The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 2547

Chapter 2503 Suddenly looking back

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!


The high-five is still sensational, the vast desert is trembling, the sky is shining, the stormy waves are raging, and then the melody gets faster and stronger, and finally climbs to an extreme peak. The excitement and excitement climbed to a whole new height in this way, hoarse and exhausted, but the voice and movement couldn’t stop, just continued incessantly, just like inertia.


The melody draws a rest, the lights of the audience go out again, and then Lan Li turned and left.

Encore, it’s over.

The music festival ended.

No one wants to end tonight’s carnival, and no one wants to let this perfect night come to an end, but everything is too beautiful and too bright, ending the Pioneer Village Music Festival in a “sailing” way, which is truly exciting. Encountered the sky, and even broke out, this is the impeccable end of consummation.

Although it was over, despite the reluctance, despite the melancholy, no one prevented it from closing.

Thoughts, still floating on the top of the clouds, the kind of free soaring joy and willfulness that fills my chest, for a long time I can’t feel the pull of gravity, the kind of confidence and satisfaction, the kind of happiness and joy, even in the face of thousands of difficulties They also believe that they can continue to move forward.

The performance is over, but the high-five is still not over.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!


Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!


There were half a million spectators in the audience, no one left, no one turned around, and no one even realized that everything was over. They still stood on the spot jumping, high-fiving, and singing. The powerful sound was condensed into a rope and sent out. The voice deep in my heart officially chanted a declaration.


William snarled as hard as he could, snarled at Graham, and then he could see Graham snarling back red.

One sound, then another sound.

The roar between the two people rose staggeredly, and merged with the shouts around. When you turned your eyes, you could see similar faces in every corner. The blue veins violently roared, and there was no time to wipe the cheeks. Embarrassed, just laughed freely and wantonly.

Happiness is so pure and simple.




The boiling blood made them continue to shout, not only William and Graham, but also not only Gavin and the young people on the sand dunes, but also Rooney, Paul and Ryan, and Ya Se and Edith, as well as the tens of thousands of ambassadors on the land, called for the North Star, who is guiding the way forward, with one of the simplest, simplest but most sincere shouts to convey their inner excitement and excitement— —

It is the Lan Li, which lights up their world; it is the Lan Li, which inspires them to move forward; it is also the Lan Li, which makes life bearable. At this moment, they are standing on the desert, setting sail.


This is passion, but also faith.

The mighty and vigorous cheers hovered for a long time, staying up all night.

Even though the performance was over, the shouts of the audience continued for nearly two hours. They shouted “Young Master” forgettingly. The crowd slowly and slowly began to disband, but the shouts and cheers were still surging hotly. Continuously rolling, the gurgling heat wave created an effect comparable to magma and rushed towards the face.

Waiting for the blood to cool down a little bit, the cold and raging desert began to invade, but the harsh environment did not make people pessimistic. Instead, the sky roared and laughed at the strong wind. People gathered in twos and threes continued to revel. This is doomed It will be a sleepless night.

From the corners and corners, you can see the figures dancing and dancing, the excitement and excitement between the eyebrows are beyond words, discussing the album “Icarus”, discussing the last song “Navigation”, discussing the splendor of the Pioneer Village Music Festival, Discussing the bits and pieces of the past three days, discussing that Lan Li has become a part of their lives…

The festival ended, but the follow-up story has just begun.

What is certain is that, just like Woodstock, the story that took place in this desert will be passed on by word of mouth and will be staged in real life.

Whether it is returning to the original intention, setting sail, or sailing on land, all will be reflected in all aspects of society and transformed into the spiritual wealth of this group of participants, affecting an entire generation, and will also affect the culture of the entire society .

Because this is just the beginning, the Pioneer Village Music Festival will continue, and the Don Quixote Channel will be launched soon. Their long life has just begun, and the story has just begun.


When Lan Li changed to a set of dry clothes and reappeared, local time had already passed three o’clock in the morning, and the cold wind seemed to usher in the winter, but the music festival site was still crowded and lively, with the slightest enthusiasm for talking. No loss, even more energy burst out.


The phone vibrated slightly, took it out, and glanced down at it. It was Matthew.

A picture, and a text message——

The picture shows two books placed together, “The Decameron” and “Moby Dick”; the text of the text is “This is the unfortunate beginning”.

The smile at the corner of Lan Li’s mouth rose greatly, and he quickly replied, “I think it should be the beginning of happiness.”

Withdrawing the phone and raising his eyes, his tired mood relaxes.

Wherever you can see, you can truly and profoundly feel the surging passion/passion and enthusiasm. This is the best and happiest appearance of life.

