The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 20

Second visit

Just taking three hectares of tomatoes, that seems to have been a Chris joke, and then he made me make potato salad using Chris’ underlying potatoes.

We also followed Chris’ instructions to dispense seasonings and taste them, but we were able to produce something delicious without any problems. You won’t have a problem getting this out to Master Wilhelm.

If you have concerns, would Robert have been watching me the whole time I was cooking like that?

It’s a nasty, hateful, unfamiliar, emotional gaze. Are you referring to this kind of gaze that scares me? Why are you looking at me, not Natalia? Even though Natalia is overwhelmingly superior to me in her attraction as a woman.

Honestly, I’m scared.

After I finished making lunch, I headed right to my room with Natalia.

You may be wrong as a nobleman to say that you are scared of servants, etc., but still, it doesn’t turn out to be horrible. Because I’ve been afraid of guys since I was about to be kidnapped by bad guys when I was seven.

And the next problem that comes to me like that.



I’ll try to line up some clothes, but I don’t have much clothes.

Of course, we’ll head to the nightclub in our dresses. In the house, wear functional clothes.

But like this, I don’t have a little everyday outfit. The biggest reason for this would be to give you that you were enrolled in school until the other day.

Because of the days I was able to cover everything in my daily routine with a uniform, I didn’t wear more everyday clothes.

So all the outfits I have are from when I was twelve. Exactly. Though I can also be seen younger than my age, I can’t wear clothes when I was twelve.

What shall we do?


Natalia, I don’t have any clothes.

I can’t use the kind of dress I would wear to a nightclub just as a regular outfit. It would be worthy of disrespect to meet Master Wilhelm to head out in a room that is easy to move by.

So what should I wear to the Knights?

The only piece I got from my mother yesterday is one. Wearing the same clothes for two days would seem unclean.

“Ma’am, I have a good idea”

“What is it?

“Don’t you have a lady? Men’s clothes of their choice.”

What do I have, man’s favorite clothes?

Men may prefer nightclub dresses, but that’s just a bit……

“It’s an easy thing. All you have to do is wear your school uniform.”

“… I’m not in school anymore”

Yesterday, I asked Richard, the butler, to go through the school leaving process. I’m sure even now, His Royal Highness Rayford and Miss Mary are enjoying school life, and I’m angry, but spending more time with Master Wilhelm is more important than that.

So shouldn’t you be wearing your uniform anymore?

“Men in the world prefer school uniforms”


“Yeah. Most guys prefer girls younger than older women. School uniforms are symbols of youth in their very clothing. That’s how being with young girls becomes a status for men.”

“Oh my…!

That’s Natalia. You know a lot of things I don’t.

It’s what Natalia says, and I’m sure Master Wilhelm likes school uniforms. Thinking about it, you should have worn your uniform yesterday as well.

I also like the piece my mother gave me. That’s troubling.

But that solved it.

“Okay, let’s go in the school uniform.”

“Thank you, ma’am”

“Here’s a thank you, Natalia. Please continue to support me.”


I will be wearing a school uniform that I thought would be quick and will never put my sleeves through again.

School – Royal School of Flare Kista.

Throughout the six years, it is a place where nobility practises basic disciplines, courtesies, athletic abilities and disciplines. Overall, it is said that good people will be in a position to carry the country in the future, and it is very difficult to graduate there at the top.

The biggest reason for this is because grades are determined by the average for all items.

You shouldn’t be an academic headstrong, nor should you be a physical idiot with excellent motor skills.

Doing everything without, omnipotence matters.

So I had extremely low athletic abilities and was not able to achieve very good grades. A little more, you have to work out your body. At the very least, I want to stand next to Master Wilhelm and gain a degree of strength that I’m not ashamed of.

Stand in front of a mirror, wrapping around such a school uniform.

I’m used to seeing it, but I won’t be putting my sleeve through it again, I just thought, it’s also fresh.

White-toned blouse with frills by the way. And this adorable uniform features a large bow around the neck. Flared skirt clustered in blue below. As a lady, it may not be preferable to put out too many legs, but you won’t have a choice because your uniform is designed like this. The skirt is defined as the position where the knee can be seen at the longest.

Now you’re ready. Dear Wilhelm, would you be pleased?

“Let’s go, Natalia”

“Yes, ma’am”

If we keep going, we might wait a little at the Knights.

But I don’t see it as bitter at all, such as waiting a bit if it’s for Master Wilhelm. Rather, it would even seem fun to wait.

Hmm, and I even get a nose song.

Must it seem odd from the surroundings that me and Natalia are walking together like that? There are people around, looking at me with a lot of hiccups.

Are you hearing that I have already left the school voluntarily?

But the ladies who are never rumouring never talk to me. Not really, you don’t know if you know it or not.

More than I don’t know, I just have to leave it alone.

And this is the Knights garrison we finally got to.

Intense training must still be taking place today.

I will go straight, even to the Knights’ General Reception.

There was someone there who had just seen it yesterday.

“There you go…… yeah”

“Good morning, Master Gail”

“You don’t have to be like me!

I’m Lady Gail, the knight I just met yesterday.

He is a young man with no less body than Master Wilhelm. I’m sure that’s what makes you strong when you fight.

With the Knights, there is the dictatorship of the aristocracy. I think that’s how strong he is that he’s up in strength in it.

Do I not have to train?

I thought the receptionist knights were on a daily basis.

“Uh… what’s up with you today?

“Yes, Mr. Wilhelm is here for you.”

“I guess…”

Master Gail sighs as he gives up something.

“Well, what… oh, no, the customer to the captain goes through everything without listening to the other guy, was it? Dear Carol, please come through.”

“May I? You don’t have to do a weapons reshuffle.”

Among the Knights, it is forbidden to bring weapons.

So it is normal for errands and weapons to take place at this entrance. It just didn’t happen yesterday because my older brother was with me, and when a human being who was not inherently involved in the Knights enters the garrison, there will be a brief identification.

For today, do you want to check the contents of the basket you are lowering?

Yet I say you don’t need it. I wonder why the hell.

But then, Gyle-like’s body blew and trembled heavily.

“Yes, no, it’s necessary…”

“As for the duties of the Knights, if there’s laziness there, let’s also get involved in Guile’s sales vouchers. There’s nothing to be ashamed of about Carol’s responsibilities. Today, I brought Mr. Wilhelm’s lunch. Oh, just because the Duke’s cook made it, of course, is by no means lavish. Some are made by amateurs like me, and really qualitative. Never be envious of you.”


“Go ahead, have a look”

Hearing my words to the end, I chewed them up, and Master Gail sighed heavily.

And looking up to heaven, as I give up.

“… a young wife, a passing wife or something… Captain. For a while, I’m supposed to be the receptionist. If he finds out, there’s a hole in the captain’s stomach…”


Master Gail sees me as his wife.

I’m not yet a wife, I’m on my way to the stage. Still, I’m glad you think so.

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