The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 20

Chapter 20 Immersive

Noisy screams came from my ears, as if sitting in an open air coffee shop at an airport. The deafening noises launched fatal attacks one after another. Lan Li waved his hand subconsciously, trying to get rid of the irritability, but realized that The muscles were so rigid that they couldn’t move at all, which made him panic. But no matter how hard he tried and struggled, he was motionless, and he couldn’t even move a little finger, as if it was a ghost press.

“Get up! Get together!”

A thunderous sound exploded in his ears, and Lan Li sat up straight, his eyes opened slightly, and the dazzling light penetrated in, making his pupils hurt. I closed my eyes forcibly, and when I opened them again, I finally adapted to the light. Several soldiers appeared in front of them. They rudely opened everyone’s sheets and yelled, “Assemble! Assemble!”

Before they could come, Lan Li got out of bed quickly. The pain from his thigh and arm almost suffocated him. He gritted his teeth and didn’t make a sound. Putting on the socks as quickly as possible, thinking about it, simply Putting both pairs of socks on, so that at least a little friction can be reduced, then put on the boots and stood up in a hurry.

glanced back, Lamy was also putting on shoes at this time, and James on the other side had also stood up, but two huge suitcases occupied the aisle, so that his standing up was really funny. James and Lan Li exchanged a glance, he showed a helpless smile, “I think I should not be able to support the last day.”

Lan Li couldn’t help but smile, “This is only the first day.”

Several people quickly stepped out of the barracks. The slogans in their ears became more and more severe and fierce. There was no sign of relaxation at all. Lan Li had only time to sweep with his gaze, Richard was like A real corpse was lying on the bed without any movement. However, at this time, Lan Li didn’t have the time or energy to pay attention to other people. He retracted his gaze and ran out quickly.

The outside world is still dark, the sky is full of stars, and the cold is so cold that people can’t help but shiver. This is still the height of summer, and it makes people feel that it is early winter.

At this time it should be around two or three in the morning. It was not at six o’clock in the morning as in the forecast. Lan Li couldn’t help thinking of Tim’s advice. Sure enough, Tim was not talking about the next nine days of the itinerary. The first day was not over at all. The long first day seemed to have no end in sight.

Four-mile load-bearing trail running.

At three o’clock in the morning, he started a four-mile cross-country running with weights. He didn’t even know whether he was carrying a gun or a rock in his backpack. Even the water bottle he carried was a burden-but fortunately he maintained a little sense of reason. He really threw the kettle, of course, he always felt that it was because he didn’t even have the strength to throw the kettle.

I don’t know if it is because the muscles have been completely numb and lost the pain, or because after the previous exercises, he has initially adapted to this intensity, and his thoughts have begun to slowly re-operate.

Lanly knew that compared to those soldiers who had actually experienced war, what they were experiencing was just drizzle. Even for the ten-day boot camp, this was just the beginning; but he still couldn’t help thinking. So, after Eugene walked on the battlefield with a blood in his arms, he saw the cruel **** on earth. Is the shock of the heart like this: from shock to nausea, to fear, to numbness, and finally to loss.

as if he saw Richard just now.

Leaving aside the trivial conflict between him and Richard, after his mental fatigue reached the limit, he gradually began to lose the ability to feel around him. Perhaps, what he lost at the beginning was just fear, like a forensic doctor or Like the police/surveyor, there is more contact with death, and he becomes accustomed to it; but slowly, those emotions that define human nature begin to disappear gradually. He has no way to perceive pain, he has no way of compassion, and he has no way to continue to believe in faith. Become indifferent, become stupid, and take it for granted.

Lan Li clearly remembered a scene in the “Pacific War”: Eugene pried open the dead man’s mouth and digged the gold teeth in the mouth of the Japanese soldier.

Prior to this, Eugene always refused this behavior, even felt nauseous and painful, which violated his belief: the deceased is dead, at least to give the deceased enough respect, there is no need to show the humblest of human nature for a little bit of gold. The most greedy and ugliest face. This also made him very repellent to the indifferent Merrill Shelton at the very beginning, and the relationship between the two was far from friendly.

However, that day, Eugene’s world finally collapsed. After the Japanese soldiers used civilian pregnant women as human flesh bombs, he seemed to have lost his mind. The gold teeth inside were dug out. The madness and paranoia at that moment completely lost control.

