The First Strong

Chapter 2583 - Tianluo

When I heard the shadow of the pearl, Shen Lang’s eyes lit up.

It turned out to be the pearl of the shadow!

This place is the edge of the Shadow Forest. It used to enter the Shadow Forest from here. The positioning of the Gate of the Three Realms is not wrong.

And they came here to be random, it is impossible to hide in the ground in advance, or just to the top of it hiding.

When they come back, they are also temporary, and it is impossible for the emptiness to hide here in advance.

Combined with these analyses, perhaps this illusory, originally on the edge of the Shadow Forest. When they came over, they found out, but they didn’t start with them, but waited for them to go in.

When you come normally, dare to go into the shadow forest, it must be a picture, prepared, not blindly chaotic. In the dark, the return of the original road is a great possibility.

So this illusory, will be guarding around here, waiting for them to come back.

If they can’t come back, there is no loss to it. Once you come back, it’s possible to gain something and return in vain!

As for being able to hide in this underground, it is not too strange to be a giant palm. Because Shen Lang has a limited range of perceptions, he has experienced the hands of the barbarians before.

If the other party is more familiar with the environment and can be freely shaped, it is possible that God will sneak into the ground without knowing it.

But why is this vain waiting to ambush them here?

With the strength of their outsiders, entering the forest of shadows, the possibility of coming out is very small, the possibility of gaining less is better, and the pearl of the shadow can be obtained, not to mention.

From this point of view, there is only one possibility, that is, nothingness is even more taboo for the Shadow Forest!

Otherwise, with the strength it shows, you can go in and fight the phantom demon, and the direct robbing is just fine.

Now, it looks more like waiting for the rabbit on the edge of the Shadow Forest. This time, they will also kill their dead horses.

Although this is speculation, it is really possible to combine the big wild five dragons that were previously kept outside the funeral dragon valley.

As for the more powerful and illusory, why can’t you enter the Shadow Forest, you don’t know.

Perhaps different demons and sub-branches, there are wars, competition for the territory and the like, the phantom demon may not be able to beat the emptiness of the devil, was forced to escape into this shadow of the gods do not enter the shadow forest.

After the cost of death and injury, evolution adapted to the shadow forest, and later found the pearl of the shadow.

And they should also go out, the news will spread, let the emptiness of the devil want to capture the pearl of the shadow.

Shen Lang is a bit regrettable. Although he got a pearl of shadow, he didn’t know what it was, and he didn’t know its origins and the grudges behind them.

Perhaps… In the eyes of the Phantom Devils, they are the ones who are looking for nothing. It is no wonder that the Queen finally offers the Shadow Pearl directly to redeem the Demon King, and the Devil will be so angry.

The illusory sorcerer has a pearl of their shadow, which should come from two aspects.

On the one hand, they suddenly transmitted it, instead of withdrawing along the way. It is obvious that they are full of treasures and are in line with speculations.

On the other hand, they talked to the barbarians and said that they “have to work hard” and can prove it sideways.

And because the barbarian looked at the shadow of the pearl, Shen Lang only said that “the ridiculous land has nothing to gain”, the shadow of the forest is used “the harvest is not proportional” “too dangerous, not much harvest” and so on.

If the imaginary sorcerer guesses that they are coming to capture the pearl of the shadow, then these words are equivalent to fully identifiable.

“What is the shadow of the pearl?”

All the information and analysis was done quickly in the brain of Shen Lang, and he responded with a sly expression on the surface.

“You don’t have to install it, we have nothing to do, and the level of illusion is higher. Your expression has proved that you know the pearl of the shadow, and it is possessed.”

The words of the emptiness of the devil are not like exaggeration.

Because the former demon, although it can morph a lot of cockroaches, it can turn the body into a huge palm.

The demon king can transform the five senses of Shen Lang. It can instantly merge the image of Shen Lang and Gao Hanqiu into one.

These are enough to prove that it is not inferior to the phantom demon in this aspect of illusion.

I have confirmed that there are shadow beads on Shen Lang. It is known through expressions, or it is not important to swindle him. It is determined that Shen Lang is there, and denying will also move them.

“There is no evil, you are not weak, but you have already tried it. Are you sure you have played three of us?”

Shen Lang smiled and gestured to the Shadow Forest. “We can also go inside and do it.”

For this temptation, the imaginary demon has no expression reaction.

“I have given you a chance, you have angered me. If you do not seize this opportunity, I will not give a third chance!”

When it was talking, the surrounding environment began to change. There was a dark protective cover that appeared around it and contracted from those fogs.

That is to say, the first thing that appears is 100 meters away. When they are aware of the waves, they have already received within 100 meters.

This should be similar to the existence of an enchantment when it was grasped before, but it has been materialized, obviously thicker and stronger.

It seems that the imaginary demon is worried that they will send away the usage treasure. It has already been secretly laid out such a shield. The words just spoken are not necessarily to persuade them to offer, but to delay the time.

With the shape of the palm before it can be seen hundreds of meters underground This dark protective cover should be like a net, not only above and around, but also underneath.

Put an end to them and send away! Of course, it is also to avoid letting them enter the forest of shadows.

This situation appeared, Shen Lang was also slightly surprised, he did not know whether the door of the Three Realms could cross this defense.

But knowing that this is a demon, he is still not so worried compared to the 10,000-meter super giant. If time permits, you can still try the transmission of the door of the Three Realms.

If you can’t do it, you can hide it through the space of heaven.

“It looks like you haven’t been heavy enough to cut it. You want to hold you apart and you will die.”

Shen Lang also carried the sword of the king in his hand and mocked it.

Now this imaginary demon is turned into a look of him and the cold and autumn, and naturally there is no damage.

But the huge palm just now is the body of it. The one that was hit was not a finger, but its body has been hit by the sword of two people, burned by the heart, and smashed by the dog god. meat.

It is no wonder that the sword of the king penetrated into the “palm” below, which would make it have a clear reaction. It should actually be stuck in its body, perhaps the damage of the trunk and internal organs.

At the end of the slash, it will be normal.

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