The Gamer's System

Chapter 181: The Winner

It was nothing like Sylph has ever experienced in her life. She has faced countless overpowering enemies but, never in her life has she come across such a calamity of nature as the person in front of her. 

Just by being near him, she was already having her body shudder involuntarily. All her senses were screaming for her to run away from the fight. To take down the [Wind Wall] and simply run away because, whoever or whatever it was that she was facing. It was no longer mortal.

"You were so brazen about all those attacks earlier. Why hold back now?" Vask began.

It's not like Sylph didn't want to attack. It was just that, her own body wasn't listening to her. It seemed to be paralyzed in place so, instead of being able to attack while her opponent was recovering, she couldn't do anything.

Vask didn't bother to think of any strategies. In fact, he wasn't even taking the fight seriously yet. He was just waiting for all his wounds to fully recover. All while getting a feel of Quinn's body and how he'd use it.

"We better hurry up before this body of his explodes. I can't maintain it for long you know." Vask began, with Sylph still battling against her own body for control.

"AHHHH!" She shouted, making two of the arrowheads within the wall hit her. Surprising the Chaos Monarch who intently watched everything.

"Oh my. To think you'd resort to that just to move. I'm flattered." Vask said, seeing his enemy breathing heavily even before they began fighting.

"So you're the one?" Sylph immediately asked as she regained control.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you the reason why Quinn is abandoning his team?" She continued. 

"Well yes of course I am. I mean I'm already using it as we speak. So this kid needs to follow everything I say because if he doesn't a lot of bad things can happen." It was the truth.

Vask could destroy Quinn's body anytime. The elite knew this even without it being said by the [Chaos Monarch]. He knew that, because the same overpowering force of nature was in his body, then it could cause his own death. But before this, he knew that Vask may also do some terrible things to his own teammates.

"Thank goodness." Sylph said in relief.


"I knew that boy wasn't turning against us. And if its you that's controlling him. Then it just means that I need to take you down for us to get him back." Sylph said.

"My that's a very bold thing for you to say miss elf. Are you even sure you can do that?" Vask said in reply. Entertained by the mortal in front of him.

"We won't know until I try." Was all that Sylph said; preparing to attack.

"I see. Well what are you waiting for then? Come at me."

As soon as Vask said this, Sylph released all of the arrowheads on her wings within the [Wind Wall]. This began gaining more and more speed and elemental damage with each second passing by. Vask watched this as he placed his hands behind his back, with his sword gripped on tightly.

Meanwhile Sylph made her blades touch the [Wind Wall]. This further strengthened her melee weapon – elongating them as the element shaped her daggers into a dual cutlass.

"My, is this the level of skill usage that you all have reached? I must say that it is a bit impressive." Vask said as he bent his body; dodging the blades which came as swift as a strike of lightning.

Sylph attacked relentlessly. She didn't dare stop because, she knew that if she did, her body would definitely be paralyzed from fear once again. In fact, just standing near the enemy was enough to exhaust her body and make her feel like she's drowning in the deep sea. Yet what drove her was the fact that, she needed to free the elite who was forced to move against his will.

"I'm wondering." Vask began, dodging ten slashes that came in rapid succession without much effort. He wasn't even using his sword yet. It was still at his back, held by his left hand which was also positioned behind him.

"What else do you actually have up your sleeves." He finished, thinking that his enemy wasn't actually much. But then he felt something different from the flow of wind, making him back away for the first time in the fight.

Vask felt a cut form on his cheek, with warm blood dripping out. Of course this healed immediately with black flames. Covering it an restoring his face back to normal.

"Ahhh. Of course. Wind allows you to do that." Vask said in reply understanding that the blades were actually longer than they seemed. All the wind within the area of their fight was probably within the disposal of the elf, making her even more fearsome. This allowed her to make the blades even longer without having to actually make it visible. 

"It's much longer than you think." Sylph said in reply.

The elf continuously swung her blade only for Vask to feel the blade hitting him even though she wasn't closing in. He immediately healed these as a smile formed on his face. Indeed, the whole area has transformed into a hazardous blade and, he was trapped within it.

"My. Now this has got me interested." Vask finally brought out one of his hands, destroying all the invisible blades while not moving out of the place he stood.

Sylph didn't simply stop here. She continued attacking yet at a quicker phase. Making use of the wind mana around her in order to have a steady supply. 

"I must say you just keep on impressing me. Keep on going." He said, still standing in place while perfectly blocking all shots with a single hand.

