The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Step by step

What is war?

This is the first and last question that Lan Li asked Tim in the boot camp.

When the two people had a real conversation for the first time, Ren Li asked this question. At that time Tim just smiled without answering, and moved to other topics. Ren Li could feel it, but Tim did not want to say more; Before leaving San Diego, Lanly asked the same question again. Tim’s expression was very complicated. He didn’t answer immediately, but didn’t say anything about him. Instead, he paused for a long time, about half a cigarette. Replied, “I don’t know.”

I do not know.

This is the answer Tim gave him, the answer from a veteran who has been to the battlefield twice. During the filming of the “Pacific War”, Lanly kept thinking about this question, not only because it was the answer Eugene was looking for, but also because Lanly himself was exploring doubts.

For some people, war is an honor. Just like Lan Li and Lamy, the wounds are the medals. It represents that they have experienced the baptism of blood and fire. It represents that they had the last laugh in the arduous confrontation. It also represents that they have washed away the lead and completed the growth and transformation. .

For some people, war is a hero. Just like the sentence in “Brothers”, I am not a hero, but I fight side by side with the hero. The friendship between brothers supporting each other and covering each other, struggling to survive on the death line, won the victory, and made people excited and succeeded.

For some people, war is death. Just like the corpses all over the open space, there are enemy troops, friendly troops, and innocent people. The lively lives are dying, and eventually evolved into a series of numbers, but no one remembers the true meaning behind the numbers. It seems that life is here. It is no longer meaningful, not even alive.

For some people, war is an advantage. Just like John Baslon, a real war hero in history, his teammates stayed on the battlefield and kept fighting. Every day and every hour, people were dying, but he was singing and dancing in the United States and selling war treasury bonds. , Accept the grace of beauty, everything is just a bunch of money numbers in the hands of Wall Street.

But why did Tim say “I don’t know”? why?

He saw the soldiers lose their minds because they killed too many Japanese, sitting in a daze and counting, as if all the friendly troops in front of him were enemy troops; he saw the soldiers of the same company start screaming because of nightmares in the middle of the night. Gradually losing control, in order to avoid revealing their position, they had to personally execute the soldier, and he fell asleep forever with nightmares.

He was almost killed by a Japanese bomb. After surviving, he had to fight with the enemy barehanded. When the dagger pierced the opponent’s abdomen, his hands were covered with hot blood; he went through the rain of guns and bullets and used a stretcher to take the injured partner After being rescued, only halfway through, the debris detonated by the air raid directly ended the lives of the wounded.

He personally captured a Japanese soldier, but he was a teenage boy. He raised his hands in anxious manner to express his surrender, which made him put down his barrel, but his friends in the friendly army used the boy as a target. Betting on whose marksmanship is more accurate; he watched the local innocent people being treated as human bombs and mingled with the team crying “Help,” but the Japanese army detonated the bomb, causing chain damage.

So, what exactly is war? Lan Li once thought that he understood, at least after he really experienced everything Eugene faced, he would understand, but after a few months passed, he did not understand.

After Renly asked that question for the last time, Tim told a short story.

There was a war photographer who went to the streets of Baghdad to find material. He was walking within the living area. Daily life here is still going on, as if the war did not bring much impact, but a moment of tranquility was born. At this moment, a three or four-year-old girl quickly crossed the street and ran towards the ruins behind. The photographer subconsciously raised the camera in his hand and pointed it at the little girl.

Just such an action made the little girl stop in panic, raised her hands high, and looked at the photographer timidly, her dusty face filled with fright and dark eyes. He was quickly covered by tears, begging with fear.

The photographer was stunned. He didn’t know what was wrong with his behavior. He hurriedly stepped forward to comfort the little girl, but he heard her murmur in a trembling voice, “Don’t kill me.” She thought the photographer was in the hands of the photographer. The ones are guns.

“I used to believe that I was fighting for justice, for glory, and for faith, at least I want to believe that. But after seeing that picture…I don’t know, I really don’t know. “This was the last sentence between Tim and Lan Li, and then he turned and left, but his still-straight shoulders felt a touch of heavy vicissitudes.

