The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 2530

Chapter 2486 Untimely

The sparse sunlight of the autumn is slowly falling on the towering buildings. The blue-gray glass reflects the radiant halo. This reinforced forest city has a shallow wave of fish scales, colorful and colorful light spots. Gently flashing, the magnificent and graceful scene is breathtaking.

New York seems to have just entered autumn, and before I have time to experience it in detail, the pace of winter can’t wait to approach, making people nostalgic for this long day’s end; but unfortunately, the small boxes of high-rise buildings are still busy. Running around, there is no way to slow down.

The tension and exhaustion hidden behind the busy traffic are open all year round.

“…If you can’t complete such simple and basic work, then I don’t see the development potential of you to be a good lawyer. Our job is to be sensible and careful. Any little mistake may cause us to lose the lawsuit. .”

“I believe that Harvard Law School should be more than that. Please don’t hold the Ivy League’s arrogance and arrogance. This will only make you ugly; please don’t shift the responsibility to the intern, which will only make you appear stupid. Without knowing it.”

The steady but stern voice surged in the office, and the unintentionally raised voice burst into an overwhelming strength in the heavy tone, and it continued to hit heavily and dullly. All the members who were attending the meeting. They all remained silent, not even daring to make eye contact, and the frightening low air pressure made people breathless.


The knock on the door sounded untimely. This was obviously a terrible timing. It was simply hitting the gunpoint head-on, making people feel cold sweat for the poor bug outside the office; but for the people in the office, it was a bad time. A life-saving straw, all eyes were shifted over.

However, immediately you can feel the condescending eyes projected from the front, like an arrow hitting it fiercely, the survival instinct can bring the eyes back all the time, and quietly lower your head, lest it be a little later, you will Face the dragon’s anger alone.


The office door was slowly pushed open, and then a figure squeezed in. The horrified expression was almost about to cry, especially when the angry eyes swept over, the fear of serial explosions made the voice stuck. When I reached my throat, my mind went blank in an instant.

“You better give me a perfect reason.”

The uttered sound squeezed out from the depths of the throat, like a low moan from the depths of hell.

Lily-Dean didn’t want this either, how could she not know? Never interrupt the routine morning meeting! This is the first rule learned after entering a law firm! Especially in the last two days, even more so—

Matthew Dunlop, who presided over the meeting, was full of aura, and the ultra-low air pressure was chilling. It was not thunderous and angry, but still able to create chilling fear. Even the senior partners of the law firm wisely retreated. Not to mention other ordinary employees.

To make matters worse, Matthew’s meticulousness in his work is truly amazing. No clues and small mistakes can escape his eyes. The picky and demanding work standards make people complain. Originally, there were complaints inside the company, but it turned out that the big boss was reprimanded by Matthew and still listened honestly. Those complaints were instantly cut off, and no one dared to say anything more.

If possible, Lily didn’t want to interrupt the morning meeting. She didn’t even want to be near the meeting room, but… but the big boss said, “If you interrupt, just interrupt.”

The big boss spoke, but he didn’t need to come forward, only their little shrimps appeared on the scene, and Lily was also extremely wronged.

Lily could feel that Matthew’s unpredictable but unfathomable eyes were watching her. Her entire back was covered with goose bumps. The only thought was to turn around and flee, but the big boss said Still reverberating in her ears, she could only bite the bullet and said.

“The application for the extension of Chase’s case was passed again, and their latest evidence was approved by the prosecutor. What should we do?”

In just a few words, Lily could feel that the temperature in the entire conference room was dropping, and even the sound of breathing was gradually disappearing. Everyone was doing their best to eliminate their sense of existence, lest they would be attacked by the hurricane. Lily, who can escape, faces Matthew.

“Notify the entire team to have a meeting immediately, and I will pass after the morning meeting is over.”

Matthew was not furious, but the dull and serious voice revealed a kind of coldness in his bones. The indoor air was continuously approaching zero degrees in a free-falling posture. The concise and clear words were hidden behind the heavy impact, which seemed to be You can feel it even outside the office.

Lily didn’t say anything more, closed the door gently, and completely cut off Matthew’s sight. Only then did she realize that her entire back was soaked, and the panic made her palms tremble uncontrollably. Her knees became weak for a while, and she almost couldn’t stand firmly. She had to rely on the wall to support her body, but still did not dare to relax. She had only one idea in her mind: get away from this office as soon as possible.