Paul Walker, Ryan Gosling, Jack Gyllenhaal, Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Chastain and many other friends warmly welcomed the return of Lan Li, full of joy that could not be expressed in words, and finally all Give a warm hug, and sincerely express gratitude and blessings.

Of course, there are Arthur and Edith, and Andre and Eaton. In London and New York, hereditary aristocrats and Hollywood celebrities, Renly’s friends really gathered together to toast and drink.

In the midst of the hustle and bustle, they also decided to build a tent like young people, light a bonfire, and talk all night-how many times can there be such an opportunity?

The crowd dispersed one by one, leaving only Lan Li and Rooney in the end.

Turning his head, Lan Li cast a shallow smile at Rooney, but saw Rooney staring at him brightly, without speaking, just tilting his head quietly and staring at herself quietly.

Lan Li raised his eyebrows and cast an inquiring glance: What’s wrong?

Rooney shook her head, did not speak, but showed a big smile, took the initiative to take a step forward, and embraced Lan Li with her arms wide open.

Lan Li thought that Rooney, like other friends, was expressing gratitude with a hug, but he did not expect that Rooney did not let go, so she hugged quietly. The atmosphere was slightly strange. Lan Li looked down into her embrace. Rooney.

Before he could speak, Rooney stopped him, “Shhh.”

Rooney put her chin against Lan Li’s chest and raised her head to stare at Lan Li’s eyes. They were full of stars, her cheeks were slightly flushed, and the eyebrows were slightly tired, but her eyes were still bright. Such Lan Li’s eyes were beautiful. A bunch of bluegrass, and then she could see her reflection in those eyes, and her cheeks could not help but flush slightly.

But Rooney still did not look away, just whispered, “Thank you for letting me meet you, because you let me see the best scenery in the world, and also let me feel the happiest sweetness in the world. I know, I am not perfect, and you are not perfect, but you make me complete.”

Lan Li’s eyes were also a little bit shy. After all, he was still not used to these sweet words, but immediately, he noticed that Rooney’s slightly dodging eyes were obviously more restrained than himself. This made Lan Li’s prank mood again. I came out, staring at Rooney intently, just looking at her was enough to melt her, and that hot sight made Rooney’s cheeks fly with two blushes, and it was so hot that she was about to burn.

Rooney immediately realized that Lan Li was deliberate, wrinkled her nose, and expressed a “strong protest” toward Lan Li, but after all, her shy eyes did not move away, and she stared at Lan Li stubbornly and firmly.

“I know that things will not be simple. I am too stubborn, you are too proud, we are too ego, our ideas are too firm, after the passionate love period, we may start a cold war, and then hurt each other, but no one Willing to compromise; but I clearly understand that my life would be incomplete without you.”

Word by word, Rooney was more serious than ever before, and she expressed her thoughts sincerely. Although she was a little embarrassed, she seemed to be standing naked in the public. The sense of vulnerability and shame made her a little bit at a loss, but her sight But he did not waver, and firmly met Lan Li’s eyes.

The corner of Lan Li’s mouth rose slightly, and finally he spoke—the hoarse voice with a thick nasal sound revealed his deep fatigue. This is also the reason why Rooney never let Lan Li speak. After performing all night, Lan Li’s voice was very tired, as well as physically and mentally.

“So what about the principle of’I won’t date the same person for two consecutive days’ that I said at the beginning?” That hoarse voice glided gently across Rooney’s chest like a feather, with a hint of teasing and jokes, in an instant Rooney’s cheeks became hot, but she still gave Lan Li a stubborn look.

“Haha.” Lan Li chuckled lightly, then hugged Rooney into her arms, bent down, and approached Rooney’s ears. The light breath glided over the roots of her ears, soft and sensitive. The naked eye could clearly see Lu. The roots of Ni’s ears were dyed red, and the small details revealed her inner emotions.

“I’m very happy, you gave up your principles.”

The soft whispering sound made Rooney’s knees a little soft, and she was leaning on Lan Li’s chest, almost speechless.

A smile flowed through Lan Li’s eyes, and then he said, “Deep down in my heart, I know that you are the right one.”

It’s not “I love you”, but it’s better than “I love you”, because both Lanly and Rooney know that a relationship will inevitably go through ups and downs. That simple confession can’t carry the weight of life at all. They will quarrel, They will be cold war, they will hurt each other, but they will not let go easily.

Deep down in their hearts, they can all find their own shadows in each other’s souls.

Rooney was slightly annoyed. She was obviously the one who flirted with the blue gift, but she was the one with the weak knee? This is not fair!

