The First Strong

Chapter 2587 - King\\\'s Power

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There was a magic mirror in front, and the three waves were like in the dark, but they were able to guess.

Now this emptiness has disappeared, and that is it is in the dark.

And what shape it is embodied in, is far from the scope, and it is impossible to know that it is the real body in the dark.

However, Shen Lang does not care.

When dealing with the barbarian before, it has been successfully used. As long as the speed is fast enough, when the enemy attacks, the magic mirror will be greeted, and the other party will be allowed to enter the mirror world in an instant.

Even if this imaginary demon understands this, it will not count, but it will force it to rush back. This is an effect that no other attack or defense can achieve.

Of course, the premise is to be fast enough!

The other side has to go from the front to the back of them, he has to change hands, you can take a lot of calm. But if it is behind him, or if you have already lurked under your feet, it will be much harder to use the mirror again.

Not only Shen Lang, Gao Hanqiu and the dog god, can think of this, everyone is also very vigilant.

Especially in the cold autumn, holding the sword of the king, he is actually a little bit tempted, and wants to show it.

This is like a car with superb skills. Even if you reach the realm of the car god, you will want to try it if you have never seen a car that has never been opened.

For a moment, there was an inexplicable gust of wind, and I have already felt the fierceness of it before I arrived!

This gust of wind is a comprehensive coverage, in all directions, even in the direction of the mirror!

All three immediately understand that this is the attack of the emptiness, and all the squalls are its illusion, the scope of the wind cover is its body, it can appear anywhere at any time!

In this case, it is not so easy to capture it.

For example, the mirror, in the direction of the opposite, if its body does not go in, just a burst of attack into it, there is no harm.


The first shot of Gao Hanqiu, the sword of the king who had already been ready to go, swiftly waved out in his hand!

In an instant, the sword of the king went out to the front and opened a large space. It was curved out, and in the place where the blade was not yet drawn, there was a sword and a step forward. !

His sword is equal to the main attack on the front of a large circle, and then the swordsman flies out and draws directly to the rear. The attack also reached three hundred and sixty degrees!

The opponent’s attack is a globular all-round attack, and the sword of the high cold autumn is equal to the ball, and all of them are cut.

In this case, no matter which aspect of the emptiness, you can encounter a blow.

Of course, this only covers a relatively large scope, and can not cover all of them. For example, if the body of the emptiness is lurking in the corner, then it will not be attacked.

However, the sword of Gao Hanqiu has already produced an extremely powerful momentum. The fierce wind has been firmly suppressed without being close.

If the imaginary demon wants to continue to attack in the same way, it has already unloaded the momentum and needs to make changes.

The dog **** is still very clever. Since the cold autumn has been attacked in advance, it will be surrounded by defense.

It is a lot of stinger vines that burst out and spit out above and below. If the other side wants to sneak from below or in the air, it will pass it.

Shen Lang is calculating the time!

That’s right, time.

Starting with the use of magic mirrors is a strategy of Shen Lang. He did not expect the mirror to be able to shut down the illusion of the genius. After all, the phantom demon was already a lucky component.

But it can delay the time, the purpose is to let the toxins further attack!

At the beginning, apart from the dark shield, there was no genius, and there was no attack. The use of power was still a lot less.

However, under the persecution of the Mirror, the disappearance of the whole body disappeared, and now the all-round offensive is further exercise.

The calculation time, on the one hand, is to calculate how long the toxin is injected, and on the other hand, to see how long it takes to end after it disappears.

After the toxin is injected, it is precious that they are precious for one second now, of course, it is also excellent for many and a half seconds.

The time of patience can reflect the effect of toxins on it!

If it really has no effect, then in this day, in the magic forest, the emptiness of the demon is more home-court advantage, and their race age, time, and certainly longer, not to race against time.

To put it simply, if it is not poisoned by injuries, it should be a patient delay, and it will be impatience and weakness.

Now, it was that it quickly couldn’t help but started the attack in the form of a gusty wind.

As a result, Shen Lang concluded that it was poisoned, and the impact of toxins on it has become more and more obvious, so let it not dare to neglect.

“Nothing, you still want to continue? Do you think this will hold me?”

With two attacks and one defense, Shen Lang began a verbal attack.

“You have been poisoned very deeply! Only we can save you! You want the pearl of the shadow, but you also need to have a life!”

When you heard the waves, the dog **** could not help but burst into a roar!

It was originally full of confidence, but did not expect the other party to show that it was not poisoned at all, making it sullen and depressed.

Now the analysis of Shen Lang makes it regain confidence.

“I will only give you a chance! Do you want to die? If you want to die, be honest! To be the shadow of the pearl, you can exchange sincerity, I am very negotiable.”

Both threatened and attracted.

Continue to fight, you may die, and you may lose both, but there is absolutely no win-win result.

If you give up, you can solve the toxins, ensure that your life is not worrying, and then through the transaction, you may be able to change what you don’t need to the most needed.

The key is that these words are said, and after a few seconds, the toxins spread further!

There is no verbal response to the emptiness, but Shen Lang can guess that it is definitely entangled.

Gao Hanqiu is not just a blow. After a blow, he has already started the second wave of attacks. With the sword of the king, he has created a powerful sword net, covering the front space!

Although this time can not guarantee the back, but there is also a mirror world in the mirror can be blocked.

He is also an additional division after just a full-scale attack.

The sword of the king, under the application of the cold autumn, it is really a stone-shattering effect, directly let the violent wind that has not yet dissipated, and got a further suppression!

“How can I trust you?”

The voice of the imaginary demon sounded up, and it was actually sent out from the ground, that is, the ground hundreds of meters that had just been lifted by the sky.

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