The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Scene 1

Australia’s winter is not only windy or windy, but the raging wind almost makes people feel unsteady. As long as they open their arms, they will fly directly into the sky like a kite. The broad and boundless vision unfolds in front of you, and you can’t see any people in the nearby 30 minutes by car. The quiet and vastness brings an indescribable sense of loneliness. Human beings are so small in front of nature.

However, after the baptism of the boot camp, Lan Li has become calmer, not because he has sufficient ability to accept the dangerous environment, but because he knows that there are always more difficult moments after the most difficult moments.

Tim told him that on the battlefield, alive is the only important thing. Lan Li understands this sentence, but has no way to experience it personally. Even after ten days of training, the threat of death is still not clear enough. Even the night when his toes were almost frozen in the wilderness is not enough, but, at least There is already a beginning.

After the boot camp in San Diego, the entire “Pacific War” crew came to Australia, ready to start filming.

From beginning to end, neither Tom Hanks nor Steven Spielberg showed up. It is rumored that they will come to the crew to visit the crew next week. Tom, who directed the fifth episode as a director in “The Company of Brothers” last time, will not participate in the director’s work this time, because he is looking for a suitable production company for his next work “extremely loud and very close”.

However, regardless of whether Tom and Steven are present or not, the crew will finally start up, which can be 100% certain. All the previous preparations are for today.

Looking at the busy studio in front of me, it is more strange than familiar.

The front and back are divided into two parts with the monitor as the boundary. The front is the formal shooting scene. The staff is laying the shooting track, the photographer and the lighting engineer are adjusting the light, and the prop master is making sure that all the furnishings are okay. The teacher is standing next to the actor, confirming the next shooting process, and then installing the radio equipment; behind is the standby part, the director uses the radio to communicate directly with the heads of various departments, the deputy director is next to obey the schedule, and other The actors are all sitting next to a giant caravan, handing themselves to the make-up artist and stylist, and the rest of the people who eat melon are standing three steps away, chatting and chatting…

Lan Li has seen scenes shot on set in countless movies, and everything that happened before his eyes appeared countless times in dreams, but when all of this happened in front of his eyes, the feeling of enthusiasm could not be contained. No, to be more precise, he didn’t want to contain it. He just let his surging thoughts run rampant. As a human being for two lives, he was about to stand in front of the camera for the first time to realize his dream according to his own wishes.

Although he does not know whether this dream is realistic enough, although he does not know where this road will lead, although he does not know how many waves his little butterfly can make, with the burden of breaking the historical trajectory; He does not regret it, nor will he regret it.

“All the actors are in place.” David-Nutter picked up the horn loudspeaker and yelled loudly, which immediately attracted everyone’s attention. The actors gathered near the monitor one after another. ring. Lan Li is no exception.

He is a professional TV director, very well-known in the industry. He is under fifty years old. On his resume, there are works such as “Star Partner”, “Evil Force”, and “Super Sensible Detective”. Later, he also directed the “Powerful Detective”. “Game”, “Homeland Security”, “Shameless”, “Flash”, “Arrow” and other drama series.

In the United States, the directors of TV dramas are not fixed. There may be seven or eight different directors, or even more, in the twenty-four episodes of a season, who are responsible for the directing of different episodes. The same is true for the “Pacific War”. There are six directors in the ten episodes. David is only responsible for the guides for the first and fourth episodes.

“The first scene will begin immediately. Please take your place and follow the actors to go through the process and learn about the location. If you have any questions, please raise them as soon as possible, and then we will start shooting.” David briefly explained. After arriving, there was a pause, “Today is the first scene of the’Pacific War’. I hope the filming of the whole movie goes well.

Here… do you want to applaud?

Lan Li looked around, he was not quite sure, but then David put the speaker aside, and the actors and staff also dispersed. Obviously, this is the opening ceremony. There is no rumors. It’s formal and grand, and it’s done in such an understatement. Lan Li couldn’t help but adjust his breath, cleared up his thoughts, and walked into the shooting scene quickly.

Although Lan Li is a complete layman and has no practical experience in TV shooting and movie shooting, he has enough understanding on paper before. When studying in the college, he also recorded his performance with a camera for testing, and he was still in London. The West End polished time, so he knew that the first step was to figure out what he was doing and how to do it.

For performances, it’s not just about standing in front of the camera. The most intuitive way is that the performance needs to be captured by the camera and captured correctly. This requires the actors to understand the position of the camera, lighting, and lens, and then according to The opponent’s actor or the setting of the camera’s track should be moved to avoid blocking the camera or being a partner in the play.

