The Distinguished Cute Master

Chapter 1254

Chapter 1257: Tian Yan Fan, 112

“No, I’m not interested.” Li Tian refused bluntly. He didn’t forget that Su Wei had “kidnapped” him before. Although it was mainly because of Gu Yan, Su Wei was still a certain threat. .

“It’s not good to refuse so quickly.” Su Wei smiled decisively. “Don’t you want to see the astronomical meteorite that caused the end of the world?”

Li Tian’s eyes brightened instantly!

He knew that there were meteorites in the base. At the beginning of the last days, the base spent a lot of manpower and material resources. At any cost, it brought back some meteorites and placed them in the Super Research Center. The average person can’t see them at all, but can Su Wei take him to see them?

“Let’s go.” Su Wei smiled and walked in front. “People who are not afraid of corpses, are they worried about what I will do to you?”

Li Tian thinks about it too, this base, besides Gu Yan, he really has nothing to fear … Well, those men who bend away are still terrible!

An hour later, Li Tian, ​​who passed through layers of levels and wore special protective clothing, finally reached the top floor of the Super Research Center with Su Wei.

This is the first time he came to the landmark building in the center of the institute. Only the highest level researchers can enter this place, and the entrance is very strict.

“What about meteorites?” Li Tian asked behind Su Wei.

Su Weigang completed the handover with a staff member, then turned his head and said to him, “Don’t worry, you will see it soon.”

As the son of the General Hospital, although Su Wei is mainly responsible for the hospital, he still has certain privileges in the research institute, such as close contact with meteorite.

Li Tian waited patiently, and finally, after Su Wei completed the formalities, under the leadership of two staff members, he went to the exclusive elevator only on the top floor and continued to walk up.

Through the elevator glass, he can see that he has come to the tip of the minaret building. The entire tip is like a long lightning rod straight to the sky, you can see the world is at your feet, and when you reach the sky, you can also see To a barren city, that was their former home …

The elevator continued to rise, and finally reached the top. The topmost building surface was only tens of square meters, covered by precision instruments, and it was indented in a ring shape.

In the place where its inner ring is sunken, through the glass, you can see a round irregular meteorite rotating, which is wrapped in a light blue light, and it is deposited there like a gem, without any threat.

“Is this … meteorites?”

Li Tian grabbed the fence and looked down. Because of the relatively high terrain, standing at his angle, he could clearly see the whole picture of the meteorite. It looked dark blue, but there seemed to be a fire burning inside.

It is alive …

Su Wei didn’t know that this was the first time he saw this thing. When he didn’t smile, the thin lines in the corners of his eyes became more obvious, making him look very serious.

“How? I didn’t lie to you?”

When he said this, he smiled again and looked at Li Tian’s eyes, kind of like looking at a little sheep.

“Is it beautiful?”

It’s hard to imagine that something as beautiful as a gem created an ugly end time.

Li Tian didn’t speak. He kept staring at the meteorite. He thought it was the virus carried on the meteorite that caused the zombies. Later, he realized that those poisons can also be said to be not poisons. People are alive. It is the person who is “dead” and the body has automatically evolved the ability to separate energy and matter.

But this is also a permanent cure. It deposits toxins like zombies and purifies energy, just like a broken machine. If everyone can become the same as Gu Yan, no matter whether it is energy or highly toxic, he can As energy is absorbed, but that is impossible.

Su Wei went on to say, “You must have understood the zombie virus after you entered the institute, because the energy accumulation in the nucleus is different, and the cadaver poison contained in each zombie is also different, you say Can such things be cracked in the traditional way? ”

Li Tian couldn’t help but looked up at him. This was a problem he had only thought about yesterday. He didn’t expect it to be brought up today.

He asked in a low voice, “Do you have a better way?”

Su Wei listened, flashing in her eyes.

“You misunderstood. I am just a doctor. Although I have a job in the research institute, it is still mainly in the hospital. Well … I have come here, or I will take you down and take a closer look at the meteorite? ”

“May I?”

Li Tian is a little excited, if you can get closer, you can get more data!Of course it is not him who needs the data, but the supercomputer in his body.

“Of course.” Su Wei said, leading Li Tian down the circular stairs in the middle.

The two staff members did not keep up, and Li Tian did not pay attention. After he stepped down the stairs, the meteorite was very close to him, and the pale blue light enveloped his face even more. Mysterious and dangerous.

The super computer in Li Tian ’s body is working hard, but Su Wei does n’t know that when Li Tian wanted to get close, he smiled and said his true purpose.

“In fact, if you wear protective clothing, the material radiated by the meteorite can’t hurt the body. Do you want to go in and see?”

Li Tian froze for a while, Su Wei continued, “You can think about it, but there is one thing you need to know, not everyone can observe the meteorites up close. If you miss this opportunity, it will be difficult if you want to come next time.”

He said that Li Tian was very moved. Just when he wanted to agree, a cold voice came.


Li Tian raised his head violently, and saw the railing above the head. Gu Yanzheng stood there with a sullen face.

After he taunted, he even jumped over the fence and jumped down. At a height of more than six meters, he jumped down with nothing, and saw Su Wei’s eyelids.

Gu Yan stared at Su Wei with poor eyesight, and then walked straight to Li Tian’s side, wrapping his shoulders and raising his chin.

“If he wants to see it, I can bring him at any time, without you being a good person!”

Su Wei froze for a moment and smiled softly, “Even if you are the dean of the Second Research Institute, this place is not where you want to come.”

Even if his father is the General Hospital, it is quite difficult to see the meteorite, let alone Gu Yan?

Who knows Gu Yan laughed disdainfully, and then pulled out a sealed document.

“I have agreed to study meteorites above, because I made a more grounded proposal than you. I can take me back to let me hold him to sleep. Do you have any opinions?”

“What ?!” Su Wei’s expression finally changed. Why did he agree with this kind of thing?This is impossible!

But Gu Yan wouldn’t explain it to the annoying people, he turned his head and gave Li Tian a brainstorm!

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