The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 14

Mistakes and One End


What can I do to make Master Wilhelm look like this? I didn’t want Master Wilhelm to know that I was such an ugly woman, jealous of Natalia on my own and despising myself on my own.

But Master Wilhelm tears at me like that.


Bullshit, like a clump and a storm, Master Wilhelm moved and held me in his successful arms, as if to grab me.

I don’t know what the situation is. But no doubt Master Wilhelm has me in his arms.

Sometimes I can’t stop.

I’m so glad you asked me to get in touch with you, but I have my heart ready too, Master Wilhelm.

“You! What did you do to Carol!

But for some reason, Master Wilhelm said so with a strong voice.

The opponent is Natalia.

That’s Natalia, too, confused by Mr. Wilhelm’s behavior.

“Yes, no. I give nothing to the lady…”

“What were you going to do to the gap where Alberto was away! If you want to touch Carol with one finger, Noon will send you to Nara!

“Yeah, yeah!?

Something, Master Wilhelm, is making a huge mistake.

Natalia is my samurai, not that I’ve been done anything. It’s more like I just paranoid myself on my own and blew myself up on my own.

So I think we should solve this misconception quickly.

“Wow, I didn’t do anything!

“I don’t know where you are, but what a shallow rush to ramble in the Knights’ garrison! Alberto! Capture that woman!

“… Captain, you know, listen to me. Carol will say something, too.”


Return to me in the words of my brother.

My time had stopped with so much happiness that I would be held in Master Wilhelm’s successful arms.

If you can, you even want to be in this arm forever, that’s what you think.

“Dear Wilhelm, Um”

“Don’t worry, Carol. Now Carol is in the safest place in the world”

“Dear Wilhelm…”

Words make your cheeks unwittingly hot.

Am I so happy and good? It’s like, you’re going to be wandering like this.

I’m too happy, I’m going to lose consciousness. This is the first experience I’ve ever had in my life.

But just in the circumstances, we need to stop it quickly. That’s the first thing.

“Oh, you know, Master Wilhelm”


“I’m not being done. Natalia there is my dedicated samurai. No harm done to me or anything like that.”

“Mm… Really?

When Master Wilhelm looked at his brother, he nodded as if his brother was frightened.

Natalia was relieved to sigh that the misunderstanding had finally been solved.

So finally, Master Wilhelm will let me go.

As far as I’m concerned, you can hold me forever.

“I’m sorry, Miss Carol. That… because I was crying. I wonder what they did…”


Porrible and as illuminated, Master Wilhelm is scratched over his mustache.

But I’m so happy.

“Dear Wilhelm, that’s what you call Carol.”

“Mm… no, that’s”

“Didn’t you call me earlier? Carol is delighted to be named Wilhelm.”

“Oh, that’s…”

You’ve always called me ‘Miss Carroll’, but earlier you strongly called me Carroll.

Though I was glad that my love was finally conveyed.

“… ha. Captain, for once, I’ll do my job.”

“Oh, hey, Alberto!

“Commander. Now, I am, aren’t I, being shown a good understanding of how the Knights Commander loves Carol, and in the complicated mood that his opponent is his own sister? I’d like you to guess.”


It’s embarrassing when you say it like that, brother.

But Master Wilhelm hastily became hostile to Natalia like that because I had zeroed my tears.

There, I felt so much love.


“Yes, brother.”

“Until recently, I was talking to the captain about an incident with Carol.”


Was it?

I’m talking about my brother, the Knight Commander and the Knight, so I was wondering if it was really about defense. Was the exact topic about me?

If this is about me, would it have been nice of me to be present, too?

“The captain seems to be willing to say no to this engagement to Carol”


“Alberto! More than that……!

In front of me, it’s going to be dark.

Master Wilhelm is all I am now. If it’s for Master Wilhelm, you can do anything. If Master Wilhelm asks you to be the wife you deserve, it’s up to you to make every effort.

His Majesty the King also granted his engagement to Master Wilhelm.

Both father and mother were granted an engagement to Master Wilhelm.

And then, when will I marry Master Wilhelm – yes, I thought so.

I, too, can be thrown away.

Now, for those who really love you.

“Carol, but…”

“Alberto! Don’t say anything extra! Oh, no, Carol! Hear…”

I am.


I can get rid of it.

If you noticed, turn your back on Master Wilhelm, he was running.

Last night – ever since His Highness told me to break my engagement, all I could think about was Master Wilhelm.

I actively courted Master Wilhelm so much that I didn’t think I’d ever been. I couldn’t contain my heart enough, I was daunted.

Because I really, really love Master Wilhelm.

So only to Master Wilhelm – I don’t want to be dumped.

If you can get rid of it, you better get away from me.

“Ma’am! Wait!



On the soft wall, Don, I bumped into it.


Naturally. I’m not good at exercising. It’s slow to run, etc.

It is only natural for me, my brother and Master Wilhelm, to catch up.

Before my eyes, it was Master Wilhelm who stood.

With tears, my vision seems to be hanging on me.

I don’t know what look Master Wilhelm is getting on right now.

“Dear Ville, Helm… Do you dislike Carol…?

“No. I’m sorry. I didn’t have enough words.”

“But will you dump me…?

Only to Master Wilhelm, I don’t want to be dumped.

So I don’t want to hear the rest of the words.

Even so, I spin words.

“Carol admires Master Wilhelm… No one else, Master Wilhelm, is good…”


“If they say you don’t deserve it, I’ll try. If they say it’s not enough, I’ll do my best. Just… put it on your side, on your side, please…!

Crying, I implore Master Wilhelm to do so.

Gently, Master Wilhelm stroked my hair.

“Carol, Non is sixty two. No matter how long you live, Non will die before Carol.”

“Then I’ll be at your side until then…”

“What’s Carol going to do after Noon dies? Are you going to live alone? Non is Duke Ridd’s best friend. If you make Carol sad, he’ll scold you in the afterlife.”

“Then, after Master Wilhelm’s death, Carol takes poison. We will be with you to the underworld.”

“… Huh! I will never forgive that!

To my words, yes, Master Wilhelm roughed up his voice.

And, uh, already, I’m scratching my hair.


“Yes, Master Wilhelm”

“Non hasn’t organized his mind yet. And I’m prepared to welcome Carol to my daughter-in-law… well, not yet.”

“… Yes”

But if you don’t hate it.

At least if you can put it on your side.

I’m just satisfied with that.



“… Let’s start with a friend”

I, Carol Ambrose, sixteen.

Dear Wilhelm and I were able to be friends.

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