The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 74: The God of War 20

Under the continuous impact, the iron wire was finally torn apart. Only then did Lin Dan whipped the horse and galloped forward and chopped off the heads of the remaining people. She shook off the blood on the tip of the sword, turned around, and looked back at the villagers who were shocked. She gradually said, "See? As long as you resist, the Huns are not terrifying. Y'all have to practice shooting arrows thousands of times a day and wield swords tens of thousands of times a day. As time goes by, your horsemanship will be more exquisite and powerful than the Huns. When facing them, you can also be as fearless as I am. Y'all can build an archer tower at the village entrance, and dig pits on the grassland outside the village, and set a trap for every household, which can be attacked and guarded. "

She picked up an arrow and a quiver, carefully tied it on the saddle, and said, "These seem to be difficult, but as long as you make up your mind and work on it, it will be easy. By sparing yourself another ten, twenty years. Can y'all build this village into a fortress?"

The leading villager endured the excitement and said, "We can!"

Lin Dan chuckled and said, "Then what are you afraid of? There is the Western army guarding ahead. You can stay here with peace and work hard to build your homeland. Ten years, twenty years later, even if the Huns return, they can't trample your fortress and defeat your descendants. All the Huns were soldiers; we can be the same, right? 

The prediction was all depending on the stability of the frontier. If it was another person who said these words, the villagers would spit on that person's face and scold, "Don't you feel tired of talking.". What else could they do if they didn't flee? Fodder and money were all plundered by the Huns. How could they build their homeland? The villagers were all killed by the Huns. How could they have descendants? They couldn't even stay alive; how could they be soldiers?  If she couldn't live, why did she say that all the people were soldiers?

But now, the person who said these words was Lin Dan. It seemed to bring endless hope and courage to the villagers.

"Are you General Lin Dan?" Someone finally plucked up the courage to ask.

The kid, who had sneaked out and overheard it, he was dumbfounded. The rest of the villagers were in an uproar. They had thought that she was a female soldier under the command of General Lin Dan, but they didn't expect her to be General Lin Dan. However, other than General Lin, who else could be so skillful, killing the Huns like cutting vegetables.

Lin Dan took off the dagger which was tied around her waist, and threw it to the kid, and waved, "Thank you for saving me. I hope we can meet again in the future. Don't spread the news that I'm here to heal my wounds. I'm afraid it might cause trouble to y'all." Her identity was particular that if the news got out, it might lead to the revenge of the Huns.

Although they didn't get a definite answer, the villagers were convinced that this valiant and unparalleled military woman must be General Lin Dan.

"Mom, mom, pinch me! I have taken care of General Lin for more than ten days, and I listen to her telling stories to me every day! Am I dreaming? The kid's face turned red with excitement, holding the dagger tightly.

His mother pinched him hard. Seeing him cry in pain, she covered her mouth and cried. She thought the villagers would die this time, but she didn't expect that only Lin Dan alone could protect all of them. She was fearless and invincible, far more powerful than it was said! As long as she was there, the Huns would be beaten away, and the people would live a good life sooner or later!

Knowing that the Huns troopers wouldn't come again, Lin Dan rode away. When the villagers came to their senses, they exclaimed, "General Lin Dan is not dead! We had saved her! "

"What's wrong with me for having the pride that I have saved the world!"

"You are right. We saved General Lin, which means we have saved ourselves! In the view of General Lin, the Huns were nothing more than ants. They will die with a light crush!"

"General Lin is here. Shall we stop fleeing? The Huns would be scared to death when they heard her name. 

"Yes, we won't flee anymore. We'll repair the archer tower, build a fortress, and dig pits. We'll defend our homeland!"

The villagers, who had been in despair, were not afraid of the Huns' broken bodies at all. They squatted down to pick up their belongings. They kept the useful ones and burnt the useless ones. Machetes, bows, arrows, daggers, horses, and other things were distributed among the young men as preparations for battle. The women and the children stood aside and watched, not willing to run away even if they were trembling with fear.

After witnessing this kind of scene, they would no longer be scared and even have the courage to fight back in the future. Just as General Lin Dan said, some things seemed difficult, but as long as one made up his mind, it was not difficult at all.

Ding Mujie and Li Xian squinted their eyes on high land and looked into the distance with a solemn expression. Under the high ground were all densely packed tents. Looking from afar, there were at least tens of thousands of tents.

"The number of people increased again." Li Xian sighed a mouthful of stale air.

Ding Mujie closed his eyes and gradually said, "It should be the last group of soldiers of the Chang tribe who have allied. My plan of alienation won't work in a short time. If you want to stabilize the situation, you must win tomorrow's battle and can't afford to lose. If we won, the troops of five Hu would receive a devastating strike; only then there's a chance to inflict chaos within themselves; If we lost, they would gain benefits and try to conquer the center plain in the future. We have been exhausted of dealing with only the Huns, let alone the five Hu joint army. The Wei Kingdom is on the verge of life and death."

