The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 4

Carol, seven years old love.

I heard that the first time I met Master Wilhelm was when I hadn’t even got my mind on it yet.

He was originally my grandfather. The Duke of Ambrose at the time and Mr. Wilhelm were acquaintances at the school. For this reason, from time to time, my grandfather called me to my house and we had meals together.

I heard that Master Wilhelm has many expeditions and is often on the battlefield because of his knighthood captain, so that comfort is combined. I also heard that you and your grandfather were friends, so I understood that too.

At the time, Master Wilhelm was taller than his grandfather and more than double the width of his head. In addition to that, you have wounds all over your body and have a severe overall impression. The more I dealt with Master Wilhelm, the more I thought normal children would run away.

But since I was young, I wasn’t very comfortable with Wilhelm, who has visited our meals many times. Instead, he was caught by a successful arm and hung from the air, making a proper noise. While I’m at it, you’re a grandmother. Nor did Master Wilhelm put it in his mouth at the time, but wasn’t it something he was having inner difficulties with?

Transferor – Yes, I was, too much of a mistress.

As a courtesan born in the Duke’s house, I was taught every day by a tutor to learn different things. But I couldn’t stand it, and stealing my eyes always rolled out of the mansion. When I went outside the mansion, I mostly had them mixed up there because there was a group of kids playing.

Even that day, I used to play with the kids as usual.

“Hey, you. Do you have anything for me today?

“No, nothing in particular”

“Well, come here for a minute. Something tells me you have business to attend to.”

That’s what the boy, the leader of the children, told me.

It was a word I didn’t quite understand, but I took it to the extent that it was unusual for me to be needed. Was he about seven years old at the time? It shouldn’t have been possible for such a child to have errands, but I never even thought of that.

The boy brought me here on the edge of the king’s capital.

It was a place called Slam Street.

“Um, what can I do for you…”

“Just follow me.”

“… eh”

The boy brought me here, and it was in the back of Slam Street.

There were – about five adults, far older than the boy, all of them.

Everyone looks inferior somehow.

As if to taste me around, I’ve been throwing a worthy gaze.

Unexpectedly, I hid behind the boy.

“Hey, isn’t that Upper Ball? If you’re not an Ambrose kid, you can sell it to a slaver. It’s going to be good money.”

“Isn’t that nice? All you have to do is get the ransom and sell this guy. Hey, if I’m lucky, I’ll see you somewhere in my life. A whorehouse, I suppose!

“Hey kid, enough of you, leave that bitch alone”

Obviously, I’m the pinch.

Whatever you think, it’s not a friendly attitude, and what they say is just noisy. Whatever you take the word earlier, it doesn’t seem like anything other than grabbing people.

Him, I didn’t think, I screamed unintentionally.

“Uh, do you want to block your mouth for now? Hey, how much do you want from the Duke’s house?

“Hey, wait a minute! You kept your promise! My sister…!

“Am I right? I just sold it to my sister. Just disappear. You want to be sold too.”

Bandits waving, snuggling, to the boy’s words.

Too many words, like a boy with a lost soul, drooped. What an evil man. Words masterfully, you must have demanded that you bring me here. And instead, did you promise to release this boy’s sister?

And the promise was not kept – I guess you weren’t even going to keep it.

“Wow, what are you going to do with me…”

“I don’t care what you do, you know?

“Uh, he’s a kid, but he’s an upper-ball, and you want to do it for once?

“If I did, the value of the product would go down. I don’t think that happens to be a pervert who likes kids.”

I’m not going to make it home alive, no matter what you think.

I can’t wait to be scared.

Somebody help me.

Please, someone…

So, one of the bandits – I guess he was going to block my mouth, the man who approached me, blew it.

“… ah?

Four bandits will look at me, as they were taken aback.

But it’s not me whose gaze captures it, it’s far higher than mine.

Don’t talk any more, you piece of junk.

That was undoubtedly the voice of the familiar Lord Wilhelm.

“Holy shit!?

Four bandits pull out what’s on their hips simultaneously. It is shaped differently in size, each with a blade. They pulled it out with the intent to kill me. Plus, I took a step back by accident.

And a step back. There it was, warmth.

On my head, it’s a big palm, covered.

“Miss Carroll, keep your eyes closed”

“Ha, ha!

“What, it’ll be over soon”

As Master Wilhelm told me, I closed my eyes.

Afterwards, we heard a roar and a scream. The sound of cutting the wind and the sound of people blowing away. The sound alone could not have guessed what had happened, but I could only believe Master Wilhelm.

Besides, you’ve been touching my head the whole time, Master Wilhelm’s applause.

By entrusting myself to the warmth of it, it even seemed as if I was in the safest place in the world.

“Miss Carol.”


The sound stopped, and the gentle Lord Wilhelm’s voice called me.

That’s all I felt was a beating somewhere, but as Master Wilhelm told me, I can’t open my eyes.

Then my body accidentally lost weight.


“Let’s give you a lift to the mansion. It’s a little irritating for Miss Carroll. Keep your eyes closed a little longer.”

Dear Wilhelm, I am being held.

The moment I understood that, maybe I turned bright red to my ears. Being seven years old, I can say lady. It’s embarrassing that such a lady is being held like a baby.

But at the same time, it was a great, comfortable time.

“Miss Carroll, I don’t mind opening my eyes anymore. Weren’t you scared?

I heard Master Wilhelm say that, but I didn’t open my eyes.

Right now, I’m not sure I can look directly into Master Wilhelm’s face. I’m sure he’s smiling gently, and I don’t think he can see it very well or anything.


“… oh, you fell asleep”

Just for a second, I’ll pretend I slept.

Dear Wilhelm, I am asleep. I don’t mind a little prank.

For example, you can kiss me gently with that mouth.

I’m sure at that moment, I could be happy and explode.

“You should sleep. I’ll give you a safe ride to the mansion.”

Now your heart is ready, Master Wilhelm.

Please, come on, to me.

While I kept pretending to sleep like that, I fell asleep when I realized it.

Master Wilhelm did nothing. I’m sorry to hear that.

I, Carol Ambrose, am seven years old this day.

To Master Wilhelm Eiblinger, I fell in love.

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