At this moment, Lan Li initially felt the struggle and collapse in Eugene’s heart for the first time, as if his soul was torn apart abruptly. However, this is just a small feeling, it is difficult to accurately describe in words, or in other words, people who have not really experienced the battlefield can not really experience the disintegrated despair, how painful this transformation is. , The surface is calm but the inner vicissitudes of life cannot be seen. My heart couldn’t help being a little heavy.

Lan Li couldn’t help but think of Tim, maybe they can become friends and they can communicate. Tim can help him understand the reality of those battlefields, which is different from the reality of books and movies.

looked at Lamy and James who were standing next to each other, unknowingly, they became each other’s partners. James grinned and said breathlessly, “I know I’m attractive, but I’m not interested in men.” That ridicule caused both Lan Li and Lamy to laugh directly, even a small circle next to him. Everyone chuckled, and another person behind jokingly said, “Unfortunately, men are not interested in you.” At this time, everyone burst into laughter.

Except for self-introduction, they didn’t have time to talk at all, but the familiarity between each other slowly spread in the air.

At least one point, Lan Li is correct. The boot camp was just the beginning. After the four-mile load-bearing cross-country race, they only got two hours of rest time, and then they went to training again. Lan Li didn’t even remember what he had for breakfast, just Gobbled it into his mouth.

During the meal, Lan Li heard that there was no dinner in the entire camp last night, and everyone slept hungry. Originally, Lan Li thought he was the only one who was unlucky, because he passed out and missed dinner. After hearing the news, he became mentally balanced, “At least I had a good night’s sleep last night.”

James, who was sitting opposite, rolled his eyes to the back of his forehead.

The training on the second day was still long. In addition to the previous basic training, they also conducted simulation training on the real battlefield—just like a field game with a paintball gun, except that they didn’t have a paintball gun in their hands. It’s an empty shell. Although it won’t be injured after hitting, the impact like a heavy hammer is enough to make people fall.

What’s even more frightening is that because it’s the first actual combat training, everyone has no tacit understanding and is in a separate formation, and there is no tactics at all. Facing an enemy team composed of real soldiers, it takes less than 15 minutes. The entire army was wiped out, and only two people were injured.

Before the start of the second round of training, the lieutenant led the team to formally explain their tactics, including analyzing the terrain, analyzing the enemy’s formation, and the distribution of guns and ammunition. Everyone cooperated according to their position in the episode. This round of training still ended with the complete destruction of the actors, but they persisted for thirty-five minutes and successfully knocked down three people from the opposing camp.

This is an improvement, although very weak.

In the evening, they finished their 800-meter cross-country obstacle race training, and they could finally get a break. Since entering the camp yesterday, there has been almost no rest in 24 hours, so most of the actors think that there should be no training tonight. However, Lan Li has reservations about this.

Three hours later, the people in Barracks No. 3 lay scattered and scattered in a dilapidated ruin, surrounded by wilderness. They were marching all the way in the dark just now, without knowing the direction or the time. Apart from a compass, there is nothing to judge the direction.

Lieutenant    explained that a night attack will be launched in forty-five minutes. UU reading www. uukānshu.cOM

Lan Li couldn’t help but pulled his coat, but it didn’t work at all. The ruins were filled with wind holes on all sides. It looked like a sieve, and the biting cold wind was everywhere. He wore an intimate underwear, a shirt and A coat cannot withstand the cold at all, but it is ridiculous that it is only July, how ironic.

Turning his head and looking at Lamy, who was huddled in the corner, he hugged his rucksack in his arms, curled up like a koala, to keep warm as much as possible; James sitting next to him is not much better. He took off his socks and put them on his hands like gloves, studying how to retract his hands into his cuffs.

Lan Li shook his head speechlessly, then took off his boots, took off a pair of socks, and handed them over. Seeing James’ puzzled eyes, he explained, “When I set off, I wore two pairs of socks.”

James immediately rounded his eyes in surprise, his expression in the moonlight looked a little funny, “Man, you are really my savior.”

“Two cigarettes.” Looking at James’ stretched hand, Lan Li put his socks back and said. On the real battlefield, it is normal for comrades to help each other, and the only thing they can circulate is cigarettes, which is a luxury. Now, Lan Li also brought this habit.

James grinned his teeth and snatched the pair of socks, then stuffed one into Lamy’s arms, “a cigarette.” Then he rolled up the remaining socks and stuffed them into his rucksack. , And finally tucked his feet directly in. It looked so funny that even Lamy couldn’t help but raise his head.

In the cold wind, they are like dead leaves hanging on the branches at the end of autumn, shivering but still unwilling to fall. This really feels like a real battlefield.

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