The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 face the challenge

Standing under the shower head in the bathroom, the warm hot water washes away the exhaustion of the muscles. The long day is finally over, and it also means that a new day is about to begin.

“The Pacific War”, this work is regarded as the brother of “The Brotherhood”, but the focus is slightly different.

The “Brothers Company” focuses on the cruelty of the war. Through the experience of a company of soldiers, it shows the friendship between soldiers and the ups and downs of the entire World War II. Among them, the reality of the Normandy landing has become the masterpiece of the whole work, which is praised as more than The shock of “Saving Private Ryan”. The theme of “I am not a hero, I am fighting side by side with a hero” is even more exciting.

The “Pacific War” focuses on the impact of the war. The series connects the whole series with three characters, Eugene-B-Slegde and John-Basilone. And Robert-Leckie (Robert-Leckie), these three are real characters in real life, the whole series is adapted from Eugene and Robert’s memoirs. The main line of the war revolves around three people, showing the impact of all aspects of their lives in an all-round way, aiming to show the profound impact of World War II on every individual, every single family, and even the state of society as a whole.

Lan Li is about to play Eugene, who bears the core soul and sublimation thoughts of the whole series.

In his last life, Lan Li once watched the “Pacific War” and was deeply impressed by Eugene. This is a very interesting and complicated character.

He was originally a boy who had no power to restrain the chicken. He could not exercise vigorously because of heart disease, but on the battlefield he gradually grew into a soldier with blood on his hands and even a little irritable. When he first stepped on the battlefield, he would vomit when he saw the corpse, vomiting his bile, but later watched his comrades die one after another. The struggle and difficulties of survival began to distort his beliefs. A little bit disappears-even if you see a howling baby, the first reaction is human/meat/bomb, rather than protecting the weak.

He originally believed that this war was the only way to protect his homeland from encroachment, but on the battlefield he realized that even if it is an enemy, they are all living lives, and they also have their own. The family and the beliefs that I want to protect. Their fighting is not to protect their homes, but to kill each other. So how did all this happen? This made him question his beliefs-if God loves every citizen, then why should he allow war to exist? If God is willing to take the punishment of sin on behalf of everyone, then why is his hands covered with blood, unwillingly?

The annihilation of humanity and the collapse of faith have turned Eugene’s world upside down. Fortunately, he survived, but he hated himself because his comrades who were braver and stronger than him would sleep forever on the battlefield, while the timid and cowardly he survived. He didn’t even know how he was. Returning to his homeland, the loss, the pain, and the struggle are rooted in Eugene’s blood.

He returned to his hometown. He persisted soundly until the end of the war, but he did not know how to continue living. Eugene, it’s not Eugene anymore.

In the entire series, Eugene is the most complete, full, and richest character image. It can be said to condense all the ambitions of the “Pacific War”. In just ten episodes, it shows life. The waves are magnificent. Even compared to “Brothers”, Eugene’s role is far ahead in depth and height, and it can be made into a movie.

Of course, this also means that the difficulty of performing is far beyond imagination.

Joseph Mezzero, who was born as a child star, was the actor of Eugene in the previous life. He has a fragile temperament like Bambi, which gives Eugene a special touch, with blankness, hesitation and despair in his eyes. It fits well with the style of the whole series. However, Joseph’s performance was slightly monotonous, without layers, and without depth. He failed to show that kind of delicate change, which invisibly weakened the core idea of ​​the drama; especially in the second half, the kind of disintegration. The magnificence of the heart was so silent that it almost didn’t show up at all. This was a major blow to the efforts of the main creative team.

After the “Pacific War” was broadcast, the professional reputation was still highly praised, but the audience’s response was not as good as the “Brothers”.

There are many reasons. The first is the high expectations of Jewels and Jade, and the standard of the audience has been raised to a whole new level. It is inevitable that all aspects will be compared; the second is the shift of the intent of the drama, which has led to a change in focus and war. The chemical reaction of the scene has been weakened; thirdly, we must also consider the issue of the adaptation reference object. “Brothers” is adapted from a novel, and “The Pacific War” is adapted from two different memoirs. There are coherence aspects. A certain impact, especially in the first half.

The last and most important point is that Joseph failed to interpret enough depth, and failed to allow Eugene to support the soul of the entire series, which led to the abrupt end of the sublimation of the second half of the series, lacking the “brother company” kind of summary. Baptism.

