The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 75: The God of War (21)

Seeing that his old enemy was still alive, Mo Xiao's eyes widened. He whipped his horseback and shouted hoarsely, "Lin Dan is not dead! Kill her! Quickly!"

A group of cavalries hurried to surround and protect the king, but they saw that Lin Dan, who was stepping on the back of the horse, suddenly assimilate into the group of horses and disappeared in an instant.

"Where is she? Where is she? Where is Lin Dan? Go and find her!" Mo Xiao was so anxious. When Lin Dan appeared, he was scared, but he was even more terrified when she disappeared. The Huns army, which was in tidy formation, was now in a mess because of her.

The two armies confronted each other in a long and narrow valley. The herd of wild horses rushed from the rear of the Huns. If they continued to move forward, they would run into the Western army and disturb their formation. As the horses approached the Western army, a loud whistle came from nowhere, causing the wild horses to turn around and run towards the five Hu joint army, completely messing them up.

Mo Xiao yelled, "Where the whistle sound is, Lin Dan will be there? Go and find her! And kill her! I must kill her today!"

It was challenging to find a person among the herd of galloping horses? The Huns' cavalries kept circling around and don't know where to go. They were eager to see where Lin Dan was. She had become the nightmare of all the Huns. As long as the Huns didn't get rid of her, they would not dare to step into the central region.

The other four Hu's tribes had only heard of Lin Dan's name, but they had never seen how skillful she was. They disdained the Huns army, which was in chaos. Why were they so desperate to kill a woman? Wasn't their biggest enemy the herd of horses that appeared inexplicably and the Western army that was right in front of them?

"Mo Xiao, you break out the encirclement from the right-wing. We help you to pin down the horses!" A general from the Qiang tribe shouted.

Mo Xiao turned to look at him, his expression turned from anxious to shock. He saw Lin Dan emerged from behind the Qiang general like a ghost; she quickly climbed on the back of the horse, and cut off his head, then she disappeared under cover of the blood spurting all over the sky.

This man was the leader of the Qiang army. If he died, all the troops of the Qiang army would fall into chaos.

Mo Xiao held the rein tightly to make the horse turn around to see his surroundings clearly. His was in panic and fear, like a dying trapped beast.

Suddenly, not far from him, another blood soared into the sky, followed by the scream of the men in panic. Their leader was also killed by Lin Dan. With the help of the horses, she wandered unimpededly in the five Hu joint army, like a ghost. She left without leaving any trace after killing.

One of the Chinese stratagems stated, "Defeat the enemy by capturing their chief; Hit where it hurts." in the situation of the disparity in fighting power between the two sides, the decapitation tactic was indeed the best choice.

Finally, he figured out what Lin Dan was doing. Mo Xiao's face turned deathly pale with fear. Before he could call his own soldiers back to protect him, the Di leader was cut in half by Lin Dan. Blood poured down on the man's pale body like heavy rain, making the horse let out a shrill neigh.

"Come back, all of you, come back! Quickly surround me!" Mo Xiao howled madly; he stretched out his hand and pulled the nearest rider to his front to shield him. If he had only been scared of her before, now he was utterly terrified of her. He was almost frightened to death by her.

The Western army thought that the herd of wild horses would continue to gallop and scatter their camp. But, to their astonishment, they found that these horses seemed to be sent by God to help them. They only circled around and trampled back and forth in the five Hu joint army, not moving forward at all, which didn't make sense. Li Xian was suspicious. When he was about to rush into the enemy line, he saw a familiar figure appear in the herd of horses. The figure swiftly cut off the head of one of Hu's general's heads and disappeared.

"It's Lin Dan. She's still alive!" Li Xian looked in the direction in disbelief. It was a cruel scene of blood soaring into the sky, but in his eyes, it was like a firework exploding.

"It's the general! It's her!" The five thousand heavy cavalries around him also showed ecstatic expressions. Their dispirited state was instantly vanished and turned into a high fighting spirit.

"The general is in the depths of the array. Let's go and join her!" The five thousand heavy cavalries lifted their broadswords and attacked the enemy and formed a bloody path, directly ripping the five Hu joint army in half. The light cavalries who followed closely behind them shouted excitedly while killing the enemy.

"The general is not dead! The general is still alive!"

"The General had killed the leaders of Xianbei, Qiang, and Di army. The general is so brave!"

"Attack! Let's go and welcome the general!"

The excited shouts were spread one layer after another on the battlefield. First was the five thousand heavy cavalries at the forefront, followed by the tens of thousands of light cavalries, and lastly, the hundreds of thousands of foot soldiers. Their depressed faces were instantly filled with a strong murderous will, and excitement glowed from their dark eyes. However, with the presence of Lin Dan, their backbone was there, and their passion and fighting spirit would not be extinguished. Moreover, Lin Dan had killed three leaders of the Hu clan alone, which caused complete chaos in the five Hu army. Such a glorious battle performance was enough for everyone to quickly establish their belief in victory.[Read this novel and other amazing translated novels from the original source at the "Novel Multiverse dot com" website @]

If observed from a high area, the Western army, whose attack was not blatant; suddenly, raised their swords and attack. The three groups of troops ripped the five Hu allied forces apart from three directions, devoured them entirely. The five thousand heavy cavalries in the front were like a sickle. Wherever they passed, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and their heads rolled. Their combat effectiveness was astonishing.