Rooney gritted her teeth and stood up straight, pulling a little distance away, squinting up and down to look up and down Lan Li, “This gentleman, I think we need to keep a little distance. I don’t want to be known by others now?”

“…Hey! Obviously you are the first!” Lan Li’s eyes widened, unable to believe his ears, “So, are you ready to run away when you put on your pants?”

The lines seem to be a bit wrong.

Rooney’s eyes overflowed with a smile, she stood up straight and left Lan Li’s embrace, and blinked triumphantly, “You should know that women in the new era are no longer attached to men, right?” Then Rooney turned around. , Supporting his left hand, made a teapot like a gentleman inviting a lady to hold his hand, sending out the invitation.

Lan Li laughed happily, but didn’t care about it, took Rooney’s arm, and asked shyly, “Where are we going now? Gentleman.”

“Take a walk with me, how about? Let you see the magnificent country in front of you!” Rooney said with great momentum, and then strode forward.

The desert after the performance is still noisy, far away from the wilderness space of the city, so that people can party as much as they want and stay awake all night.

Not far away, a group of young people were beating African drums. The powerful drum beats were surging in the strong wind. A girl in a long red skirt was flying over her skirt and jumped into flames. Brother, the onlookers next to him were high-fiving, and the laughter spread.

Beside the bonfire obliquely behind, someone was studying the chords of Lan Li’s last two songs and couldn’t help but humming along, and then everyone else was chatting about what the lyrics were all about. The face was red and unwilling. It was as if the next second would roll up his sleeves and use force to solve the problem.

There are several young people lying on the road directly ahead-anyway, there are no prescribed roads here. Every corner of the campsite can be a “bed”. They put their hands on their pillows and admire the absence of any city lights or smog. The beauty of the starry sky and the shining galaxy is unforgettable.

Vaguely you can still hear the sound of the Beatles singing, weaving through the chattering discussion and laughter, weaving a beautiful melody together. It seems to be singing the craze of the Pioneer Village Music Festival, and it seems to be talking about it. The loneliness of these lonely people.

“…Paul just said that he was going to surf in the Caribbean, and Ryan was also eager to try. I rarely saw Paul’s unbearable expression.” Rooney was chatting casually and couldn’t help laughing. .

Lan Li pursed the corners of his mouth, and a smile came out of his eyes, “Ryan’s surfing skills…well, he is not suitable for surfing. And so is skateboarding.”

Such straightforward complaints made Rooney smile even more joyously.

“You might be able to give it a try. I remember the last time you worked with David on the’dragon tattoo’, you trained to ride a motorcycle for a while, right?” Lan Li suggested, “Paul is a good surf instructor. ”

“I will think about it.” Rooney’s smile still did not disappear completely, “but I need to go to Los Angeles next, not sure when it will end.”

“New project?”

“Yeah. But I also hope to take a vacation for a while, so it’s just an audition for the time being.” Rooney nodded, “It’s a new project of Terrence Malik. I don’t know the content or subject matter yet, but I think he He is a very interesting director. When I saw the “Tree of Life” for the first time, I caught a cold and fell asleep. Haha, but the second time I saw it, my impression was different. I think I can have an interview. .”

Lan Li gently chins his head, “His films often need to give photographers more power. For performances, it is indeed a brand new experience. Next, I will go to Boston, which should be early December, to prepare for shooting.” Manchester by the sea’, I am also thinking about different ways of performing.”

“Oh, has it been determined?” Rooney was a little surprised. “Didn’t you just talk to Andy a few days ago?”

“Yes, I’m sure.” Lan Li pursed the corner of his mouth, “I guess now Matt Damon and Ben Affleck should be talking badly about me behind their backs.”

Rooney was puzzled.

“Because they were already negotiating with Cassie-Affleck, and Cassie was very interested, so I intercepted it.” Lan Li said sincerely.

Rooney’s eyes filled with a smile, “Oh, Cassie will definitely be very disappointed.”

“Do you know Cassie?” Lan Li was a little curious.

Rooney nodded in affirmation, “I worked with him on David Lowe’s work, have you forgotten it? You saw it at the Sundance Film Festival.”

“‘They’re not saints’? Yes, yes, yes.” Lan Li reacted, and his jaws continued. “The look and feel of that movie is really special. I think David Lowe’s control of the camera is very wonderful…”

While speaking, Lan Li’s footsteps stopped inadvertently, and Rooney’s pace also stopped. Only then did he notice that Lan Li’s gaze was turned in one direction, and she followed, and then she could see something. A long-haired lady is sitting next to a small bonfire. She is playing the guitar.