Ding Mujie lowered his head to cover his ironic and cold eyes. He had thought that the Wei Kingdom would be defeated by an outsider, but he didn't expect it to be destroyed by its own people. If Lin Dan was still alive, how the five Hu would dare to invade? He was so angry that he wanted to give up. But in the end, he couldn't resist his conscience and guilt.

This was the land that Lin Dan had risked her life to defend. He had no choice but to come and save it!

Li Xian looked into the vast and boundless plain and said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, Ming De. I've been sending people to look for Lin Dan along the river. God will bless her. She'll be fine. Before she returns, we must guard the frontier and the Western army well for her. We can't let her efforts be ruined in an instant."

However, it was not that easy to defend the frontier and the Western army. These days, they had been fighting with the five Hu joint forces several times. Although they were testing the waters, they gradually figured out each other's backgrounds. Although the five Hu allied forces had their own plans and were not united enough, the problem of the Western army was even more significant.

Several generals who came with King Kang to exchange for defense were shot to death by Mo Xiao as soon as they met. They were so weak that even the spirit of the Western army was extensively damaged. Li Xian was in charge of the five thousand heavy cavalries, which was personally trained by Lin Dan, but to him, this responsibility was like a child playing a broadsword; they had no strength at all. He couldn't always run in the front like Lin Dan, let alone break into the enemy array as if he had entered an empty space. Without Lin Dan's leadership, the five thousand heavy cavalries were like a blunt knife, like an empty shell.

Lin Dan was like the backbone of the soldiers. When she was alive, the soul of the Western army would stay forever; When she died, the Western army would be dispirited. This kind of situation could not be solved in a short time by Li Xian.

"What is the chance of winning tomorrow's battle?" Li Xian asked in a hoarse voice.

"30%." Ding Mujie said calmly, "Go back and have a good sleep tonight."

Li Xian didn't say a thing for a long time. He just stared at the river not far away, lost in thought. Ding Mujie knew who he was thinking about without the need to ask. He was also thinking about that person all the time, and his heart ached.

The next day, the two armies were fighting in a valley. With the help of the four clans, Mo Xiao was more arrogant than before. He laughed and said, "I really admire the people from the Central Plains. Y'all are willing to kill Lin Dan, who was such a powerful and competent general. Y'all deserve to die for your sins! I planned to hide on the grassland and take a rest, but y'all gave me a chance. If I don't act when there's a chance, I would be punished by God. If I can't unify the Central Plains today, even God can't tolerate it!" After saying that, he raised his broadsword and ordered, "Attack!"

The five Hu joint forces blew the horns and launched an all-out attack.

The Western army's morale was skyrocketing, but there was nothing they could do. It was true that the Wei Kingdom caused the death of Lin Dan, and it was very likely that their people did it. Their objective was to fight for the throne. Could that position be more important than the citizens? The resentment and hatred in their hearts had caused their fighting spirit to reduce a little. They were dejected as soon as they faced their enemy.

They had been battling from dawn to midday. The Western army was continuously being defeated, with heavy casualties. However, the five Hu allied forces were getting more and more valiant, and the sound of killing was heard everywhere. If they won today, the gate of the central region would be opened entirely, and the people of the Wei Kingdom and even the emperor who sat high in the palace would suffer from this disastrous defeat.

Li Xian was shot by several arrows, but he refused to retreat from the frontline. Tears welled up in his eyes. The motto of Lin Dan had become his motto — A warrior only knows how to fight on the battlefield and die for the country; there is no need to return the corpse. Since Lin Dan had died here, he would also want to die here. Regardless of the glory and wealth or the throne, whoever loves it takes it. Without these soldiers, let's see how long they could live in peace.

Ding Mujie, who was waiting for the news in the military camp, pretended to take a nap with a sharp dagger in his hand. After a long time, he slowly lifted the corners of his mouth, revealing a gentle smile. He thought without feeling unsatisfied, "It seems to be a good ending to be buried in the same land as Lin Dan.'

Amid the war, everything was on the way to destruction. At this moment, a group of strong and aggressive wild horses came out from the rear of the five Hu joint army. They rushed into the five Hu army at full speed, completely disrupting their formation. Many of the horses fell over in the collision, and the five Hu soldiers were killed under their horses.

"Where did these wild horses come from? Be calm, must be calm!" Roared Mo Xiao hysterically.

"Find out the lead horse and kill it!" A general from the Qiang tribe looked around the horses. If they couldn't find a lead horse, these horses wouldn't leave. If the troops were dispersed entirely by them, the consequences would be unimaginable.

They had never heard or seen such a large number of wild horses before. It should be a combination of three to four or even five to six herds of wild horses. But every herd of wild horses would have a leading horse. They were obstinate and rebellious, unwilling to join the other horses. Then where did these horses come from? Who could tame five to six herds of horses in a row and ultimately control their directions?

"Damn it! Retreat!" An ominous premonition rose in Mo Xiao's heart. As soon as he finished his words, he saw a familiar figure crawling out from the belly of a wild horse, killing a soldier from the Huns clan. The figure grabbed over his machete, stepped on the horse's back, and charged towards him. Who else could it be if it wasn't Lin Dan?

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