The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 First audition

The eager throbbing made Lan Li a little excited, he couldn’t help clenching his fists to avoid the surging heart and deviating from normal.

Although this is only his first Hollywood audition, the woody touch coming from under his feet is no stranger. This Broadway stage slowly awakens the performance experience of the West End in the past few years. After the brain’s activity reaches its extreme, Instead, he calmed down, and every pore on his body opened up, breathing the air around him greedily, allowing himself to blend in with the stage.

“From left to right, everyone goes out in sequence.” A voice came from the bottom of the stage and explained it concisely, “After saying your name and age, wait for the next step, do you understand?” The substantive eyes and unsentimental tone made the atmosphere of the stage more tense. The other party seemed very satisfied with the effect, and immediately announced the beginning of the audition, “The first one on the left, please come out.”

The first actor introduced himself with a trembling voice. The tension of the audition was amplified to the extreme in the empty space of the Broadway Theater. The ubiquitous sound reinforcement and echo effects created a kind of tinnitus. The illusion, the pressure of the spirit and the dullness of the atmosphere are like a boulder, pressing firmly on his chest, and he can clearly feel the tension of his vocal cords.

However, Lan Li did not pay attention to other people’s auditions. Instead, he devoted himself to his own thoughts and emptied his brain. Even the roles, auditions, and performances were all cleared out, trying to achieve a state of calmness and concentration. , And then hold on.

“Next person.”

Lanli took a step forward, but did not stop immediately. Instead, he walked straight to the “T point” in front of the stage, which is the center of the stage and the focus of the spotlight. Standing firm, Lan Li began to introduce himself, “Good afternoon, I am Lan Li-Hall, I am twenty years old this year.” Confident but not ostentatious, concise and not cumbersome.

“Are you British?” A questioning voice came from the audience. Due to the unclear light, it was difficult to distinguish the source of the sound. “How about your American accent?”

“Which area?” Lan Li’s calm answer caused a small commotion in the audience.

The accent is part of the performance, but it is not easy to learn. When Anne-Hathaway (Anne-Hathaway) starred in “Become Jane Austen” in the British accent, she was criticized by film critics. Even for actors from colleges, not everyone can capture the subtle differences in accents in different regions. For example, the difference between the Boston accent and the New York accent is very small. Lan Li’s answer was professional and confident, but he was inevitably arrogant.

After a pause, the voice just now said again, “Texas.” This is not a problem, after all, the southern accent is very obvious.

“So, I’m auditioning for a Texan who volunteered to join the army?” Lan Li’s thick southern accent immediately made everyone on the scene shine-not only because of the accuracy of the accent, but also because of the standard London accent before. The contrast is too strong, making it hard to believe that this is the voice of the same person, “I don’t know if it is a soldier or an officer? I guess he is not a typical cowboy.”

More importantly, Lan Li’s remarks were not easy to come by. He noticed that the roles and content of each actor’s audition were different. Just now the first actor was asked to perform howling and crying, and the second actor was asked to perform fearful emotions. Therefore, he guessed that the casting director should search for suitable roles based on the appearance and age of each actor, and then start the audition.

Only from the keyword “Texas”, Lan Li vaguely outlines the character image.

“Oh? Why do you say that?” A curious voice came from the other side, and there was a slight smile in the words. Turning his head and looking at it, it was Tom.

This is the first time Tom has spoken since this set of auditions, and Lan Li can even feel the envy and jealous eyes of other competitors around him falling on his shoulders, burning with a bit of tingling.

“Because I am not a typical cowboy.” Lan Li’s dignified answer caused a low laughter from the audience. Lan Li rolled up the slipped shirt sleeves again, adding, ” At least it seems not.”

“Haha.” Tom couldn’t help but burst into laughter. The blue gift in front of him was indeed out of touch with cowboys. His slender figure, slightly curly short hair, a shallow smile…the contradictory temperament of elegance and unruly, indulgence and restraint. Naturally integrated into one, as if you would not be embarrassed even if you fell on the street, “I can’t refute this.” After a short pause, “You also don’t look like a soldier, at least you shouldn’t be in the Pacific Ocean. On the battlefield.”

This is the identity of the British who complained about Lanli—the “Pacific War” focused on American soldiers.

The mockery was not sharp, and even had some humor, which caused everyone around to laugh, but it broke the rhythm of Lan Li’s audition, which was not good news for him. However, Lan Li did not appear flustered, and said calmly, “I only know that Hollywood does not allow homosexuals to play homosexuals, and blacks are not allowed to play blacks, but I never knew that British people are also forbidden to play Americans.” The corner of Lan Li’s mouth rose slightly, and said meaningfully, “Interesting.”