The audience is subjective, and the gap caused by the difference between the two works is enough to make them dissatisfied; the film critics are objective and have given enough affirmation from the aspects of the frame of the drama, the quality of the scenes, and the core of their thoughts.

Now that the role of Eugene is taken over by Lan Lilly, how will his performance be? Can he live up to expectations? Can he surpass Joseph’s performance? Can he rely on the power of performance to present the ideas of the main creative team? Can he light up the soul of the entire “Pacific War”?

The overall quality of the work cannot be changed by an actor, not to mention that Lan Li is still a rookie actor without any performance experience, but the quality and intensity of the performance are the actor’s responsibility and full responsibility. This is not an easy task. Strictly speaking, it is a difficult task.

Lanli’s blood rushed rapidly, and the excitement and stimulation brought by the adrenaline penetrated into the muscles, leaping for joy uncontrollably.

To be an actor, this is his biggest dream and persistence since his rebirth, but everything before that was just a piece of paper. Even after experiencing the fragmentary performances in the West End and Off Broadway, he didn’t know if he had enough. Talent to become an excellent actor, whether he has enough ability to constantly challenge acting skills; not to mention the huge pressure from home, so heavy that he can’t breathe.

Now, the opportunity has finally come! And it’s a golden opportunity!

Lan Li not only did not feel embarrassed because of the arduous challenge, but was extremely excited because of the difficulty of the task. Although this is only his first official performance, he has already begun gearing up and eager to try.

Live again, he didn’t come here to look forward and backward, he should really let go of his hands and feet, and sprint to the limit wantonly, to see how much light his life can shine. Life is as gorgeous as summer flowers, and death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves. He wants to follow Tagore’s footsteps to explore this journey.

After the excitement and excitement boiled violently, Lan Li gradually calmed down. To complete the challenge, it is not enough to just talk on paper. It is precisely because of the severity of the challenge that he needs to pay more attention. Maybe, tomorrow he should go to the New York Public Library to learn from the background information during World War II.

For most actors, acting is just acting. It is enough to rely on instinct/ability and skill to present it. However, the experience of watching movies in the last ten years, as well as the experience of studying at Cambridge University and the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in this life, let Lan Li understand that performance is based on the role, and only a full understanding of background knowledge and life experience , That kind of performance temperament exuding from the inside out will give the characters vivid reality.

This is like the British aristocracy insisting on studying high art and reading paper books. The inner temperament is difficult to describe in words, but it is often the key to determining the essential difference.

originally thought that he would be too excited to toss and turn into sleeplessness, but unexpectedly, after his head touched the pillow, he quickly fell asleep. Because Lan Li knows better than anyone that he has waited a whole life for this day, and he has already made preparations. The only thing he needs to do now is to recharge his energy and get ready to go.

The early morning in New York is always very noisy, the roar of the noisy car engines is deafening, the noisy voices fill the whole building everywhere, and at the same time, accompanied by the groaning/groaning of the struggle of water pipes, UU reading But there was a hint of impetuousness in it.

I slept comfortably until half past ten. If it weren’t for today’s plan, he would have liked to continue to stay in bed and sleep till the end of the day. Today, Lan Li is going to the New York branch of the American Screen Actors Guild to inquire about the next schedule of the “Pacific War” and understand the specific situation, and then go to the library to check the materials. Lan Li didn’t know how the TV series and film crews worked, and how the actor’s preparations were unfolded. As a novice, he could only rely on his own understanding to prepare as much as possible before entering the crew.

After washing and taking care of it, he opened the refrigerator and browsed up and down, but did not find much food. Then he remembered that he hadn’t been to the supermarket for a while, and now it seems that Chris has forgotten this. I rummaged, picked up an apple, stuffed it in my mouth, closed the refrigerator door, and was about to leave.

“Wait.” Chris opened the door, holding a T-shirt in his hand and hurriedly putting on his shoes, “Wait, are you going to the Screen Actors Guild now? I will be with you.”

Lan Li raised his eyebrows and showed a puzzled look. Chris explained casually, “I’ll go over and see the situation.”

Lan Li didn’t think much about it. It seemed that Chris had been bored at home for two months. He probably couldn’t wait. He beckoned and said neatly, “Keep up.”

Chris put on his shoes, followed by strides all the way, and then saw the apple in Lan Li’s hand, “…is this the apple I bought? I’ll get one too.”

“This is the last one.” Lan Li said frankly, and by the way, he took a big bite on the rosy apple, and the sound was exceptionally crisp.

Chris stood by, full of black lines.

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