Of course, this is just basic knowledge. As for how to communicate with the camera, how to communicate with the director or the audience behind the camera, how to communicate with the opponent actors, and how to perform, the performance methods of close-up, mid-range, long-range and close-up are all different, and these can only be performed in performances. I learned slowly in the process.

Lan Li was a little nervous. Although he was a human for two lifetimes, those experiences were useless. This was the first time he stood in front of the camera. Sweat penetrated into the palm of his hand, but he didn’t hesitate, and he walked forward and started asking the director for advice. Questions one after another.

Darin-Rivetti is a little impatient. As the general dramatist of the “Pacific War”, he needs to manage too many things. Since this is the first scene, this is the only way to do it himself. The face in front of him is stunned but clean. Asking basic questions. This is either embarrassing him or humiliating him. The irritation finally did not hold back and broke out directly, “You idiot, this kind of question that even newcomers know, you actually came to ask me?”

However, Lan Li was not surprised at all, and cast his gaze intently, “This is my first work, so I need to confirm the difference between what I learned in the academy and the actual combat. This is for Work more efficiently. Isn’t it?”

Darling looked at Lan Li’s sincere expression, his deep pupils were mellow and bright in brown under the bright sunlight, and he pinched his throat in a solemn and solemn manner. The retort was completely unspeakable, only To vent his irritability, “Which blind guy chose you in the end, and actually chose a rookie? Eugene is an important character, the protagonist! The protagonist!”

“Mr. Steven Spielberg.” Lan Li was still full of innocence, and he choked so much that Darling was almost choked by his saliva.

Darling turned around and was about to leave, but Lan Li called him again, “So, in the first scene, is it changing from the middle shot to the long shot, or from the close shot to the middle shot? Will the camera rotate while holding it, or will it move according to the track?”

The trivial question that could not be added, this made Darling clenched his teeth secretly, and kept warning himself: Forbearance, forbearance, this is only the first day, forbearance, and there are still six long months after that. However, maybe he can give this self-righteous “genius” a little warning, just like a rookie in the boot camp, “The mid-range changes to the long-term view, and the orbit moves.” Darling did not get entangled, returned neatly, and then turned around. left.

Lan Li nodded, walked to the position, and began to prepare for his first scene, which is also the first scene of the entire “Pacific War” crew. In order to herald a good start, she chose a relatively simple scene for shooting.

The content is about the father’s examination of Eugene’s body. There is still a murmur in his heart, so Eugene was unable to join the army. This disappointed him, and even cried bitterly. This is also the first scene of Eugene’s entire play. However, considering the lengthy and complicated shooting of this scene and the close-up of the face, David chose the scene after this scene as the first scene.

Eugene left the bedroom and went downstairs. His father and brother were listening to the radio. The battle was getting worse and worse. His brother was about to join the army, dressed in a straight military uniform, sitting face to face with his father. Eugene stood at the door of the living room and saw such a happy scene, but recalled that he could not join the army due to physical reasons, and felt a little angry while feeling down, so he rushed out of the porch riding The bicycle took his pet dog out to relax.

This scene is to be filmed with Eugene standing at the door and looking at his father and brother. The scene is less than five seconds before and after, from the emotions of his father and brother to Eugene’s shock, and finally ends with Eugene leaving.

The content is relatively rich, but relatively simple, and the mood is relatively single, there is no big ups and downs, and the shooting will be smoother. Choosing this scene as a good start for the whole series cannot be more appropriate.

Standing at the top of the stairs, Lan Li silenced his thoughts, looked at the camera standing in front of him, and then at the camera standing behind the dining room on the left hand side facing the living room, and constructed a three-dimensional composition of the picture in his mind. After he was ready, he made an “OK” gesture to signal that the director himself was ready.

After a while, after the actors of father and brother were also ready, the voice of the scene rang, “The Pacific War, August 3, 2009, the third act, the second scene, the first filming.” After speaking, a crisp hitting sound rang, announcing the official start of shooting.

Lan Li stepped forward and walked down the stairs. The sound of the radio came from his ear explaining the tragic situation of the Pacific War. This made his footsteps pause involuntarily, and when he turned his head, he saw that he was listening to the news in the living room. His father and brother, completely laid their feet, stayed where they were, and looked at the two figures in a daze.

At this moment, a red light appeared in the field of vision, and then slowly stepped back. This unexpected red light disrupted the rhythm of Lan Li’s performance-didn’t it mean the transition from mid-range to distant view? Why is it a close shot? Isn’t it talking about orbital shooting? Why do I see a cameraman carrying a camera in my sight?

“Ka!” David’s voice broke the tranquility of the set.

In the first scene, I got stuck.

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