The Duke’s Daughter Is the Knight Captain’s (62) Young Wife

Chapter 8

Wake up.

“It didn’t seem like a dream”

After the night club I went back to the mansion and after a light bath I slept in my own room.

At first I didn’t sleep very well from time to time, but I still did something stubborn like that in the crowd environment, I guess I was tired. If you noticed, you were asleep.

But apparently, for a series of nightclubs, it wasn’t my dream.

Unilateral engagement breakdown from His Royal Highness Rayford.

Confession to Master Wilhelm, whom you admire.

The engagement of me and Master Wilhelm, also recognized by His Majesty the King.

Oh, what do we do now?

Unexpectedly, I was happy and bulky on the bed.

But you can’t just spend the day on the bed like this. I had no choice but to wake up and get dressed first. Ladies, you can’t go out in public with your bedroom rolled, though.

I don’t have any particular plans today, and a simple room outfit would be nice.

She says it’s normal to leave dressing to the Duke’s maid, the samurai. But the Duke of Ambrose said his grandfather hated the practices around it. So I was educated so I could do the least I could do around myself.

While I’m also a Duke’s Lady, I can cook quite a bit. I have a cook I’m holding, so they tell me sometimes.

I’ve been busy educating myself as queen for the last six years or so, so I couldn’t learn much though.

That’s right.

I’ve heard men talk about just grabbing their stomachs. I mean, I hope we can cook the dishes that Master Wilhelm prefers.

Quickly, I decided to head from my room to the kitchen.

“Morning, Natalia”

“Oh, good morning, young lady”

Along the way, I met with a samurai who would probably have come to pick me up for breakfast. Mostly, this is how I meet a samurai along the way. Because I seem to wake up a little faster.

Natalia is my dedicated samurai.

I’m a twenty-seven year old woman with slightly brown skin, not from around here. My father hired me after I was about to be kidnapped by a bad guy when I was seven and Master Wilhelm helped me.

Since then, it has mostly involved Natalia to go anywhere. I don’t know the details, but Natalia seems to have a taste for martial arts, and she also serves as my escort.


“Yes? What have you done? Lady.”

Natalia remembered her work quickly, cleaned carefully, and followed her courtesy properly, just like a samurai.

I’ve never seen you fight, but if you’re strong, I’m relieved to leave you as an escort, too.

But every time I see Natalia, a small shadow is born in my heart.


“Yes, ma’am”

“Again… that, do men prefer the big one?

I have lived to this day without any particular difficulty in my life.

Even so, I’m small compared to a lady my age, and I’m underdeveloped overall.

I’d like to avoid saying exactly what, mainly the part where men like to be, or the part where they are feminine…… that’s the little one.

By comparison, Natalia is yummy. Walking shakes. It’s a little annoying.

“Yes, no… the lady, I think, is very cute. Little things, don’t you need to mourn.”

“How can we get bigger?”

“Right… general theory, but I hear milk and so on is good,”

Is it milk?

I like cheese, but I don’t really like milk as it is. I hope you don’t like the unique smell.

Of course, as a Duke’s maid, I know that there must be no more liking or disliking there than there is a life made up of blood taxes from the people. But I can’t help but like what I don’t like.

“But you’re cuter about a lady. Even if it’s too big, you don’t get it.”

“… it only sounds like the humility of those who can”

“No… really, men prefer smaller. I don’t really like men.”

Is it true?

I often see Richard, the butler, looking at Natalia’s chest. Oh, I mean, even if I’m going to sneak up on the side watching, I can tell you out.

Natalia must have noticed, too.

“Mostly, there’s really nothing to be gained. It’s a bit expensive to clean.”

“… high?

“Yeah. I was tall, and that’s all I got.”


Me, why not?

Somehow, I’m getting embarrassed as soon as possible. Was I such a daughter?

First pass the entrance to the dining room and continue straight to the kitchen.

Is that Natalia? and leaning on my neck, but I have no opinion, and walk with me.

Natalia, ordered by her father to call me, basically has to obey it. But Natalia is also my dedicated maid of honor, so if it’s your father’s order and mine, you have to make my order prevail.

I mean, if there’s anything I should prioritize over heading to the dining room, it would be Natalia’s job to accompany it.

Though, my errands are really easy.

“Excuse me.”

“There you go! You’re still dirty! Drop as much dirt as you can! Hey rookie! How long have you been skin peeling potatoes! I would have washed it properly with water if I had peeled it! Don’t just stand there forever!

“… Chris”

“Uh, already… is that it, lady?

It was our exclusive cook who made a lot of noise when it came to morning – putting it together, chef.

Even though it hasn’t reached thirty yet, she’s using an older man with her chin.

That’s Chris.

“Morning, Chris.”

“Good morning, ma’am. So, what can I do for you? We already have breakfast, so have it in the dining room.”

Chris will use his salutation on me once, but it’s collapsing somewhat. Or should I say that I only keep my respectful physique?

Well, I don’t care about the details that much either, so I don’t mind anything else.

Besides, Chris is also the teacher I teach cooking.

“Before breakfast, Chris asked me for a favor.”

“Ha ha, I see. So, what is it? I’m going in for lunch now, and I don’t have much time.”

There are three cooks we hire at home.

Chris, the head chef, and the other two are about thirty men and forty men. She’s recently quit one, so the oldest rookie is the oldest, which she doesn’t really understand.

Most importantly, Chris is a grand actress, male or older.

“There’s no need to rush anything else. I don’t have anything planned for a day, so I thought Chris would teach me how to cook.”

“Oh, then you’ll be fine after lunch. A day today? Ma’am, what about school?

“You don’t have to go to school anymore.”

“… hmm”

You’ll look at me to my surprise, but Chris won’t say anything more.

That’s the same, isn’t it?

I’ve been taught a few times before, but I haven’t really had a chance lately. Because of Queen’s education, I was tired, too.

“So, what kind of dish would the lady like?

I’ll tell Chris in the morning what dishes I want to teach him. That way they buy ingredients in the market.

Previously taught was definitely Muniel the Fish. It’s easy to bake, but the fish didn’t go down very well.

“A dish that can grab a man’s stomach, please.”

“Oh, so you behave hand-cooked to Your Highness? If you’re a man of that age, you should have a dark flavor on the meat. I’ll take a look.”

“No, they are not His Highness”

“… what?

Chris frowns and looks at me.

Well, that’s the same thing, isn’t it? My fiancée was, externally, Your Highness. You haven’t even told the whole house yet that your engagement was suddenly broken last night.

But I need to be able to say it right.

“The other man, he’s sixty-two. Think about it, please.”

“Ha, sixty-two…… sixty-two!?

For some reason, Chris, who was greatly surprised, was too surprised.

Did I say something that weird?

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