The Female Taoist Priestess's Childhood Sweetheart Is a Male CEO

Chapter 63: How is it different from yesterday

Chapter 63

"Trick the ghost?" The two spoke the question in unison.

Jian Xi nodded, "Yeah, you heard me right."

Huo Chengxi and He Jiaxu exchanged a glance, how were they supposed to trick a ghost?

Jian Xi gave them a brief explanation of her plan, a slight smirk playing on her lips.

The two men wore matching expressions of refusal after listening to her.

"Do you still want to help your roommate or not? This is the only way I can think of right now," Jian Xi shrugged nonchalantly.

After a moment, the two men steeled themselves, with Huo Chengxi coping better than the reluctant He Jiaxu.

Jian Xi first sought He Qingchen's approval, then instructed Huo Chengxi to invite Li Junyu to the small wooden cabin in Yijing Stream Park at 11 pm that night.

As for why she chose the cabin, it was simply because she couldn't be bothered to go out, so she told them to come straight there. Once she was done, she could head right back to the main building and sleep!

After parting ways with the two men, Jian Xi went to the driving school.


On the other side, Nie Xiujin received a call from Tang Xingyou.

"Hey, boss, where are you?" Tang Xingyou asked.

"New Century Mall," Nie Xiujin reported a location, then asked, "What's up, got a new case? We're heading back now."

Tang Xingyou hurriedly explained, "You do need to come back, but it's not for a case. Jian Xi just came by."

Nie Xiujin was puzzled, "What did she come for?"

"Ah, she brought a ghost and asked us to help send it to the underworld. Then she sang some spirit-summoning song that called back a lot of 'missing persons.' So you guys need to come back and reorganize the list, but I feel like we've basically found everyone. Even if there are still a few left, I don't think there will be many!"

After Tang Xingyou finished speaking, Nie Xiujin fell silent for a moment before responding, "I'm with Qi Yunzheng. Give Lin Xi Wen a call too, he's with Shi Fan."

"Got it, I'll call them now."

After hanging up, Nie Xiujin informed Qi Yunzheng, and the two headed back to the Special Operations Bureau.

Lin Xi Wen did the same upon receiving the call, hurrying back.

In the car, Shi Fan excitedly said, "I just knew something was off when we could only find half the traces before they vanished. Turns out Jian Xi summoned the ghosts away! So impressive. After the last time, I researched a bunch of occult materials but couldn't find any records of this technique. I only knew of spirit-summoning spells with similar effects, but those can only call living souls, not the dead. And I've never heard of a 'spirit-summoning song' before!"

"Deputy Chief, have you heard of it?" Shi Fan asked the driving Lin Xi Wen.

Lin Xi Wen shook his head, "After the boss mentioned it last time, I looked into spirit summoning techniques too, but couldn't find anything. It's like this 'spirit-summoning song' was created by Jian Xi herself!"

As his words trailed off, they coincidentally reached a red light, and he slammed on the brakes, exchanging a look with Shi Fan.

Created by Jian Xi herself?!

"Just who is this Jian Xi to be able to create her own techniques?" Shi Fan exclaimed in astonishment.

Lin Xi Wen adjusted his glasses and pursed his lips, "That's just our speculation. I'll ask Jian Xi about it the next time she comes!"

Shi Fan noticed that Lin Xi Wen used the word "ask," and after working together for years, each knew the other well. He had already determined with 80% certainty that the spirit-summoning song was Jian Xi's own creation!

If Lin Xi Wen could think of it, then Nie Xiujin, Wang Jian'an and the others surely could too!

At that moment, as Jian Xi practiced driving, she felt her ears burning, occasionally sneezing. After the fourth sneeze, Jian Xi frowned, wondering who was talking about her so incessantly!

But alas, she couldn't figure it out, so she could only endure the burning sensation.

Her ears were still hot when she finished driving practice. She didn't have He Qingchen pick her up today since the driver was waiting outside.

However, when she returned home, He Qingchen was already there.

After changing her shoes, Jian Xi hurried over to the sofa, "Brother, why are you back so early today?"

Instead of letting her sit on the sofa, He Qingchen pulled her onto his lap, "Nothing much at the company today, so I came back early to keep you company."

"Brother, you're the best. Oh, I mentioned earlier that I had something arranged for tonight at the small cabin, right? It's like this..." Jian Xi briefly explained Li Junyu's situation to He Qingchen.

Jian Xi had her hair in a high ponytail today, and as He Qingchen listened, he played with a strand of her hair.

After hearing her out, he repeated his earlier words, "You're the lady of this house. Do as you please, no need to ask me from now on."

They had exchanged text messages earlier, but now his alluring voice sounded right by her ear, and she immediately felt her face and ear tips grow warm.

Jian Xi instinctively shrank her neck.

This small movement revealed a new discovery to He Qingchen: her ears were an erogenous zone!

A playful thought crossed his mind as he leaned close, his thin lips brushing her ear as he called out softly, "Xiao Xi~"

Jian Xi shuddered at the husky whisper, the warmth breath caressing her ear sending tingles through her body. She struggled in panic to escape He Qingchen's embrace.

But He Qingchen wasn't about to let her go, tightening his arm around her waist as he continued murmuring her nickname in her ear.

Jian Xi squirmed in his arms, finally freeing her hands to cover her burning red ears.

Seeing her flushed cheeks and glistening eyes blinking at him in seeming reproach for teasing her, He Qingchen felt something stir in his heart.

He leaned in, his gaze intense as a glint of desire flashed in his eyes, followed by smoldering heat.

Jian Xi shrank back from the scorching look, asking warily, "What are you... mmph!"

His breath mingled with hers as he captured her lips, one hand cupping her face while the other still held her waist.

This time, he didn't restrain himself, following his instincts as he forcefully parted her lips in a slow, thorough conquest.

Jian Xi's eyes went wide, startled by the change from yesterday's kiss.

As she surrendered dazedly, a slightly husky voice murmured against her lips, "Focus. Close your eyes."

Ever the obedient one, Jian Xi complied, slowly learning to respond in kind.

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