The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 12

To the Knights.

My heart kept bouncing as I headed with my brother to the Knights garrison.

I’m just glad to see Master Wilhelm, but even more so if you’re going to see Rin at work. I’m sure I’ll be seen.

The Knights garrison was close to the Ambrose family mansion and walked with my brother to the top. That’s my brother. My sight from the ladies on the road is amazing.

“My brother, are you always served on foot?

“Well. Exactly. We can’t just walk to the garrison and take a carriage.”

My brother walks with a gentle greeting to the shop owner and others who have already opened and started operating.

I’m sure they interact like this every morning. When I head to school, it’s always fresh because it’s a ride carriage.

“Dear Carol, watch your step”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

By the way, natalia will of course follow me on my outing today as well.

Basically, when I go outside, I always have to be accompanied by Natalia. I’d really like to see Master Wilhelm alone, but my brother and Natalia will always be there.

Walking with my brother for a while, and finally, to the Knights’ garrison.

They also have a training center, and the grounds are quite large. Though on the edge of the Wang capital, I was surprised to see this much area.

“Good Morning”

“Good Morning”

That’s what my brother said to the man at the reception, apparently. He’s probably my older brother’s senior.

I’ll follow that, too, and say hello. It is only natural that I greet you as a lady.

“Oh, good morning Alberto…… hmm?

Then I frowned, as if a man had seen something odd.

“You, weren’t you off duty today?

“It’s off duty. I got a call from the captain last night on the early horse.”

“Heh. Did you do something to him?

“I don’t remember doing anything. So, while I was out of work, I thought I’d give my sister a social tour. Say hello, Carol.”

“Yes. Nice to meet you, my name is Carol Ambrose”

My brother urged me, and I lifted the edge of my skirt to greet him that way.

Then a man stands up as surprised.

“No, no! Alberto, what are you thinking!?

“Oh, it’s Natalia who’s following me, our maid of honor. I’m Carol’s dedicated samurai, so I brought her with me.”

“That’s not what I meant! Oh, that, Dear Carol, keep your head up. I’m one of the Knights of Shiatsu, and I’m not the kind of person who can let the Duke’s Lady bow her head!

A man is in a terrible hurry. Was my greeting strange?

“Hey, Alberto!

“Carol is my sister. Mr. Gail is my senior. If you try Carol, Mr. Gail is a senior brother. It’s only natural to greet you with respect.”

“… that’s why they say you’re not noble.”

Uh, already, and scratching his head, a man – Master Gail – lowered his head towards me.

“My name is Gail. There is no surname because it is out of the civilian population”

“Yes, Master Gail. Best regards,”

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! I can’t believe you’re letting the Duke’s Lady call you that, if she finds out around you, she can’t live!


This is what I’ve been like since I was in school. I’m certainly from the Duke of Ambrose family, but that’s all.

I’m just a young woman and nothing in particular like being better than people. Master Gail is a Knights figure in comparison, so he would be excellent in battle. I’m honest with you that I’m not so sure what you mean by that being said to me.

Speaking of which, a friend I was close to back in school used to say, “Carol’s crazy,” too. I have no idea what’s wrong.

“Ha… already. So, Alberto, where are you going to give Master Carol a tour?

“Basically the whole thing, I think. Of course, I won’t let you go into a classified place.”

“… then okay. Say something to the captain.”

“Of course it is. Instead, I’m called by the captain of the regiment, and it’s only natural that I should go say hello to the captain first.”

Oh, my God, he said he could tour the whole thing.

Glad to hear it. That’s the only way Master Wilhelm can see the Knights he usually spends so much time with.

Most importantly, we can meet Master Wilhelm before then.

I think I’m already too happy to fall.

“And… Alberto, you should let Carol change her tone.”


Master Gail said that to my brother for some reason about my tone.

Is my tone, strange?

“It’s you… Miss Carroll from the Duke of Ambrose’s house. No, you must be a celebrity. Your Highness Rayford’s fiancée, the future queen? Tell me if people like us need to be humbled by civilians.”

“… Really?”

My brother smiles slightly at Gail’s words.

Speaking of which, my perception generally is. I’ve forgotten too many things since last night, but my fiancée was externally Your Highness.

You didn’t even know Chris was in the house, so you don’t know about the Knights, do you?

“Rest assured, Master Gail”

“No, so you can’t treat me like that…”

“I, the engagement of Carol Ambrose and His Highness Rayford, was dissolved last night. It is the Knights of Wilhelm who can be my husband. Please let me know.”

“Ha, Knight Commander…… Captain!? Ha!?”

I knew I was surprised.

I wonder why. Every time I say this, it surprises me.

“… Carol”

“Yes, brother.”

“I was once told by my father that there was no point in saying anything else.”

“Nothing, isn’t it good? It’s true.”

Is it also a problem to hear that my engagement with Your Highness has been dissolved? Rather, as Your Highness, you can officially make Miss Mary your fiancée, and you will be delighted.

As for my reputation, as long as Master Wilhelm understands.

“… well, if Carol says so, okay”

“Yes. See you later, Master Gail. Excuse me, sir.”

Finally, I bow my head to Gail, who is relieved for some reason.

I’m supposed to only be telling the truth, why, ladies and gentlemen, would they say, “You’re lying…”

You ascend the garrison stairs, slowly approaching the distance between me and Master Wilhelm.

Sometimes. Beyond this staircase, if you think Master Wilhelm will be there, that’s going to tear your chest apart.

My brother has been quiet for a long time. That would be the case, too. This is also my older brother’s workplace, and I’m guessing you’re keeping your mind tight.

That’s why only the cutlets, and the sound of climbing the stairs sound. I’m even worried that maybe you haven’t heard my chest squeal.

My brother stopped in front of one room.

The words carved on the metal plate raised on the door are: ‘Office of the Commander’.

Beyond this door, there is Master Wilhelm…

“Excuse me, Alberto Ambrose, Second Class Knight, I have accepted the invitation of the Commander.”

“Get in.”

From beyond the door, a wild voice.

This is definitely the voice of Master Wilhelm. My chest rattled violently when I said I just heard you.

Wouldn’t your face be red? Isn’t your hair broken? Now I’m curious.

Isn’t it embarrassing for me to get out in front of Master Wilhelm – while I was wondering, my brother opened the door?

“Excuse me.”

“Oh, well done. Alberto…”

I take a step forward, lift the hem of the piece properly and bow my head properly like a lady.

My dear Master Wilhelm was looking at me and opening his eyes.

“Dear Wilhelm, I apologize for the unexpected visit. Here comes Carol, whom I admire.”


Master Wilhelm was greatly surprised for some reason, and his brother laughed slightly for some reason.

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