The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 108

[]/(n, vs) mistake/mistake/(P)/

The next day.

In the morning I told Master Wilhelm that today’s lecture took the form of a recess. I thought you were sorry because of my selfishness, but you said with a smile that it would be okay in a day or so, so it seems fine.

Instead, I have been giving six lectures a week so far without taking a day off, except when I was informed of the false news that Master Wilhelm had died. Apparently, the Knights had a voice of concern, too, so you told me you wouldn’t mind if I took a break. Good.

And that’s why I took Natalia back to her first home in a long time – the Duke of Ambrose mansion.

Basically, if you try it on me, which only goes back and forth between the mansion and the garrison, I feel terribly nostalgic. Married and moved to Master Wilhelm’s mansion, even though it hasn’t been that long.

I am no longer a resident of this mansion, but a relative guest. When I rang a proper knocker, Richard came out as soon as I could.

“Welcome…… oh, my lady. Long time no see.”

“Yeah. Long time no see, Richard”

“Your wife has asked me to talk to you. Go ahead.”

Richard will prompt you to enter the mansion.

Again, it hasn’t been that long yet, and the interior hasn’t changed at all. Well, if this has changed a lot, I doubt the opposite.

It’s a mansion I know on my own, but I’ll walk behind Richard.

What lies ahead is – your mother’s room.

“Ma’am, excuse me.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Carol, the lady is here.”

“Yeah. Come on in.”

“Mother, excuse me.”

Oh, and Richard retreats, and I open the door.

“Excuse me,” he says as well, and Richard walks into the room. Basically, when a customer arrives, there must always be one or someone on it.

With my visit, my mother, who was sitting on the couch, stood up.

“Long time no see, Carol”

“We’re out of time, Mother.”

“It really is. Come and show your face once in a while. I’ve missed the mansion since you got married.”

“It’s… I’m sorry”

Sure, maybe so.

There are many servants, but the only family members of the Duke of Ambrose are father, mother, brother and me. My brother is also a knight, so it must be a busy day. I wasn’t really in the mansion when I went to school either, because I’ve been in the mansion ever since I got my engagement wreck from His Highness Rayford.

After all, should I come visit you once a week or so? I don’t know what to do.

For one thing, the purpose today is opera.

“Have you had lunch yet?

“No, not yet”

“Then let’s say noon with my mother. Richard, tell the kitchen to serve more daytime dishes.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

It was sudden, so I’m sorry.

Chris is going to be busy this time, too, and I wonder if he’ll suddenly have trouble telling me to add one more serving.

But from me, I can eat Chris’ dish for the first time in a long time, so my heart bounces. Natalia and Mary are pretty good at it, too, but they’re still no match for Chris’ arm, are they?

“Have a seat.”


Mother urges you to sit on the couch in a position opposite Mother. In the meantime, a servant with my mother also prepared my share of tea.

As always – or leave the mansion. Again, there are many servants of the Duke of Ambrose family. I only have about Natalia, Mary, Zach who plans to be a servant at home.

Could you split it up a couple of people?

“Since we got married, what do you say?

“How about…”

“Are you happy?

“… Yes”

I’ve always wanted to be Master Wilhelm’s wife. I’ve always wanted it.

That’s what I wanted. There’s no way I’m not happy.

It’s just – it’s just a little bit, just a little bit wrong right now.



My mother looks at me with a suspicious look.

In front of such a mother’s gaze, it feels like being left naked round. Looks like my shallow wisdom is all over the place.

Small, I sighed.

“… Mother, is this what marriage is all about”

“Explain it, Carol.”

“Master Wilhelm… please do not come back to the mansion, at all. When you are busy with your work, always, until midnight…”


“The only time I can greet you is in the morning. I can barely, barely, talk to you. In the morning, I finally got back…”


“Alcohol, drunk… from my jacket, perfumed, scented… in my pocket, suspicious business cards…”


“Wah, I, I…!

When I realized it, I was overflowing with tears.

All this time, the grievances I’ve been accumulating against Master Wilhelm.

Like nothing, it’s easy to deal with it with a smile. Because you just have to hide it in your heart the whole time.

“Did you ask Master Wilhelm that?

My mother asks me that.

But I’ll shake your head in silence.

I can’t ask you that. You can’t even pursue it.

If you could ask, how easy would it be? How much easier it would be for you to tell me the truth from Master Wilhelm’s mouth.


Said she was a loathsome woman, like fishing her pockets on her own. She said she was a troublesome woman, like asking if it was really her job. She said she was a wretched woman, like she wanted me to be more comfortable.

I don’t want Master Wilhelm to think of me that way…



“Well, I put up with it. Let this mother appreciate your hard work. My mother sinks Gilliam into a sea of blood without question.”



Is it enough to sink into a sea of blood, this?

“But that’s what you’re saying, Master Wilhelm is busy at work.”

“… Yes”

Is that true or not?

I don’t know.

But I’m my wife, so I have to believe in Master Wilhelm more than anyone else.

“Do you know what a busy man at work wants from home?


“I’m busy at work and won’t be back till midnight. But think the other way around. Master Wilhelm will be back in the middle of the night. Do you have any idea why that is? Because there are people waiting.”


My mother’s words shocked me as if lightning were running.

Indeed, Master Wilhelm said he used to stay in and work. Sometimes I hardly go home, that’s what he said.

But now you’re back. Be sure to come back in the middle of the night, in the morning.

You’re not leaving me completely alone.

“Master Wilhelm is back to see you. Do you think it’s a good woman to persevere if you don’t come home at all?

“I think, I don’t……!

“It’s also a good woman to take a tired lord at work. You must start by forgiving. Forgive me, Master Wilhelm, who is busy at work. Smile and say welcome back. Even if it were an impudent imitation, if you waited well, you would necessarily reflect. Well, considering his character, I don’t think he’s going to be indiscreet.”

“Welcome back…”

In front of me, I felt like it was going to be dark.

I wasn’t awake until Master Wilhelm returned. All this time, before Master Wilhelm left, he fell asleep.

I imagine.

With your tired body at work, Master Wilhelm has returned so hard.

No one welcomes Master Wilhelm like that, and he walks without even trying to wake me up in the dark mansion.

And in the morning, he smiles and says good morning without blaming me for not even waiting for Master Wilhelm.

How sweet -!

“You know who Mr. Wilhelm works for, don’t you? So, what you need to do, you understand?


I was stupid.

I was unhappy on my own, and I thought you wouldn’t mind on your own, and I stuck around on my own.

There’s nothing wrong with Wilhelm.

“Let me tell you the secret to a well-rounded couple.”


“Don’t sneak in.”

Ugh, and my mother laughing.

It looked so much prettier than usual…

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