The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 1

It starts with the divestiture of the engagement.

Once upon a time I – Carol Ambrose – was the fiancée of the Prince of this country, Rayford El Freakista.

Even when it comes to fiancées, there was no love, especially between them. Me, the Duke’s Lady, and His Royal Highness, Rayford. This engagement was only concluded with the idea of ‘the next royal family with noble blood and noble blood’. Simply put, it’s a political marriage.

But at least I’ve been educated to be queen in the future, and I’ve worked hard to make myself worthy of being the fiancée of a prince. I also practiced dancing, saying that my grades at the school always kept me at the top, and that I should then take manners and courtesy lectures on holiday returns and not embarrass myself at the ball. I did my best. I did my best to tell myself that I would deserve to be a queen at all.

But those days – today, I’ve told you the end.

“Carol! I dissolve my engagement to you today! Don’t show yourself in front of me again!

Yes, with a woman who wasn’t me in front of her, it was exactly her fiancée, Lady Rayford, who told her.

He was not as close as possible to Master Rayford in school because he was only a fiancé and was not married. As a nobleman, this means following the precept: ‘Until the first night, be chaste’. In addition to that, I rarely exchanged words with Lady Rayford at the school because I was desperate to learn how to study, be courteous, etc.

So I don’t even know who the woman Master Rayford is holding right now.

“… Your Highness, that”

“I don’t ask for excuses! I can’t hear an excuse for a jealous crazy woman or anything!

“I don’t know what they’re saying…”

And then think about the place.

This is the Royal Palace, and it’s a night club today. I was also in the process of attending with my father for an invitation to come once as Duke’s Lady and welcoming someone I knew.

I didn’t think you’d suddenly be told to break your engagement like this.

“Shut up! I know all the outrages you’ve done to Mary! I can make my fiancée do that!

“… that I, what?

“Dear Sir, this period has been long overdue…!

Shit, and Mr. Rayford pounded his tongue.

I have no memory of what the hell pissed me off so much. I’ve just heard the name Mary on this occasion, too, and I don’t know who the hell she is. Perhaps from the condition of His Highness, I’m referring to the courtier in his arms.

I don’t recognize him at all.

She’s a very cute girl, unlike me.

Tidy eyes, cherry tiny lips. At any rate, the drooling eyes make you feel adorable and very short. Somehow he has a small animal cuteness.

I say overlapping.

I don’t recognize him at all.

“Mary is closing in on me, and I’m jealously crazy, and I hear a lot of harassment I’ve been to! Especially today, before the night club, when you tried to poke Mary down the stairs!? If I’m not a prince yet, think of that neck as flying!

“… what?

“Look, your engagement with me is dissolved today! Don’t ever show up in front of me and Mary again!

It doesn’t make sense.

What the hell can I say to solve this man’s misunderstanding? You want me to think about my position in a social setting like this, where I’m unilaterally disengaged.


His Royal Highness Rayford kept holding the woman next to him and walked away from me.


“… Carol”

“………………………… Ha. Excuse me, Father. I’ve lost a little bit of myself to the shock.”

It was my father, Gilliam Ambrose, who spoke to me as I stared at His Highness’ back in awe. I am the head of the Duke of Ambrose family.

I asked my father for a partner because the host was His Majesty the King at this evening’s party. I would naturally ask my fiancée, His Royal Highness Rayford, to act as a partner, but if my engagement is broken in front of me like this, there will be no more partners for me.

Even though it was a misunderstanding, I had an engagement relationship with the royal family and it was discarded. It’s not strange to be told by other nobles that it’s a woman in question.

I’ve had an unexpected headache in the dark future.

“What do you mean, Carol?”

“… no, I have no idea”

“You are Miss Mary… perhaps Miss Mary Hopkins of the Baron’s Order… harassed that girl, what do you mean?

“… I have no idea”

“I tried to poke you down the stairs today, what do you mean?

“… how can you poke the person I left down the stairs”

Ha, I’ll tell Father that with all due respect.

Although there is no evidence of harassment, it is definitely not me who was about to be pushed down the stairs today. I came by carriage to the royal palace, and then I took my father’s hand all the way to attend the night club. In the meantime, I haven’t been away for a while.

In that state, you can’t possibly imitate, for example, pushing someone else down the stairs.

“So you’re saying your Highness was mistaken.”

“… you will”

“I can’t say it out loud… does His Highness say things without so much thought?

Ha, and Father has his head.

And deep in that eye was a flame of cold anger.

“I say it’s true that there’s no proof either, I rebuff my fiancée as I assume, and I stick my engagement busted with the other woman in my sentence. Besides, the crowd environment is a place for nightclubs… Carol, unfortunately, give up your engagement to His Highness Rayford already.”

“Nothing, well…”

I didn’t have any particular love for His Highness.

Instead, if the burden of becoming queen is gone, I’m rather glad to hear that.

Nevertheless, as my fiancée, I thought I was going to support His Highness, which makes me silly and sad.

I’m blurring and saying something as my surroundings look at this one.

Well, that must be natural, too. I’ve been engaged since I was a young girl and my Highness’s marriage was a matter of decision awaiting graduation from school. That was abruptly broken, and it would also be the seed of the story.

“… I’d like to say no, even if you ask me to get engaged again”

“I won’t let you imitate such a thick face. Totally… The royal family told me that I had no choice but to organize this relationship. It’s been unilaterally discarded like that, and besides, it rebuffs factually rootless things on such occasions… stupid. I’ve turned the Duke of Ambrose’s house against the enemy, Your Highness.”

“Father, if you say it too loud, it could be a sin of disrespect”

“But… Carol, leave it to me. Let Your Highness take responsibility.”

If that’s what your father told you, you’re relieved now.

It’s not like they’re just throwing away a long-lasting engagement and they don’t feel anything. But being blamed for childlike reason like that stands ahead of sadness.

I didn’t think you were someone who wouldn’t listen to people so much.

“But… Carol, I don’t think I’m gonna be able to talk to you anymore.”

“… I know”

Today on this day I was affixed a lettel called ‘Lady Disengaged by the Royal Family’. You won’t come to talk to me anymore.

By marrying me, you may have an affair with the royal family. That kind of confusion, nobility doesn’t want it.

Totally…… how did this happen?

But this is a good opportunity.



“If you can, fine. I don’t mind if I can’t. Please, do me a favor.”

That’s what I said, I’m far away, I’ll see that one. At the edge of the night club seat, you are at the heart of a group that is gathered and welcomed by men.

Who I’ve admired since I was a child. But I already decided to get engaged to the prince, and I didn’t think I’d get married.

But if this happened, I may also live in true love.

“…… could you please offer my engagement to Master Wilhelm Eiblinger?

All this time, I thought I was just going to keep it in my chest.

I want to accomplish this if I can.

Dear Wilhelm.

Carol will now live in true love.

I exhaled hot when I saw the Knights Commander, who stored a white beard, giving an oligarchy and gentle atmosphere at the end of his gaze.

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