This change was only caused by the arrival of a person.

Mo Xiao had to deal with the vicious Western army while searching for Lin Dan, which made him a little flustered. Moreover, three leaders of the four tribes died instantly, and the remaining one was already scared out of his wits and wanted to retreat. So he also started to plan to flee.

As soon as he uttered the word "retreat", he caught a glimpse of a ghost-like figure that emerged from the corner of his eyes. He quickly raised his shield to block it.

With a loud bang, the blade hit the shield, causing sparks. As soon as Lin Dan missed the strike, she hid and did not attack again. Before Mo Xiao could see her face clearly, he could only see a trace of coldness in her deep eyes.

Mo Xiao took a while to come back to his senses. He waited until his soldiers approached him; only then did he throw away his shield that had been cut into two. He shook his numb left arm, and his whole body was as cold as falling into an ice cave. He finally realized that Lin Dan, who rushed on the battlefield, was not the most terrifying. What was more startling was that she fought alone. If you provoked her, she could crush you with thousands of troops and horses and even take your life like a shadow. It requires a lot of courage to be her enemy.

While Mo Xiao was trying to suppress his fear, the head of the Jie leader disappeared. Before the blood-drenched Jie cavalries had the time to scream, they had been chopped into meat paste by the five thousand heavy cavalries. These dispirited soldiers of the Wei Kingdom were now as ferocious as tigers and wolves because their general had returned, and this general was ever-victorious and invincible!

Mo Xiao could no longer hold back his fear and shouted, "Retreat! Retreat right away!"

The five Hu allied forces began to retreat in panic, but it was too late. Lin Dan came out of nowhere and grabbed the horse of one of the Hun's heavy cavalries and joined the five thousand heavy cavalries that came to welcome her. The high-spirited Western army seemed to have come back to life and burned into a flame again.

Mo Xiao looked back and ran even faster. After being chased for hundreds of miles by the herd of wild horses and the Western army. He finally got rid of the siege and ran into the innermost part of the grassland. The other four clans' troops were severely beaten up; They dropped their helmets and armors, kneeling down to surrender, and were no longer arrogant as before.

The war, which was supposed to be without suspense, ended with the great victory of the Wei kingdom. Not to mention the garrison around the world who received the news of the war; even the Western army couldn't believe it. They raised the blood-stained swords in their hands, they sat on the horses in a daze. Finally, they glanced at the grassland complete with broken limbs and asked in a hoarse voice, "Where is General Lin?"

"Where is General Lin? I saw her just now!" 

"Is it true that General Lin has come back?"

"Yes, I've been following the general to kill the enemy just now!"

For them, victory was far less important than General Lin's life. So when they heard the news of General Lin's return during the battle, most of them didn't see her in person. They didn't dare to think deeply about it, so they accepted it naturally. They hoped that she could live, even if they were being lied to.

"I'm here." Lin Dan raised the blood-stained broadsword in her hand and rode over. The setting sun shone on her as if coated her with a layer of golden light.

The soldiers were stunned for a while before they got off the horse and knelt down. "General!" Before they finished speaking, many people cried out with excitement.

"The general is still alive! The general is really alive!" They stood up and shouted; they took off their helmets and threw them into the sky, as excited as children. Several more people wanted to rush over and lift Lin Dan up but were beaten away by Li Xian.

"Lin Dan?" Li Xian looked straight at her.

Lin Dan wiped off the blood on her face and replied with a smile.

Only then did Li Xian confirm that she was alive. He rushed up desperately and held her tightly in his arms.

Lin Dan hugged him back and patted his stiff back. Then she mounted her horse and said in a high spirit, "The right army stays to clean the battlefield, and the rest of the army follow me back to the camp!"

"Yes, general!" All the armies agreed in an imposing manner. The kettle of vultures hovering in the sky and waiting to peck the corpses were all scared away, leaving a few feathers falling from the sky.

In the military camp, a soldier rushed into the tent and shouted out of breath, "Sir, General Lin Dan is back. Our army wins!"

Ding Mujie, who had already had the will to die, suddenly opened his eyes with an unbelievable expression, and his face was replaced with ecstasy. Compared with the victory of the Western army, he definitely cared more about Lin Dan. He had been disheartened twice by this country. So why should he care about it? As long as Lin Dan was alive, everything would have hope.[Read this novel and other amazing translated novels from the original source at the "Novel Multiverse dot com" website @]

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