The Distinguished Cute Master

Chapter 34

Chapter 34: Stupid Apprentice

Yuan Yuan touched his chin and said, “And her last move seems to be kneeling to me. It seems that she came to me for a special trip … But I am an outsider, what does she come to find me? Strange … too weird!”

Ye Shenyuan pursed her lips, and he noticed that the woman had burnt out teleport symbols, which just appeared in their room, apparently premeditated.

She may want to call for help, but it may also be a trap bait!In accordance with the principle that one more thing is worse than one less, Ye Shenyuan does not want to participate in this matter.

Li Lao Wen Yan also said, “Okay, don’t think about it! No matter what the woman suddenly breaks in and wants to do, it’s someone else’s family, let’s stop interfering?”

Ye Shenyuan also nodded his head. He didn’t want the master to take risks for irrelevant people, especially the Zhou family also had Yuanying Venerable.

However, as soon as he nodded, he jumped up and knocked his head!

In the beginning of Yuan Yuan bulging his face, super unhappy!

“How can you do this?”

She justified her words and looked at Ye Shenyuan with both justice and accusation. “We monks should be hoeing to help the weak, instead of just watching the incident! You might be able to save others by raising your hand. All your life? Then you have to sit still and ignore it! ”

And as a trick-or-treat who likes to talk a lot of things and watch the bustle, it is really unforgivable to stop her from discovering this kind of obvious weirdness!

Li Lao and Ye Shenyuan were shocked!They didn’t expect that at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, they had such high consciousness!

Moreover, her words, like the famous arousal of the world, deeply shocked Ye Shenyuan. Ye Shenyuan was a little guilty. Compared with her, his state of mind still needs to be improved.

So Shen Shenyuan, who was brainwashed successfully, said firmly, “Master, you are right, except Demon Guardian Dao, this is the duty of our immortals. Since we have encountered it, we should investigate this matter.”

At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, he smiled, “This is a good apprentice for teachers!”

Li Lao looked at the harmony between his master and apprentice and couldn’t help but rolled his eyes!He understood it clearly. At the beginning of the Yuan, he clearly didn’t have enough play, so he sniffed a little conspiracy and didn’t leave.

…… This one is troublesome, and one is blind, and life can hardly be passed!

In the backyard, the Zhou family really prepared the wine and dishes, just waiting for the Yuan Dynasty to practice.

Zhou Daofu poured a cup of spirit tea to Yuanchu himself, and sighed.

“If it weren’t for the little friends to leave in a hurry, the old man really wanted to keep the little friends for a few more days. We have thousands of rivers and rivers. Otherwise, the scenery is good.”

At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, he said with a smile, “I want to stay too! But our head does not allow me to stay outside for too long. He always said that I was still young and ignorant, and the world outside was too dangerous!”

Zhou Daofu heard the words, looked at the excessively immature face of Yuan Dynasty, his heart moved, and said unclearly.

“It’s dangerous.”

He sent the tea to the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, “This is tea brewed with the stamens of the acacia tree, plus Vientiane water, which nourishes the heart, you try it.”

At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, he raised his eyebrows slightly, “The stamen can still make tea? Then I must try it!”

She was holding a tea cup, and there seemed to be other flavors in the fragrance of the flower. Ye Shenyuan raised her eyebrows slightly, distinguishing it as if it was … incense flower?

Li Lao also reacted, and quickly whispered to her, “Don’t drink! This cup of tea adds incense flowers, so that the original meditative spirit tea becomes agitated, and drinking it will produce hallucinations! Unstable mood. For people, there is a danger of getting caught! ”

But at the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, he didn’t seem to hear it. He still approached the cup of tea. Ye Shenyuan was anxious. He reached out and tried to stop it, but Yuan Yuan stepped on his hand.

“Don’t worry, you are just refining Qi for cultivation, so drinking high-level spirit tea will have a counter-productive effect. When you become stronger in the future, come to Zhou Family to try it.”

Zhou Daofu didn’t notice the change between the two, and said with a smile, “Indeed, the general practice is really unbearable, and the apostle should not try it.”

At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, she could not deny that she pressed Ye Shenyuan, wrote in his hand, and sipped out the contents of the cup. Ye Shenyuan’s eyes widened, and she didn’t understand why Yuanyuan did this, did she not drink it?What blinding method was used?

Seeing the drink at the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, I felt that the pink aura had indeed penetrated into Yuan’s abdomen, and Zhou Daofu smiled with a beard.

Sure enough, two red blushes quickly appeared on her face after drinking at the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, as if drinking alcohol, and some illusions appeared in front of her.

“Little friend, Yuan Daoyou?”

Zhou Daofu’s smiling voice seemed to ring in the sky, and then he heard him in early Yuan.

“Tired, just sleep, ha ha ha ha ha …”

When I woke up again at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I found her in a dungeon, which was in line with her expectations, but what made her angry was that she originally let Ye Shenyuan go into Dzizhu for the first time, and then wait for her to go Pick him up, but he didn’t, he was locked in with her!

“Master, are you awake ?!” Ye Shenyuan’s surprised voice came, Yuan Yuan looked at his apparently injured appearance, and he was heartbroken to death!

“Why are you disobedient? Didn’t I ask you to wait for me in Dzizhu? Why did you follow me?”

Ye Shenyuan lowered his head to be trained, and whispered a moment later, “I don’t want to go to Tianzhu.”


Ye Shenyuan thought without hesitation, “I don’t worry about you being alone.”

What he said was so serious that he could obviously hide to watch the drama, because he was worried about her and would rather follow him if he was injured.

Yuan Yuan looked at his extremely focused eyes and the slightly upturned corner of his mouth, and suddenly felt sad.His concern was so pure that all the blame at the beginning of Yuan could not be said!


She suddenly hugged him with her short hands, and hugged hard, tightly!

“I am your master! You need to worry too!”

Although she had a fierce tone, she felt more guilty in her heart. She used to take risks and always acted wantonly and thought out, but now, it seems that she can’t do that, because a little fool will follow her in danger.

He clearly knew that she wouldn’t make fun of herself, but she couldn’t let go of her. Isn’t her seven-year-old appearance so reassuring?

Ye Shenyuan was hugged at the beginning of Yuan Dynasty and could not help but froze for a moment. In the next second, Yuanyuan passed through the endless source of spiritual power. He was shocked and quickly said, “Master!”

At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, he looked up and saw his beautiful eyes staring at himself nervously, “Master, there is no trace of aura in this place. Don’t give me the aura, protect yourself!”

At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, he gave him a hard look, “Fool!”

This is too silly!Where is the black and smart bastard in my life?Just worry about her?Didn’t he know that he also suffered a serious internal injury?

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