The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 30

Go Ahead

“Father, Carol is going to join the Knights.”



As usual in the dining room, before I lined up with my father, my mother, my brother, sat down with me and dinner began as usual.

So as soon as I told my father that I was going to join the Knights, he denied his voice absurdly.

My mother listens to me in silence, but my brother is surprised again.

“Carol, what are you thinking!

“I want to be a strong woman who can live alone. That’s why I want to join the Knights and work out physically and mentally.”

“Impossible, such as the Duke’s Lady joining the Knights! You can’t just admit that!

“There is no rule that noble daughters should not join the Knights”

“Even without rules, there is no such precedent! What the hell are you thinking!

Mmm, my father is going against being tough.

As far as I’m concerned, I thought it was a good idea to work out physically and mentally.

In fact, my brother also currently belongs to the Knights. There’s no reason why I shouldn’t be in the Knights.

“You, calm down a little”

“… but you can’t admit such a thing”

“Before you do that, you should ask your daughter for her opinion. On top of that, if you’re saying something wrong, it’s up to your parents to make that right.”


In your mother’s words, your father, who stood up half the time, sits down.

But that face is clearly not convinced. You have to persuade me somehow.


“Yes, brother.”

“Maybe… you don’t want to join the Knights because you want to be close to Captain Wilhelm, do you?

“No, sir.”

I do want to be on Master Wilhelm’s side.

But there’s a difference between that and wanting to join the Knights. I only want to join the Knights to rebuild me.


“We know that the Female Knights garrison is in a different place”

“… well, did you know”

The Women’s Knights are different from the regular Knights.

The main roles are the protection of royal women and noble ladies, as well as the security of the rear palace. They also go to the battlefield when things happen, but the garrison is being built in a different place than the Knights’ garrison.

After all, it doesn’t mean that we train men and women in the same place.

That’s not why I wanted to join the Knights, just to be near Master Wilhelm.

I’d like to be close if possible, but that should be shown in my upcoming actions.

“So… why did you want to join the Knights?

“Nothing binds me right now. So I wanted to know outside the mansion.”

“Then it wouldn’t have to be the Knights”

My father is on the tannic side, and I will deny it so.

But the Knights are the only place that will make my wishes come true.

“I’m a weak woman. It’s tears, and it runs as emotional. Without strength, I’m not good at exercising, and I don’t have the means to fight for self-defense with me. Since I was nine years old I have been educated to be queen in the future, but that is disciplines such as etiquette and law, and how to treat dignitaries in each country, plus mindfulness, medicine and medicine to comfort the people. I finally realized I lacked common sense.”

“… but that’s why”

“I am now queen. The future is closed. As long as my brother is alive, I don’t even need to inherit the Duke of Ambrose family. I’m not a student either, as the school left voluntarily. There’s nothing to show me right now.”


To my word, my father will shut up.

In extreme terms, it was my father who took my future. My father is the one who decided to marry me and His Highness Rayford.

That’s why you feel responsible.

“… I’m sorry, but I don’t agree, Carol”


“I can only say this because I belong to the Knights now. You can’t live in the Knights with a half-baked readiness. There is also rigorous training. I also have relationships with colleagues. You have to be on the battlefield when things happen. That’s where you could even lose your life. And because the Knights are a vertical society, Carol even has to abandon the position of Duke’s Lady.”


“And most of my colleagues are civilians. From the civilian population, noble daughters can even be the object of hatred. I can only think of a future where Carol can be abused in the Knights.”

Sure, my brother might be right.

I am noble. I’m a born nobleman. And a clear identity difference between civilians and nobility could also lead to such abuses.

Maybe my brother has been through this, too.

“If you want to build your body, you can ask Natalia”

So, your father pinches your mouth.

“Originally, Natalia is Carol’s escort. Combat ability is high. If Natalia works out, she’ll have the strength to defend herself accordingly.”

“I think so too, Carol.”

“… but”

It’s warm water.

Until now, I’ve been too sweet for me. That’s why I want to put myself in a tough environment.

To be a “good woman,” as my mother said.

I should push myself.




My mother, who had been silent until now, opened her mouth.

Father and brother, shut your mouth. Mother is the greatest, so don’t hold back Mother’s words.

“What do you want to join the Knights and do”

“I want to work out both my mind and my body”

“Then let Natalia work out. My mother will work out my heart for you. You don’t have to bother joining the Knights.”

My mother, too, has disagreed with that.

What do we do, it’s octagonal.

If you can’t admit it to your father or your mother, it won’t come true where I came from.

“Then I’ll ask, Carol. Why do you want to join the Knights so badly?”


“Think about it. I won’t admit it unless your words move my mother’s heart.”

Why I want to join the Knights.

That’s because I want to build my mind and body.

And because I want to be what your mother calls a “good woman”.

Above all, I want to be a lady who can support Master Wilhelm on your side.


That’s an excuse.

I can’t believe I want to train my mind and body, those words are just excuses. I really knew.

A tour of the Knights, with Master Wilhelm.

I was excited, as if watching an opera. That’s why I must have been fascinated.

You might be embarrassed to say this to your mother.

My mother’s eyes are serious.

Then I should share this serious thought, too.

“He looked good.”


“We have given you a tour of the Knights. I think we have our peace of mind because the mighty knights are protecting this country.”

Yes, I am.

To all the knights, I admired them.

“I wanted to be a strong woman. Who is strong to me is the Knights. That’s why I wanted to be a strong person, too. And I thought the faster way to do that was to join the Knights, too.”

It’s just an admiration.

But I want to be a strong person, too.

For that reason, I will try to do whatever it takes.

“… would be good”


“Tomorrow afternoon, let’s head with my mother to the Female Knights garrison. The Knights have an entrance exam. Not everyone can get in. And my mother won’t do anything to help. Try to pass the entrance exam on your own. That way, I’ll admit it.”

“Elizabeth! What!?

“Silence, Gilliam. This is my decision. It’s not like you can pinch Carol’s future with your mouth closed once.”

Admission exam.

I’m sure it’s tough stuff. But I’ll make sure you pass.

I don’t like exercising, but I’ll try.

I’m not good at fighting, but I’ll try.



“There is not one way. Think about it.”

I don’t know what exams there are.

But whatever the trial, I’ll let you get over it.

Ahead, I’m sure.

I can support Master Wilhelm, because I’m waiting.

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