The Female Supporting Role Shows Out

Chapter 78: The God of War 24 (End)

Five years later, a line of majestic cavalries entered the capital city from the west gate. The one in the forefront wore silver armor and wrapped with tabard, and the eyes were filled with murderous auras, which made one people dare not look at. The guard of the city half knelt on the ground and watched them off.  When they stood up and said with lingering fear, "It's a great honor to see General Lin with my own eyes!"

"With just a glance at her eyes, and I'm already scared out of my wits. Isn't it life worthy?" Another guard patted his chest with fear.

"We are all scared to death when we see her. What do you think the Hu clan will react when they see her?" Another guard asked curiously.

The people who were about to enter the city suddenly smiled proudly. "We are from the border. We can solve this sir's doubts. The Hu people were scared out of their wits and fled when they heard General Lin's name. Under the general's guidance, we build a fortress and train the army of villagers. If Hu people dared to come, we immediately put down our hoes, picked up our swords, and immediately chopped them off as they cried for their parents. Wherever the general's horses go, we can settle there. Wherever she goes, it will belong to Wei's land. The general's reputation on the border is enough to intimidate all demons and monsters. "

The people around him listened with interest and begged him to tell them more about General Lin's deeds. The man was in high spirit. He didn't enter the city, nor did he want to sell the fur goods. He immediately squatted down and began to tell stories. The people who came passed by the city gate all stopped to listen. There were smiles in their eyes. Some passionate men waved their fists and applauded, saying they would join the army at the border.

The news that Lin Dan had returned to the capital was instantly spread all over the city. But, before she could get close, the great empress and Mrs. Lin had already been waiting at the door, which surprised her a lot.

"I didn't send y'all letter. So how do y'all know I'm back?" She got off the horse, full of confusion.

"As soon as you entered the city, someone came to deliver a letter to us, claiming that he saw you." The great empress smiled and held her granddaughter's hand. A five-year-old child ran out from behind her, staring at Lin Dan with a pair of big eyes.

Mrs. Lin pulled the child to her side and said with a smile, "Haven't you always wanted to see your sister? Well, she is back. Quickly greet her. "

Lin Dan immediately realized that he was Aunt Shi's son, but she didn't show any sign of disgust on her face. Instead, she walked over and rubbed the kid's head. The reserved look on the kid's face immediately disappeared. Instead, he rushed over and hugged Lin Dan's thigh, calling her "sister", and then he raised his arms to demand a hug. He grew up with stories about Lin Dan's battle, and he idolized Lin Dan very much.

Lin Dan picked him up and praised, "Not bad. He is strong."

The kid smiled happily like a flower.

Back then, after Lin Dan won the battle, Princess Kang sent someone to send a gift to test Lin Dan's behavior towards Lin Wan. Lin Dan told Princess Kang that Lin Wan was dead, so Lady Lin of King Kang's mansion had nothing to do with her. Princess Kang knew what that means, so she wouldn't be soft on Lin Wan. Lady Shi was so frightened that she couldn't eat and sleep well during her pregnancy, and she died of dystocia. A few months later, Lin Wan faced the same condition as her mother. The fate of both mother and daughter was so similar. How pathetic was it?

Mrs. Lin felt pity for the child, so she raised him as hers. The servants were free to say anything they want. However, anyone who said he was not Lin Dan's biological brother. He would immediately pounce on that person and bite like a wolf cub. But this wolf cub was as obedient as a pup when held in Lin Dan's arms.

Lin Qing got married a few years ago and married the daughter of a guard at the frontier. The girl was tough and skilled at kung fu. Now she served under Lin Dan's command. The two were in love together and a congenial partner. They gave birth to a son and a daughter in succession, fulfilling the great empress's wish.

After resting at home for half a day, Lin Dan was summoned to the palace to attend the state banquet that night. Several servants carefully led her to her seat and filled her glass.

"General, long time no see!"

"Lord of the country, you're back, too?"

