasy,

But a chef with this kind of ability can become a leader in the whole grade even in Tōtsuki Academy.

But why did such an outrageous thing happen?

Obviously these people’s cooking methods are so clumsy,

How can these dishes taste so amazing?

and many more!

Not right!

Erina, after a brief absence,

She suddenly and sensitively caught a trace of something wrong.

With the tongue of God, she can catch the very subtle changes in the taste of food.

The taste of this dish gave her a very strange feeling.


The layering is completely different!

Although the taste of the food was surprisingly good, I didn’t feel the slightest bit from it. This was due to the creativity of the chef.

Simply put, with such an amazing deliciousness, there is no amazing creativity in this dish that rivals this taste!

what on earth is it? *

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