The Dormant Vampire Queen Awakens

Chapter 38: Set a Small Goal to Live 5,000 years.

Chapter 38

[ZK, how should I put it? The industries they have ventured into are quite numerous, including tourism, food and beverage, and transportation. The capital power of our country is far more formidable than you can imagine.]

[I don't know, but a friend of mine works at ZK, and his year-end bonus has seven figures. He's just a planner in ZK's gaming division.]

[ZK's games are really awesome. Several of them rake in billions per day. It's impossible to estimate their worth. What's up? Do you want to buy out ZK?]

[Want to buy the ZK Group? Set a small goal, like living for five thousand years, and you might be able to do it. Hahaha.]


Shang Yu stroked her chin. This was her initial idea.

She had slept for a thousand years, and the world had undergone a complete transformation.

In the past, it was ruled by emperors, but now it had changed to this.

Everyone was freely earning money.

She did some research and found that ZK had only existed for over three hundred years, developing from the era of overseas trade, which led to their current state.

Moreover, their family conglomerate was very united, each responsible for their own domain without interfering with others, allowing for their smooth development.

Of course, they had a parent company, led by Pei Liechuan.

He was the president of the ZK Group.

It didn't seem easy to buy him out.

Based on her current earning skills...

It would take three thousand years to earn enough to buy him out, by which time he would have turned to dust.

The taxi was driving on the road.

Shang Yu had now been beaten by society. She now understood that without the status of a queen and her subordinates, she had to live in this world as an individual and follow its rules.

Without her brothers and sisters by her side, she had to create her own empire.

"We're here," the taxi stopped, and Shang Yu scanned to pay.

Previously, she had just been nurturing her body and had never thought about money.

So her living expenses came from scholarships...

Now that she had graduated and chosen this school, she had no more scholarships or anything...

She walked towards the main entrance, and the security guard respectfully opened the door for her.

"Miss, you're back."


Shang Yu entered the front courtyard, where several people were planting flowers on the lawn, with a considerable area already planted.

She entered the living room, which was empty, so she took a side path to her own detached villa.

She went straight upstairs, opened her computer, and started searching for ways to make money.

She had some thoughts about capturing those wanted criminals, so she needed to find their whereabouts.

She summoned Yu Yuan and said, "Yu Yuan, I have an arduous task for you."

Yu Yuan had a feeling it wouldn't be anything easy.

It gulped and said, "You say..."

Hopefully, it wasn't anything strange, like asking it to pluck its own fur while pretending to be a cute, suffering creature to amuse her.

"Help me find these people," Shang Yu placed it in front of the screen. "Here are several dozen wanted criminals, all fugitives from this city. Find them for me, and I'll capture them and exchange them for money."

"Then I'll buy you whatever you want to eat."

Yu Yuan raised its paw. "I also want to buy a phone."

"No problem."


Yu Yuan was full of fighting spirit. It looked at the appearances of these people, and after Shang Yu played videos for it to hear their voices, it said, "Now you know how awesome I am!!"

"I'll go find them right now!"

It extended its paw into the network interface, where it could hear many voices.

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