The officials on both sides stood up and greeted her. Three years ago, the old emperor passed away. Before he died, he abandoned the crown prince and gave the throne to King Zhuang, Li Xian. The first thing Li Xian did after he ascended the throne was to appoint Lin Dan as Lord of Peacekeeping and sent several decrees to call her back to attend the enthronement ceremony. Unfortunately, she had to stay at the border and couldn't participate. The two hadn't seen each other for five years.

However, in the past five years, the relationship between them was not alienated but had become more profound. The emperor has always missed Lin Dan. He always mentioned General Lin, and when he saw any delicious food, he would quickly dispatch someone and send it to the border. Those who wanted to replace Lin Dan did not dare to act rashly.

She could come back to attend the birthday banquet because the emperor had started to send the decree to urge her three months in advance.

Lin Dan cupped her hands in return. As soon as she sat down, she already saw Ding Mujie, who was in the top seat, walking over and looking at her with a smile.

"How long are you staying in the capital this time?" Ding Mujie shamelessly took a futon and sat down next to Lin Dan, leaving the seat next to the throne, which belongs to the primary assistant emptied.

As soon as Lin Dan was about to answer, the eunuch spoke loudly, "His Majesty is here!"

All the officials knelt down. Li Xian, who strode in, stared at Lin Dan. Then, after ordering everyone to stand up, he couldn't wait and called out, "My beloved Lin Dan, you're finally back. Come here and have a good talk with me! " He pointed at the empty seat that was emptied by Ding Mujie, with a hint of undisguised joy on his face.

Then Ding Mujie followed her with a futon and took the seat of the secondary assistant.

Li Xian frowned and glared at him, but he couldn't lose his temper in the hall, so he could only restrain himself. He had a lot to say, but after hesitating for a while, he only said the most important sentence, "Can you stay longer in the capital this time? I haven't seen you for a long time." After so many years, the feelings he had suppressed in his heart had not subsided at all. His heart was filled with helplessness, but he could only accept his fate.

"Three months at most." Lin Dan raised three fingers.

"It's too short. Stay for another three more months." Li Xian poured a glass of wine for her in person.

"Okay. Then four months."

"Six months is also too short. Stay for another seven, eight months. No, no, no, stay for another ten months. Let's round it up." Li Xian bargained with Lin Dan like a child.

Ding Mujie only focused on looking at Lin Dan and did not participate in the two conversations. Seeing that Lin Dan's glass was empty, he filled it for her immediately. While they were talking, exotic music played in the official's seat. A woman in a gauze dress stepped onto the stage, with many golden bells tied around her wrists and ankles. When she danced, the bell rang, which was very interesting. She was prettier than the bright moon in the sky. She twisted her waist and danced around with her bare feet. The hemline of her dress, which was embroidered with mysterious totems, bloomed like a flower.

The officials were all stunned. Then, when they knew that she was the princess sent by the Jin Kingdom to make peace, they praised her even more.

After the dance, the princess saw that the emperor didn't look at her but just lowered his head and chatted with Lin Dan. She couldn't help but provoke, "I heard that General Lin is talented in both literature and martial arts. Today is His Majesty's birthday banquet. Why don't you present your talent?"

What kind of performance do you think Lin Dan needs to present? Do you think she is also a dancer like you? Li Xian showed an angry face and was about to reprimand her. Then he heard Lin Dan gradually said, "My only talent is to kill with a sword. I just beheaded your father a few days ago. You might not have forgotten, have you? This was quite a good talent, but it was too bloody to perform on the birthday. If your majesty doesn't mind, I will personally go to the Jin Kingdom to behead Tu Hui and congratulate you on your birthday in a few months. Is that okay? "

Tu Hui was the newly appointed ruler of the Jin Kingdom. He was also the princess's brother. If Lin Dan named the person she wanted to kill, that person might not be able to survive for three months.