It’s just that the legs are a little unwilling.

Vaguely, Lily could hear the murmurs from the working cubicles around her. Her first reaction was to raise her **** and curse back:

You guys, all you know is to watch a good show? Are interns like bullies?

But she knows she can’t, because in a law firm, interns are really bullies; what’s more, she really doesn’t have the energy to pay attention to those gossips, nor does she have the energy to curse the whispers of gloating quietly, she needs to let her Stand up by yourself.

“Are you okay? Need help?”

There was a low and gentleman’s voice not far in front, and the elegant London sound was beating on the eardrums, with a hint of huskyness that was not easily detectable, like a feather sliding across the heart, making Lily panic and unconscious. Anxiety calmed down a little, and she quickly raised her head.

“No need to…”

In a law firm, the interns must not reveal their fragility, otherwise they will soon be torn to pieces by these beasts. She needs to be strong, but the words on her lips can’t help but slow down, “…thank you…” Finally The voice just disappeared in the throat.

Lily was a little stunned. The brain that had not been able to fully recover was like being stuck in quicksand, continuing to spin slowly, staring blankly at the face in front of her.

The other party stretched out her right hand towards Lily, and Lily just so stupidly stretched out her right hand, and with the help of the other party, she succeeded in gaining a foothold.

The sparse and handsome eyebrows stretched out gently, like clouds unfolding above the deep autumn sky, and a shallow gentle smile appeared under the eyes, which fell lazily and lightly like the warm sun in late autumn, which made people involuntarily unconscious. With a soft sigh of enjoyment, I couldn’t help closing my eyes and wandering in it.

“Maybe you need a cup of coffee and a piece of chocolate.”

The mellow voice said with a smile, but Lily was unable to respond at all, even nodding her head. She instantly felt like she was in the pink bubble of childhood dreams, dreamlike beauty and fantasy. Graceful makes her top-heavy and can only let herself be immersed in it.

“Excuse me, is the conference room next to Matthew Dunlop’s meeting?”

Lily finally reacted a little, nodded blankly, opened her mouth, trying to say something, only to find that the blank brain had no idea, so she nodded again to express affirmation.

“Thank you.”

After speaking, the other party released his right hand and continued to move towards the office.

Lily finally recovered a little, “Wait.” Trying to remind the other party, “Don’t… Don’t…” It is absolutely irrational to interrupt the meeting again. Her face is full of anxiety and fear. Even more nervous and worried than when I just walked into the office.

Unexpectedly, the other party just turned his head and showed a bright smile, put his finger on his lips, “shhh”, the door was already opened in the next second.


There was a muffled sound of pushing the door, Lily couldn’t help closing her eyes tightly, she couldn’t help but curled up, but… the roar of expectation did not appear, there was only silence, even too quiet, so much so That kind of panic couldn’t help but surging again, making people curious:

What happened inside?

Lily hesitated for a moment, and was about to approach the door a little bit, trying to catch clues, but before she could move forward, the office door was pushed open again, a gust of wind whizzed past, and Lily could see two tall buildings. The slender figure rushed out one after another.

Ta Ta Ta.

Ta Ta Ta.

Swaggering and walking towards the elevator direction unstoppably, UU read www.uukanshu. Com Lily only discovered that Matthew’s back was passing by in front of her. Before she could react, she had followed the figure just now and moved further and further away without any pause or hesitation.


The elevator opened, and all eyes on the entire floor were quietly peeking out of the work cubicle, only to find that the man was not nervous or flustered at all, but he also showed a polite smile, gently chins his head, and seems to be expressing apology.

Many people ignored Matthew, who was standing next to him with a gloomy face, waved his hands boldly, and greeted him furtively.


The elevator closed, and Matthew’s cold and solemn face gradually disappeared behind the elevator door, but the entire floor was silent, and the raised arms were put down again in a daze. Only then did he realize that he had just done something stupid. .

However, Lily found that her thinking speed could not keep up at all. She couldn’t keep up at all. After a lot of time, she always felt that she had missed and forgotten something important, but her brain couldn’t work, it was just stiff. Ground.

What happened just now?

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