"Oh you'll be more than impressed." Sylph said, pointing at the sky which Vask immediately looked at.

"HAHAHAHA! When did you ever have the time to set that up?"

"Triple Layered Casting! Judgement!" 

It was the same skill which Sylph was supposed to use against Heron and Morpheus. A skill which created thousands of arrowheads which could pierce through almost anything. A skill which homed on its target with pinpoint accuracy that made it impossible to simply dodge.

This same attack came down Vask like a vicious torrent. The earth below them finally gave in, with cracks appearing everywhere. With this, Sylph's attacks were finally able to pierce through and, for the first time in the entire fight, Vask was finally using both hands. With his sword destroying the innumerable amount of arrowheads. 

Wounds appeared all over his body, with vitals also getting damaged along the way. Yet the black flames healed these all without any problem. Even in the state he was in, Vask roared in laughter. As if this whole thing was only a form of entertainment for him.

"Keep it coming elf! Show me more!" Vask suggested as he continued facing the attacks without moving from his position.

"Gladly." Sylph said, preparing the last ounce of her mana for her final attack.

The skill abruptly came to a halt and it was such a strange thing for Vask who enjoyed himself. In fact, he was so immersed on what he did that, he didn't notice what Sylph actually did.

The [Wind Wall] was no more. Surrounding the [Chaos Monarch] were thousands of wind swords, with the arrowheads fired within the [Wind Wall] as their core. These floated up on the air and, in the middle of these was Sylph. Holding on to two of these weapons. She stared at her target and breathed heavily as she activated:

"Dance of the Fairy Queen!"

Sylph came charging at Vask with the swords on her hands. The Monarch was prepared to hit her but, as soon as he swung, he found himself only hitting air while he two large wounds tore open on his chest. His blood gushed out soon after. Followed by the black flames that immediately covered these.

"Bravo!" He said, getting even more entertained.

The swords came hitting him in multiple directions. Some of them even hit the ground only to be picked up by Sylph who swung her blade on Vask's back. Indeed, Sylph was one with the wind. She became wind itself. A skill so complex that it required total concentration from the user as well as a kind of genius that doesn't come easy.

Into a spiral, with all swords piercing at once. Raining down and disappearing only to reappear a second before contact. An elf who merged with wind and attacked from the most unpredictable ways as possible. 

Indeed, it was a skill which she saved up for stronger opponents. Specifically, for someone as strong as Zeke or Glade. The attack cannot end until all the wind swords were depleted. Entailing that any enemy which she locks down on would inevitable be torn to shreds as an aftermath.

Unfortunately for her, Vask wasn't human nor was he a mere mortal. He was a being higher than the gods. And, this same creature finally decided to stop the games he's been playing. He positioned himself on a stance and, as soon as he felt Sylph's presence, he stabbed forward. Hitting Sylph who had shock on her eyes.


"You won't understand." Vask simply said, taking out his blade, that had elven blood on it.

"You're a good fighter I'll give you that. Unfortunately for you, I'm not only better. I'm the best." He said, with Sylph desperately crawling on the ground.

"You know what? I like you so I'll spare your life. It's not everyday that I give a blessing such as this so you should fell honored." Vask said, seeing Sylph positioned in front of his feet.

"Well that should wrap things up. I'm nearly out of time so if you'll excuse me. I'll be on my way." Vask said, turning around to leave.

But then, he felt something grab his ankle. As he turned, he saw the half dead elf gripping tightly. Vask sighed as he sat down, raising Sylph's head by gripping on to her hair. 

"G-give him back…" She said, with conviction on her eyes.

"He's not coming back." Vask simply said. Getting a spit of blood from the elf who still had determination on her eyes.

"Dear me. It seems that I've been too kind once again. Okay, let me show you what happens to those who oppose me."

Vask began beating her down. Punching Sylph's face over and over again and restoring her consciousness whenever it faded away. He whistled as he did this; only dropping Sylph on the ground when he was already bored.

The Monarch formed a twisted smile on his face as this happened. He thought of giving her a torture worse than death. With his had reaching for Sylph's head once again. But even before he could perform this, Quinn forced control, removing the markings all over his body with a satisfied Vask being forced back within him.

The elite breathed heavily. His heart thumped so loudly that he could hear it from his eardrums and, he felt his whole body in an agonizing amount of pain. Yet he was able to disregard all of these as he looked at the poor state of the elf who tried to get him back.

"I'm sorry." Was all that he said, healing all Sylph's wounds before walking away. 

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