The Dormant Vampire Queen Awakens

Chapter 39: It’s Hard to Make Money

Chapter 39

For example, if those people had made phone calls or taken photos, they would all be stored in the big data.

It uses the photos in its memory to compare and calculate, which allows it to find those people.

It closed its eyes and read the existing data.

Shang Yu watched its appearance and wondered if installing a robotic arm and a chip would allow it to store more online data.

In other words, without needing to plug in, it could directly say what it knew.

"Found it!!"

Yu Yuan opened its eyes, revealing the address.

It transmitted the information it had retrieved to Sir Shang.

An address and images appeared in Shang Yu's mind, transmitted by it.

"No wonder the Security Bureau couldn't find them."

This group was hiding in a hole in the garbage dump, eating things scavenged from the dump.

Shang Yu stood up: "We'll go and catch them now!"

She suddenly stopped, unsure whether to send the captured people to the police station or let them turn themselves in.

Then how would they pay her—

Never mind, Shang Yu headed out.

First, catch them, then decide. She needed money now; next time, she would slam the cash in Pei Liechuan's face. Ha!

She went downstairs; no one else was home, but there were several cars in the underground garage.

She chose a bicycle, covered in dust from who knows when.

She grabbed a towel hanging by the garage door and wiped it clean before setting off.

"Am I being too law-abiding?"

She could drive a car, just didn't have a license.

"It's better to drive with a license. Even though you can't die, you're still responsible for others' lives. They're not invincible like you."

Yu Yuan nodded: "Besides, it's not far. We can exercise."

Shang Yu thought it made sense and rode the bicycle out.

The butler was sitting in the garden and saw a gust of wind that made someone seemingly disappear.

He looked towards the entrance and thought he saw someone riding a bicycle.

Hmm, maybe he was mistaken.

Would the young masters and mistresses of the family really ride bicycles?

Nowadays, young people are getting lazier and lazier.

Ah, back in his day...

The bicycle he had bought for the garage was also covered in dust. He was too old for that now.


Shang Yu rode quickly, leaving the Shang residence behind as she pedaled towards the seaside garbage dump.

This area wasn't densely populated, except for garbage trucks, few people came here.

Shang Yu parked her bike by the road. Should she charge right in?

The stench of garbage was overpowering, her sensitive sense of smell becoming a liability.

"Miss, give me some food. I'm starving..."

She saw a man with one broken leg sitting on a tattered skateboard, reaching out to her.

"Miss, my family is in hardship, my old mother is ill, and I'm disabled. Could you spare some money for me to buy food and medicine for my mother?"

Shang Yu stared at his broken leg as he carried mineral water bottles.

"Miss, if you don't have cash, I can take Alipay or WeChat Pay."

He even took out two QR codes.

Yu Yuan observed the man, his clothes filthy but his hair surprisingly clean.

Shang Yu approached and stepped on his broken leg: "Cut the cripple act here!!"

She could see that he had tucked his good leg into his

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