A little girl stood beside the long-haired lady, who looked about three and four years old. The fat face of a childish baby was shining with fire, but she revealed the calm temperament of a little adult, dressed in beige lace. Long skirt, dark brown long hair pulled up into a bunch of twists, drooping on the shoulders, delicate and charming; the skirt flutters slightly in the night breeze, hands behind them like little adults, gently swaying My head is singing a song intently.

This is very common in the campsites of music festivals. Everyone is enjoying the comfort and happiness brought by music. However, it is a small accident for adults to sing with children. No wonder the blue ceremony can’t help but stop. A smile appeared in Rooney’s eyes, watching the scene quietly.

After a song was sung, the lady strummed gently, and then her fingertips skillfully sketched the strings again, the familiar melody flowing like clear spring water.

The little girl lowered her gaze, a little sadness and loss hidden in the shadow of her eyelids, like shallow ripples, she sang again quietly like this, but her clear and moving voice quietly told the sadness and loneliness behind the lyrics. The vicissitudes of life behind the immaturity created a strong contrast, as if born for music, time couldn’t help but slow down like this.

“So we got up and pursued our destiny in the dark. I saw you scarred late last night, and I saw you dancing in the arms of the devil.”

It’s a “beast”.

Lan Li was stunned, staring at the girl so intently and deeply. The beating of the heart gradually slowed down, hitting her chest again and again, and the world quieted down like this, as if all the noise had disappeared, and there was nothing left. The girl and her clear and sweet singing.

She was singing, “So when you are weak, when you kneel down on your knees, I will do my best for the rest of the time to guard your vows, lively and true.”

The light voice is full of affection, the emotions of bitterness and happiness are surging in the immature body, the bonfire is projected on her petite body, and the reflection on the ground pulls the old elders like a giant.

The girl seemed to perceive Lan Li’s gaze and raised her eyes, her smart and bright eyes gleaming with crystal tears.

Time stopped at this moment, Lan Li’s heart suddenly stopped beating, and the brilliance and splendor of the light and shadow made the tears in the eyes glow, and the hot tears wetted his face, but the smile on the corner of the mouth was not. Happy and contented, the ground rose up, and he murmured in a low voice:

“So we arrived, a lonely place that I can’t go back to. You are the face that made me go through fire and water. This is the name that children will inherit, forging charm and crowning.”

Between the eyes and the eyes, the singing is entwined, the smile rises and blooms, the crystal tears shines on the red halo of the bonfire, the fluttering skirt is so vivid and real, but the desert wind is overflowing The smell of warmth is full, like the afternoon when the sun shines in the white room.

Then Lan Li gently nodded towards her, and she laughed along with her, the tears in her eyes flashed, and the tears of emotion and happiness bloomed.

The eyes meet, and the moment is eternal.

Melodiously and lightly, a soft whisper came from my mind, humming along with the wind under the sky full of stars:

“I am not the only traveler who has not repaid my debts. I have been searching for the path that I can follow again to bring us back to the night we met (The-Night-We-Met), and then I can tell myself that I What should he/mum/ do…”

The heart, hitting his chest lightly in the gentle and sad melody, made a dull pain, and time seemed to start to flow backwards, bit by bit back to the softest position of the deepest memory.

His smile bloomed in tears, shiningly eclipsing the dazzling galaxy, then he opened his mouth, conforming to the chord of the guitar, and continued to hum along, “…so the dream of grass/you/, How dare you forget our scars, I will be a beast for you…”

Lan Li took a deep breath, lowered his head and kissed Rooney’s forehead, “Let’s go, Paul and the others should be ready.”

Then Lan Li and Rooney turned around, took a step forward, and slowly walked away, the sound disappeared in the halo of stars in the sky.

In the gentle night breeze, the immature and clear voice is still singing loudly, gradually engulfing in the surrounding hustle and bustle, noisy and noisy, and can’t be distinguished anymore; but the enthusiasm and hope hidden in it But it is so clear, like a North Star, quietly guiding the way forward, even in the dark night will not get lost.

Because it is a singing from the depths of the soul, sincere and beautiful, pure and moving.

Life is not over, and it will not end. They will continue to move forward. On the road of chasing their dreams, they will unswervingly take their steps, and then write their lives with their enthusiasm, with no regrets in every stroke. ; Even if they travel on land, they will reach the other shore of their dreams with their feet.

The story that belongs to him and them is still being played out.

Time flies, suddenly looking back, the original intention remains the same.

End of the book.

Note: The Night of Encounter (The-Night-We-Met——Lord-Huron)

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