The Dormant Vampire Queen Awakens

Chapter 45: From the ancestors, do not refuse.

Chapter 45

Shang Luo clenched his fists and rushed out.

Shang Wan hurried after him, also feeling angry in her heart. Grandpa was really too biased!!

But she didn't dare to say it outright, after all, Grandpa's status was not something she could question.

Shang Luo walked to the bench in the garden and sat down, too angry to speak.

Shang Wan sat beside him: "Brother, don't be angry."

"Grandpa only feels guilty towards Sister. After all, back then, it was him and Grandma who carelessly allowed Sister to be kidnapped. Now he's just trying to make it up to her."

"She has lived in the countryside for so many years. Grandpa can't bear to see her suffer any grievances, so let's not argue with Grandpa about this."

Upon hearing this, Shang Luo clenched his fists tighter: "Her misery is her own bad luck, what does it have to do with me? Now everyone says I'm bullying her. When she hit me, why did no one speak up for me?"

"When she hit my face until it swelled, why didn't Grandpa say a word to her? But when it comes to me, he scolds me before I've even finished speaking!"

Shang Wan kept nodding: "Brother, don't be hasty. This must not be Grandpa's fault. Who knows what Sister told him that made him react this way? Grandpa would never scold you like that before."

"He wouldn't spare me from scolding! He's always saying I'm idle and useless. You saw how he gave all his precious books to Shang Yu. Once, when I took one of his books, he told me to put it back immediately, saying it was more valuable than my life."

"Who can I tell about my grievances?"

Shang Wan continued nodding: "Yes, Grandpa does really spoil Sister in this aspect. Once, when I took a book, Grandpa's expression turned sour, so I quickly put it back."

Shang Luo stood up: "I don't believe it!! I must work hard, I must surpass Shang Yu! She's just good at the college entrance exam, what else can she do? I'm going to find Big Brother now and learn design too. I will become the backbone of the Shang family in the future!"

"I don't believe Grandpa will still look down on me. Shang Yu won't dare to bully me anymore!!"

After saying that, he clenched his fists and headed towards the house.

"Brother, don't be rash!" Shang Wan looked at his back helplessly.

She leaned her head on the bench: "Is Shang Yu really that awesome?"

Let's see how she acts when she goes to the Beijing Film Academy!

That place is full of beautiful girls and handsome guys. She won't have a foothold there.

Oh, right—

Shang Wan took out her phone and dialed a number: "Elder Brother Li, my sister also wants to learn how to drive. Please register her too. I'll transfer the money to you, and we'll come tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you."

After hanging up, Shang Wan grinned. She didn't believe Shang Yu was that awesome!

Hmph! When the coach scolds her until she cries, she'll know what it means to be beaten down by society!


Shang Yu returned to her room and put down her books. She was about to start reading when her phone buzzed with a notification.

It was money transferred from Gu XiaoMing, a total of 500,000 yuan.

She raised her eyebrows slightly. What was this kid up to?

[I said 20,000 for you.]

He replied instantly: [No need, ancestor. This ancestor cannot accept such fortune.]

[Just take it, it's a gift from your ancestor. You can't refuse. Next time I'll help you make more money.]

[Transfer 20,000 yuan to Gu XiaoMing.]

[Gu XiaoMing: Ancestor, really, there's no need. I just asked around, and those three people were actually involved in child trafficking. You did the right thing. I didn't do anything, and the police won't reveal my personal information. Taking this money would make me feel guilty.]

[Take it or I'll break your legs and make you really disabled!!]

[Gu XiaoMing has received the money]


Shang Yu curved her lips slightly. What a coward.

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