The Dormant Vampire Queen Awakens

Chapter 87: Five Brother, Are you Lost

Chapter 87

After checking through numerous surveillance footage, Shang Yu still couldn't find anyone resembling Fifth Brother's appearance.

She guessed that maybe Fifth Brother had just woken up, unaware of his surroundings, and then jumped into the sea...

After all, that place was quite close to the ocean.

He might have thought he was still on the island, so he intended to swim back to land.

Shang Yu suspected she had figured out the truth, it had to be the case!

Fifth Brother had swum all the way to the neighboring country —

"Country H!"

Shang Yu searched through the surveillance cameras around the forest but couldn't find any clue.

It was impossible for a grown man to just disappear like that —

Unable to put her mind at ease, Shang Yu grabbed the exercising Yu Yuan, jumped straight down from the upper floor, hurried into the garage, and drove off.

"I suspect Fifth Brother got lost!"

Dazed and confused, Yu Yuan tumbled into the passenger seat, shaking its little head: "I understand the reasoning, but... weren't you being a bit too rude? I was still in the middle of my workout!"

"You'll never lose weight, so stop working out," Shang Yu said bluntly. "When I designed you initially, I made you round and plump. No matter what, you can't slim down."

Upon hearing this, Yu Yuan looked at her in horror: "Really?!"


"Why didn't you tell me? I've been working so hard," Yu Yuan slumped in the passenger seat. "Why did you make me a little white dragon in the first place?"

"A little white dragon with wings would be too cute!"

Shang Yu couldn't help but laugh. "You don't look like one. You can only be a dumpling."

"You don't love me anymore. Your love has shifted to Pei Liechuan."

Shang Yu couldn't be bothered with this silly creature anymore. She drove quickly to the forest park and circled around it.

"Oh my goodness," Yu Yuan leaned against the window. "How do you know which way to go? We might get lost."

But Shang Yu remained unperturbed. How could she possibly get lost? Don't be ridiculous.

She glanced at the time. It was now two o'clock in the morning.

She drove around swiftly for several rounds, letting Yu Yuan search outside like a radar detector, but still found nothing.

"Could he really have swum all the way to Country H?"


Shang Yu gave up. Oh well, Fifth Brother couldn't die anyway.

No matter how many hundreds of years it took, they would eventually meet again.

After all, they were all quite long-lived. Their next reunion would be like humans waking up from a sleep.

Shang Yu drove back home. "Let's conserve our strength and focus on... business from tomorrow!"

Yu Yuan pinched its little belly, fuming in the passenger seat: "I want to be a slender little white dragon, not a plump dumpling."

"I'll make your wish come true," Shang Yu wore an evil grin. "I'll flatten you out, then stretch you..."

It stood up and said seriously: "I think being a dumpling is quite nice too. Round and plump, and when I'm bored, I can be a ping-pong ball."

Shang Yu pinched its head. "From the heart."

She looked ahead at the road. It seemed normal that she couldn't find Fifth Brother, since her siblings hadn't found her either.

Regardless of how long the journey ahead was, they would eventually reunite.

The next day.

Shang Yu woke up, changed into light and comfortable clothes, and went out. As soon as she reached downstairs, she ran into Shang Wan again.

"Sister! Want to go to school together?"

"I made a heart-shaped lunchbox today!"


Shang Yu pinched Shang Wan's head, then flung her aside, hurrying into the garage and driving away.

Shang Wan couldn't keep up at all from behind.

"Mean! I couldn't catch up again today!"

Shang Luo, who was studying in the garden, was dumbfounded after witnessing the scene. He looked at Shang Wan: "Well, I could eat the heart-shaped lunchbox

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