The Distinguished Cute Master

Chapter 1282

Chapter 1285: Tian Yanfan, one hundred and forty

As for the moment of the explosion, he tried his best to drain the venom in the sky before he could spare the meteorite radiation.

Precisely because he was pumping clean, the rain that had not stopped after the explosion was non-toxic, and the personnel at the base really escaped.

However, this process was extremely dangerous. He was also betting, and he simply bet on winning, and then in order to get the “hero’s reward”, he hid and healed while “collaborating” with the super computer, finally forced a fool to say Tell your heart.

After that, the supercomputer once asked Gu Yan if he had already planned everything when he went to Su Wei.

Gu Yan laughed and said nothing.

In fact, it was much earlier than that, and after knowing what experiments Su Wei was going to conduct, he knew what to do.

It is actually very simple to kill Su Wei, but it is very troublesome to uproot the forces behind him, he will not read mind art, and he will not see who is good and who is bad, and there is no effort to try.

The best solution is to let them all jump out, and then end up in a pot, so that you are not afraid of someone stabbing in the back.

The previous contest with Su Wei was only disguised. After all, if he really wanted to kill someone, how could he kill it wrong?That is, Su Wei also naively thought that they were evenly matched villains.

Before pushing this plan, Gu Yan thought about all the possible outcomes and even thought he would die, but he finally decided to gamble.

How dare you fool you if you dare not to die?He calculated his success rate, including that Su Wei would start his experiment, and he expected it, so before that, he used a small meteorite to exercise outside the base once and determined that when everything went to the worst, he The probability of survival.

In the end, the small meteorite was completely absorbed by him, and he also predicted that he would have a tenth of the survival rate.

What else do you want to use to kill your sweetheart’s sincerity?That must be done!

And you can easily uproot the troubled people, save the end time by the way, complete the experience, how to think and how cost-effective!

If he accidentally died … this is not within his imagination.

Since he had to do it, he never thought he would lose. This is the case on the battlefield, and so is the hearts of the people.

As long as he wants to get what he wants, by all means, he must get it!Even if the other party is the one he likes, he still calculates correctly. Who calls him the world’s largest bad guy?

Not only is he bad, but he has successfully led the world’s largest good guy, which is definitely the most proud thing in his bad guy career!

In the end, Li Tian ’s experiment was successful. Special medicines that can make people slowly accustomed to the energy of meteorites in the air and allow people to evolve slowly came out. Survivors of the world ushered in the dawn of hope!

Gu Yan was not idle, he finally developed a medicine, with a one-third probability that the zombies would recover their brain power and turn back into human beings. Of course, only if the limbs are intact and the zombies with low corruption have this opportunity.

The advent of the two medicaments caused a sensation all over the world.

After that, everything became logical. Li Tian and Gu Yan became great heroes, and those who could save were saved.

Then the people at each base acted together and began a large-scale cleaning plan, which took three years and finally turned the end of the story completely, and humanity has ushered in a new era.


One day, Li Tian was studying the medicine to make food grow faster. As a result, he felt a movement, and when he looked up at the window, he saw that the sky had dropped its light.

Gu Yan kicked the door of the laboratory with one kick, and excitedly responded to Li Tiandao, “Go away, go home!”

Li Tian hastily downloaded all the things he knows that are useful to this world through the supercomputer to the new computer host at the base.

Then they left with Gu Yan. When they left, they didn’t disturb many people. They just called Li Mu over.

Knowing that Li Tian is a fairy, Li Mu and they soon accepted this fact. As for Gu Yan, it is also a fairy … Well, there are so many fairy, naturally everyone has it.

They wiped tears to send Li Tian to leave. Among them, the little boy was the most reluctant. He reached out to Gu Yan and asked Gu Yan to kiss him again.

Although Gu Yan was reluctant, but this time, without waiting for Li Tian to speak, he kissed the little boy twice, and the little boy suddenly smiled and waved at them.

Li Mu hugged the little cub and said, “Li Tian, ​​rest assured, I will take care of both children.”

Yun Qi is also the same. Gu Yan’s medicine made him a normal human again, and now his dead father can look away.

Li Tian nodded, he thought he would not be sentimental, but at the last moment, he still felt very sad.

“They asked you, and you have to live well and live happily.”

“We will.”

Li Mu and all others are longing and looking forward to a new life. Among them, Yun Qi took a step forward, crying and holding Li Tian ’s hand and choked, “You have to live well in another place, I will miss you of.”

He was so cute and so pitiful, Li Tian bowed his head and kissed him on the cheek, whispering, “I will miss you too.”

In the end, Li Tian still left, but Gu Yan was a little angry when he left.

“You didn’t take the initiative to kiss me!”

Li Tianheng gave him a glance, did the child eat vinegar?

Because Gu Yan deliberately deceived people, for the next three years, although Li Tian was with him, he did not let him succeed, nor did he take the initiative to give him any sweetness, which made Gu Yan very suffocated.

When Li Tian didn’t speak, Gu Yan emphasized, “You said it before, and when you go back, you will be officially with me. If you dare to lie to me, I will make you a poisonous person!”

Li Tianwen Yan stared at him angrily, and in the gorgeous light, he was a little helpless.

“I’m just a little unaccustomed. We are all men … otherwise, after you go back, change your body?”

“Li Tian !!” Bai Guangzhong heard Gu Yan’s angry voice!”Do you want to die? It’s me who fulfills you!”

Li Tian said weakly, “… don’t you like to be a woman?”


Just as Gu Yan jumped like thunder and their figure disappeared completely, Li Tian suddenly came together and kissed gently on Gu Yan’s cheek.

“… I’m afraid of you, I’m a woman, can I?”

Gu Yan, “…” Gu Yan touched his face, and his heart was immediately complete, this idiot finally took the initiative to kiss me!

The white light disappeared, and they went to where they should go, and their cultivation and emotions were completed.

All in all … things in the world are probably so unexpected?Li Tian never thought about it, he would like someone one day, like to be willing to let go of principles and perseverance, and be as happy as he is.

Gu Yan did not expect that he could really transform an elm head.

Perhaps only sincerity and hard work are the biggest variables in the world, and sincerity and hard work often bring good results.

——Tian Yanfan, the end.

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