Hollywood also has a dark history. What Lan Li said is fact, it has happened, or is happening. The laughter at the scene suddenly became sparse, and everyone looked more or less embarrassed and looked at each other.

Tom rubbed his nose and concealed his embarrassment. Steven, who was sitting next to him, immediately came over to have fun, and shouted “Ouch”, causing everyone to lower their heads. It was really hard to smile and hold back.

Tom made a silent eye knife, and Steven quickly looked at the stage, avoiding eye contact, “So, you don’t look like a cowboy, or an American, or even a soldier. Why are you? Come to audition?”

While joking, Steven dug a hole for Lan Li, and the other alternate actors behind him all showed sympathy. It seems that Lan Li’s audition today is going to be ruined.

I don’t want to, but Lan Li spread his hands and shrugged innocently, “Because I am an actor?” The slightly upward ending sound seemed to be seeking everyone’s affirmation, but also expressing his confusion and helplessness. After a chuckle, Tom clapped his thigh and laughed directly, and Steven who was sitting next to him was choked to a little speechless.

Tom immediately realized his gaffe. Considering that the others around him were too hard to laugh, he quickly tidied up his clothes and said seriously, “Why don’t you perform Shakespeare?”

After all, Tom’s words made everyone’s laughter not suffocated, and overflowed lowly, because the “Pacific War” had nothing to do with Shakespeare; Tom’s request for this was obviously a blue gift joke—Hollywood to the United Kingdom The stereotypes of actors are always related to drama and Shakespeare.

The development of the matter seems to have deviated from the track, and all signs are developing in a direction that is unfavorable to Lan Li. Such an audition has become a talk show.

But Lan Li didn’t mind at all. On the contrary, he decided to seize this opportunity to show his ability. Does he have any talent for acting? Now is the time to see the truth!

lowered his eyes and adjusted his breathing. Almost just in the blink of an eye, he had already selected the play, selected the characters, selected the scenes, and then re-awakened the memory of those lines deep in his mind.

Tom’s smile slowly receded. He turned to look at the casting director, indicating that the other party could continue the audition. Generally speaking, the performance content of the audition is set by the casting director. Tom and Steven sit down. More reference opinions are provided here.

Just now, Lan Li’s outstanding accent change attracted Tom’s attention and became a small tune between him and Steven, but it was just a small wave. In the Hollywood world, it can be called a talent or even a talent. There are so many talented actors, one more is not more, and one less is a lot. There is nothing to make a fuss about. This kind of wave will soon calm down.

Tom opened his mouth, but before the sound came out, he saw Steven leaning forward slightly. The eyes hidden behind the lenses became more focused than ever, and you could even see the burst of interest faintly. Angran, this made Tom reflexively turn his head and look at the stage again.

I saw that Lan Li standing in the center of the stage had a wonderful change. It was not that he changed clothes or stretched his movements, but a kind of temperament change that cannot be described in words.

At this time, Lan Li was still standing upright. Due to the height difference between the stage and the auditorium, the stalwart of the whole body was more and more set off, but the slightly tight shoulder line outlined a touch of sadness between the light and shadow. , It seems that I can feel the turbulent emotion repressed deep in my heart. UU reading is so sad that he can’t help but still barely supports it. The few changes have quietly precipitated the aura of the entire stage.

Tom raised his eyebrows, put down Erlang’s legs, and looked at the stage intently. Then Lan Li raised his head.

Lan Li’s stiff footsteps staggered two steps aside, and the mourning between his eyebrows and eyebrows surged up, and then was replaced by a wave of anger, like the sea under a storm, and it was so calm and palpitating, “Ah, great Caesar! You! Did you fall down like this?” The distraught emotion was so fragile that it was broken at the touch of a touch, and the majesty of the rain and the wind burst out in the long dragging shadow, “All your great achievements, Have all your glorious victories vanished?”

The tall body almost couldn’t support it, and collapsed suddenly. As soon as his knee became weak, he knelt on one knee, relying only on his hands to support it stubbornly, “Goodbye! Heroes, I don’t know what you mean, yet Someone seems to be poisonous in your eyes and should be bleeding for him.” The desperate and tragic words carry a trace of indignation, and you can even hear the trivial noise of gnashing teeth, “If it’s me, then I can and Caesar died at the same hour, so that the sword in your hands stained with the noble blood in the world will end my life. There really is nothing better!”

Suddenly, he raised his head and looked sharply at the auditorium. The scorching gaze pierced the eyes of every audience in the audience like a substance. The unhesitating determination and firmness were projected awe-inspiringly, letting everyone They are ashamed of themselves and dare not look directly.

Three lines, just three lines, the emotions of everyone in the audience are twisted into a rope, firmly controlled in the hands of one person: the unique figure in the center of the stage.

In an instant, there was no sound.

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