Before the princess could react, the envoys of the Jin Kingdom were scared of their wits. They hurriedly pulled the princess to kneel down and apologized to Li Xian and Lin Dan, fearing that they would dispatch troops to attack the Jin Kingdom in a few months. The hall, which had been filled with joy, had suddenly fallen into silence with Lin Dan's words.

If it were five years ago, how could these barbarians treat the Wei kingdom so heedfully? But now, the situation was different. Wherever Li Xian pointed his sword, Lin Dan would trample it. Both of them were decisive and ambitious. It only took them five years to expand the territory of the Wei kingdom, which made the surroundings barbarians bow to them and didn't dare to attack. In ten or twenty years, the Wei Kingdom would probably take over the whole continent.

The hall was so quiet that even the sound of needles dropping could be heard. The princess, who had been so arrogant just now, didn't dare to let out a cry now. She was trying her best to hold back her tears.

Li Xian swirled the wine glass nonchalantly and said, "You can leave now."

The envoys of the Jin Kingdom took the princess's hand and left in a hurry. They seemed to have a narrow escape from death.

Upon hearing this, Li Xian looked at Lin Dan and said, "Didn't you say that you would stay in the capital for a longer time? Why did you want to go to the Jin Kingdom again? Let's not talk about war today. Let's just talk like old friends. What do you think? "

Lin Dan cupped her hands and said, "It's up to Your Majesty."

Seeing that she was so obedient, Li Xian couldn't help laughing loudly. When the people heard the emperor's joyful laughter, the drumbeats sounded again in the hall. The courtiers, with a bit of dignity, stepped forward to propose a toast to the emperor. The emperor only took a symbolic sip, but he drank it in one gulp when it was Lin Dan's turn. He even turned his wrist to let her see the bottom of his cup. The biased treatment was apparent.

Ding Mujie never drank, but if Lin Dan personally poured it for him, he would drink it in one gulp, with a rare unrestrained look on his face.

Soon, a state banquet came to an end. Even if they were reluctant to let her leave, Lin Dan still went out of the palace. This year's number one scholar was an eighteen or nineteen years old young man. He followed behind her with a blushed face. He wanted to talk to her several times, but he didn't dare to go forward. He could only stand there and watch her leave.

"So, this is General Lin. She is even braver than it was said. It would be great if only I could marry her! Realizing what he had said, the number one scholar hurriedly covered his mouth and blushed.

After he slipped away like a thief, Ding Mujie staggered out of the hall and smiled bitterly, "I also want to marry, so how?"

"I appointed her as my wife, but she didn't want to marry. So, what are you still dreaming of? Why not wash up and go to bed?" Li Xian personally sent Ding Mujie out with a helpless expression.

Ding Mujie laughed and left. That night he had a dream. In his dream, he was rebirth and returned to the worst day, and narrowly escaped from Lin Wan's plot. For some reason, Lin Dan slept with King Zhuang and was caught by the guests on the spot. In order to protect the family's reputation, Lin Dan decisively cut off her hair and entered the temple. As a result, King Zhuang was dragged into the fight for the throne and fell into a disadvantage.

A few months later, Lin Dan, unfortunately, caught a cold and died of illness. Her death had utterly interrupted Lin Wan's plan to marry King Kang. When she began to plan again, the news about the Lin men died on the battlefield spread. King Kang immediately distanced himself from her. Her beautiful dream was shattered before she could do anything.

At this moment, Ding Mujie, reborn, appeared like a Buddha to save the world. He married Lin Wan, who was about to fall into a desperate situation. At first, Lin Wan was not reconciled, but later, when Ding Mujie climbed higher and higher and had a promising future, so she took the opportunity to settle down. The two lived like this for a lifetime. They seemed to be harmonious and happy, but when Ding Mujie awoke, he was frightened to sweat.

He pinched himself hard and found that it was very painful. Then he smiled with lingering fear. Fortunately, it was just a dream. Fortunately, Lin Dan was still alive, and he had never been with Lin Wan… The sham happiness was far more terrible than poison…

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