Lan Li was a little confused, a little struggling, and more numb and at a loss. He didn’t even have the energy to investigate and think. Just continuing to persevere in this land has consumed all his energy. Sometimes, he would not even think, if he died like this, would it be easier? To live has become a kind of torture, with no end, no meaning, no hope, and even beliefs begin to fall apart.

live, they just fight to live. Maybe it’s right, maybe it’s wrong, because maybe “alive” doesn’t make any sense in itself.

Rami could feel the subtle changes in Lan Li’s mood, but couldn’t say why. Since he returned to the team from injury, Lanly has become more and more weird.

It’s not that he affected the shooting. On the contrary, Lan Li’s filming went very smoothly. His brilliant performances often won the crew’s full house. Not only David, but also several other directors who went into filming afterwards also praised Lan Li; But outside of the shooting, when there was no gag, I sat quietly, the silent and depressive aura of Lan Li’s body dimmed the sunlight, but every time I asked him, he returned to normal again and continued. Joking idly with them.

Several times, Lamy wanted to have a talk with Lan Li, but Lan Li cleverly avoided it, and didn’t give him a chance to go deeper, and just passed it lightly. This makes Lamy more worried.

“Rookie, rookie.” Lamy called out twice, but didn’t get a response. He had to pat Lan Li on the shoulder, and then saw Lan Li recover, and raised his eyebrows slightly. Saying that he heard it, Lamy pointed in the direction of the director, “They asked, are you ready?”

Lan Li nodded, made an “OK” gesture toward the director, and then smiled lightly at Lamy, “How about you? Are you ready? This scene is not easy.”

Rami cleared up the worries in his heart and twitched his lips, “You are the protagonist of this scene. When you are ready, I will be fine.”

What they are filming now is a major event. The filming of the “Pacific War” is coming to an end, and all the weight of the film has been accumulated on Lan Li.

After Eugene went through a series of battles and events, his soul has been transformed, not only indifferent and ruthless, but also hard-hearted. In the scene filmed five days ago, Eugene first tried to kill them madly. A Japanese prisoner was warned by the army; and then condescendingly killed the last enemy army who resisted in a condescending manner—after the commander had ordered a ceasefire.

Today’s scene is the peak of all emotions.

After a long and arduous battle on Okinawa, the U.S. military finally won, but there are still some remaining small groups of forces resisting stubbornly, so they need to explore slowly and eliminate all the last resistance forces. During the search, Eugene and Merrill heard the cry of a baby from a dilapidated house on the side of the road. They walked in cautiously, UU reading www.uukanshu. com found a surviving baby from a local family there, and all his family members died in the house.

Here, Eugene, who has been mad and dead, is touched again. The final sublimation of the entire series of “Pacific War” depends on this.

Lan Li retracted his gaze and looked at the hill-like corpses in front of him quietly. He knew that these were all extras; he knew that the plasma and intestines were props. But at this time, they all entered the performance state motionless, as if they were real corpses. This caused Lan Li’s mood to settle and calm down, but she stood still quietly, and time seemed to freeze at this moment.

Death, he has seen so many deaths, and he is used to it, so much so that he received a letter from home saying that Dickon was dead, but he was indifferent, just sitting on the spot, thinking “Dickon is dead” to the end What does it mean, but I haven’t found any answer. It seems that death has no meaning, but it’s just a state. What is even more ironic is that his body and face are covered with blood. Even he can’t calculate how many lives ended in his own hands. He himself is a wandering spirit crawling out of the pile of corpses.

However, looking at the crying baby in front of him, he was a little stunned.

The connection between birth and death constitutes a reincarnation. The crisp and loud crying has a hint of anxiety, but there is no fear. It is just anxious, complaining, crying, calling for someone to change his diaper, Or maybe it is calling someone to fill his hungry stomach, so simple, so natural, so simple, surrounded by a piece of death, but bred hope. The cycle of life is happening right in front of my eyes.

“Start shooting!” The director’s voice came from the distant horizon, as if God’s command.

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