The Creation of the Eternal Sword at the Start, Which Shocked Erina Eyes

Chapter 306

306 Has A New Understanding Of The Eternal Sword

When you realize your thoughts have changed.

On the beautiful faces of Erina and Hisako.

There was a sense of embarrassment uncontrollably.

at this time.

Inui Hinako walked over with a smile.

“There’s another customer ordering.”

“Miss Erina, the dish you made just now is very satisfying to the guests.”

“Keep going, and soon you’ll appreciate the first thing. 35

“Seeing the satisfied smiling faces of diners is a really good sense of accomplishment. 99

“By the way, Hisako, you can try it too.””

“But don’t forget to use the eternal sword. 99

This is a reminder.

Erina didn’t hesitate anymore.

Immediately use the Yongling knife and start cooking.

She has also developed a habit.

After the waiter brought out the dishes he cooked.

Erina observes every guest.

And the diners who dine in the ‘Mist Restaurant’.

When eating, they were very happy.

Even some people in 09, after tasting the food.

Excitedly dancing.

The ambience of the whole restaurant is outrageous.

And these guests are leaving.

There were smiles on their cheeks.

With a very satisfied smile, it seems that you can eat such delicious food.

It’s something to be happy about for a long time.

Really… so happy?

This made Erina’s heart swell with mixed emotions.

Even at Tōtsuki Resort.

Chef Dojima Gin cannot guarantee the satisfaction of all guests.

But such a small restaurant did it.

Erina is very clear.

The customers who come and go of ‘Mist Restaurant’ are the reason why they love this restaurant so much.

Among them, perhaps Gan Xuejie’s cooking skills can be welcomed by some diners.

After all, it used to be the second seat of the Tōtsuki Elite Ten.

And as an outstanding graduate of Tōtsuki Academy, Gan-senpai is also very powerful.

But… Erina also learned something from the staff of the ‘Fog Restaurant’.

That is, when Inui Hinako hadn’t used the Yongling sword in the ‘Mist Restaurant’.

The restaurant’s customers are not as many as half of the diners they are now.

And at that time, there was a stage.

‘The Fog Restaurant almost couldn’t even sustain it.

It’s amazing.

When their chef started to use Yongling knife to cook food for the guests.

Almost every time you come to the restaurant to taste the dishes.

They have all become loyal fans of ‘Fog Restaurant’.

So there are a lot of diners, totally familiar faces.

Although the menu of ‘Fog Restaurant’ is not much.

Traditionally, each guest will have their own favorite dish.

But here, even if the menu changes every day.

It’s just a surprise for diners at any time.

Not stepping on thunder at all.

So, use the ingredients processed by the Yongling knife and then use it to cook food.

Can satisfy any guest.

Erina never thought of it.

The eternal spirit knife can actually play such a powerful role.

So, was it really too arrogant before?

After the first quarrel with Chen Fei.

Erina used to be sure that she would not regret it.

Whether it’s Yong Ling Dao or Chen Fei.

Neither could have any influence on her thoughts.

And Erina still believes.

One day, all the students of Tōtsuki Academy, and those who are extremely fond of the Eternal Spirit Sword, will one day regret it.

They will find that using the eternal sword is the worst choice they have made.

But didn’t wait for these people to regret it.

Now Erina doesn’t regret it.

She even felt a bit of bitterness in her heart, which spread out inadvertently.

At this moment, Erina has only one thought.

At that time, I knew that the Yongling knife had such a magical effect.

Why do you have to fight so hard with Chen Fei because you want that little face, and then the relationship is so bad?

To know.

At the beginning, it was Erina who first discovered Chen Fei in the Swordsmith Street, and how amazing the Yongling knife he forged was.

If you have made friends with Chen Fei from the beginning.

and closely related.

Perhaps, Erina will become the first person to possess the Eternal Sword at Tōtsuki Academy.

Think of this possibility.

Erina can’t wait to go back in time to the day she first met Chen Fei.

if that’s the case.

From the first time I met Chen Fei.

Erina will be the same as Alice.

Become friends or good partners with Chen Fei.

Don’t say ‘epic-level eternal sword’.

Even if it is a high-quality Yongling sword, as long as Chen Fei is willing to give her one, it will do.

For the first time, Erina envied Alice so much.

“No, Alice probably didn’t start out because Chen Fei didn’t deal with me. 99

“And then you made up with him on purpose?”

“Hmph, Alice, I didn’t expect such good luck this time.

He holds the Eternal Spirit Sword in his hand.

Throughout the day, Erina was busy as an intern.

857 kept thinking about Chen Fei and Yong Ling Dao.

And she also fully felt how terrifying the guests of the ‘Mist Restaurant’ were.

Even if it’s not meal time.

There are also many diners who come here, and after ordering their favorite dishes, they leave happily after eating.

So, this whole day.

Erina barely had time to spare.

This also led to her thorough use of the Yongling Sword and the Garuda Sword that Inui Hinako got from Chen Fei.

Every time she used it, Erina became more aware of the power of the Eternal Spirit Sword and the Garuda Sword.

No wonder even Senior Sister Gan said it.

The business in the store can be so good.

It is entirely because of the existence of the Yongling sword and the Garuda sword.

Now, Erina can feel it.

A blink of an eye.

It was dark outside.

The bustle and hustle and bustle of the store gradually faded away.

It’s time for get off work.

“Ah, finally got off work.

“Today is another busy day.

“Ms. Erina and Miss Hisako were really helpful.”

“Yeah, and Xiaohui. I didn’t expect that as interns, they all have the talent that is not inferior to the chef.”

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