The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 19

That in the kitchen.

Returning from the Knights to the Mansion, I took a hot tub and slept right after dinner.

I would have lunch with Master Wilhelm, and I couldn’t quite sleep from time to time, but when I realized it, I was asleep.

And you get out of bed, as you hear the birds twitch.


Nothing, I don’t need to get up early.

You no longer have to go to school, and when it comes to errands, all you have to do is deliver your lunch to Master Wilhelm by noon. Nothing else.

And like yesterday, it doesn’t mean you can show us the Knights, and we’ll have to go home after lunch.

I miss you, but I can’t help it.

“Good morning, lady.”

“Morning, Natalia”

As usual, Natalia was here to wake me up. It must be breakfast time already. I think I just overslept a little.

Change into moving clothes and head to the dining room. After this, we must cook Master Wilhelm’s meal under Chris’ guidance. So Chris pisses me off when it’s a gorgeous outfit.

As far as I’m concerned, I’m above, but the kitchen is Chris’ sanctuary. When you enter the town, follow the town, is.

“Ma’am, what are your plans for today?

“We will cook a meal for Master Wilhelm by noon. Then we go to the Knights.”

“I understand. We will be with you.”

Yeah, and I nod.

My outing basically has to involve Natalia. It’ll be a hassle for Natalia, but it’s decided, so I can’t help it.

Nothing, I wish I could be alone in a close place like the Knights.

While I was saying that, I arrived at the dining room.

Good morning, Father, Mother.

“Morning, Carol.”


In the dining room, Father and Mother were already seated.

What makes you wonder is that your father’s right cheek is swollen for a long time? I don’t ask what happened. Perhaps that body wrapped in a black dark suit will have something more engraved on it.

Don’t be afraid, Mother, it is.

“What happened to your brother?

“Alberto left first. We have to go early today.”


My older brother’s absence is like having no choice, so I’ll take my usual seat.

Lined up there is a simple breakfast, as always. But the flavour is still first-class. Chris gets his hands on even simple dishes and makes them so delicious.


“Yes, Mother”

“What are you going to do today?

“We will have lunch with Master Wilhelm. I have no other business.”

“Really? Now, go out with my mother in the afternoon.”


To your mother’s words, I nod honestly.

My mother is the greatest in the Duke of Ambrose house. If I have no particular errands, and your mother is on my errands, don’t say no.

For some reason, next to it, my father is shaking with a blurb.

Yesterday, it seemed so horrible.

My brother was absent, but after breakfast with the whole family, I headed to the kitchen for a moment. Of course, it involves Natalia in the back.

Natalia usually seems to be cleaning the mansion or something during the day, but she says following me is her top priority over having me.

You picked me up when you arrived in the kitchen.

It was anger.

“So don’t just stand there forever! How many years have you worked here?

“Shh, excuse me…”

“You think you should be sorry! How are you going to be responsible for this ingredient you burned! Damn…… I’m not motivated and I don’t have any arms, and I’ve told my husband so many times to fire you! Every time they say,” Well, well, “be me, too! Even the newest Michelle is way over your arm!


“You can’t even reply, you idiot!

cancer, and the sound of metal.

Perhaps Chris is scolding a man named Robert, the second longest after Chris, even our cook.

I’ve never heard of it in detail either, but she told me that she had a bad job attitude.

Chris and I don’t usually scold each other this much, but I only heard stories about Robert. She’s not so motivated by it and has a bad attitude.

“Ah!? If you have an excuse, I’ll ask you, so tell me! I would have ordered you to peel this vegetable! Why are you doing the bakery and Michelle is peeling!? And you’re burning it with easy baking!

“… why am I peeling?”

“I guess it’s up to you because I don’t have your arm! I’ll tell my husband! I’ll let you deduct the price of the ingredients you burned from your paycheck! If you know what I mean, just go back to peeling!

“… ch”

“Ah!? Are you tongue-in-cheek now?

I’m angry.

I’m very angry.

Chris, too, is in a good mood the day Robert isn’t at work. Basically, he’s a serious chef.

I can tell, too.

I’m just looking at it from a distance, but Robert always just looks unhappy. There is no color of reflection on that face. You tongue Chris like he’s always yelling, like he’s rotten.

I, too, don’t really like Robert.

I’ve taught Chris to cook a few times, but that’s when I’ve seen it with strangely nasty eyes.

I was only twelve years old at the time.

I wasn’t there yesterday because it seemed like I was off duty, but being here today means I guess I’m there while Chris coaches me to cook.

Disgusted, I shook myself unintentionally.


“It’s okay, Natalia”

Natalia speaks to me like that when she stops angrily.

That’s right. Robert is a man, too. Once Natalia and I are in line, you will surely see Natalia. Mostly around its busty breasts.

So I’m sorry for Natalia, but look on my behalf.


“Quit now! Damn…… uh, lady”

“Are you all right? If it means it’s being taken in, I’ll come back later.”

“… I’ll be fine. Because I was just doing something unproductive called yelling at a fool who wouldn’t grow up forever. Robert, it’s about you. Just stay out of the way, you take out the trash.”

“… ch”

As usual, with an attitude of no reflection, Robert turned his back and began to organize the garbage.

How could Father not neck a servant with such a bad attitude by then? I’m sure there may be a problem with your information with Chris.

Next time, let me say something to your father.

“So… you’re bringing today’s lunch to the Knights Commander.”

“Yes, please prepare for me and Master Wilhelm and for Natalia. You can have one of these, so let me make it.”

“Yes. Then the lady will take this.” ”

I was given three small tomatoes in a jar.

It has a small heck of a thing. They’re all brilliant. I’m sure you bought it at the market this morning.

“Yes. So what do I do with this”

“Well, take the heck out of it.”


Remove the hectare from the tomatoes. Because of the freshness, or even if I didn’t put so much effort into it, I could pull it out all the time.

Repeat that three times.


“Now line it up on the edge of the basket.”


Line up.

To me and Master Wilhelm’s basket, two. In Natalia’s basket, one.

Lunch boxes lined with colorful foods are almost complete by now. Looks delicious.

Instead of yesterday’s sandwich, today looks like a bucket and various freaks. You can put it on a bucket, you can eat it as it is, is that it?

I’m done lining up.


“Yes, ma’am, good job”


Sure, I said, let me make one, Something as simple as possible.

Isn’t that just too easy?

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