The Greatest Showman (Big Play Bone)

Chapter 50

Chapter 50 Data digging

Inside the door to see the door, the layman to watch the fun.

The “Pacific War”, which was so highly anticipated, not only attracted thousands of viewers to watch the live broadcast for the first time, but also film critics, reporters, actors, directors and other industry insiders who did their part to become March. The main hot spot on the night of the 21st, naturally includes the broker.

In the previous period, the news that the “Pacific War” adopted a newcomer with no acting experience as one of the three main protagonists, has spread throughout Hollywood, especially after the premiere last night, ” “Len Li-Hall” came into people’s sight all at once.

However, this did not cause a chain reaction after all. The reasons why the media are unwilling to focus too much on Lan Li are equally applicable. In the final analysis, it is because the “Pacific War”, as a set of miniseries, does not have enough weight. From the perspective of industry insiders, Tom’s pursuit at the premiere could not be more clear: to hype news and shift pressure.

A newcomer actor in a miniseries, even if it shocks the world, his influence is still limited after all.

After the “Pacific War” appeared tonight, the situation is undergoing subtle changes. This newcomer actor showed meticulous performance and excellent camera sense, which is really impressive, but if it is only that, it is not enough to make people move further; but last night at the premiere, it was funny Humorous, advancing and calming to respond to reporters is a rare talent, coupled with a handsome appearance, then the potential value will increase exponentially.

Frances-Parker dialed Tom Hanks’ cell phone, “Tom, tell me honestly, where did you unearth such a treasure? The acting is natural and there is a rare temperament between gestures and actions. , In time, will surely be among the top ranks.”

Tom chuckled, “I thought you were so knowledgeable, and you’re not surprised by such newcomers.” Francis is a senior broker of Endeavour Elite Brokerage Company, which ranks among the top five brokerage companies in Hollywood. The biggest reliance is precisely on TV dramas. “Hero”, “Prison Break” and “I’m a Comedy Maniac” are all packaged and produced works by their customers.

Francis was a little eager about Tom’s detour, “You know I don’t like joking. Although he is a newcomer, he has shown the potential of a superstar.” Tom’s chuckle came from the other end of the phone, “The Pacific War “Only the first episode was broadcast, and the Lanly scene was only three minutes away. Now to say “Superstar Potential”, Francis’s words are a bit too exaggerated.

However, Francis didn’t mind, “Didn’t you and Steven also praise him? Give me five years, no, three years, he is absolutely capable of making it into the top ranks. Does he have an agent now? Is there really no other work before this? What information can you tell me about him? Give me your contact information now, and I will sign the contract with him immediately. Maybe, soon, he will be able to do it again Appeared in your work. By the way, how old is he this year?”

“If I remember correctly, it should be under 21 years old.” Tom’s answer almost dislocated Francis’s jaw.

At the same time, not just Francis alone, but at least four agents are contacting the “Pacific War” crew through different methods, trying to find out more information about Lan Li, as for those who use other connections and methods. Come to explore, this is impossible to calculate.

Anticipation, curiosity, excitement, exploration… The sights gathered on this rookie actor are really unusual. It is no exaggeration to say that the name “Ren Li-Hall” is making a wave of waves in Hollywood. On the night of the premiere of “Pacific War”, Lan Li has taken the lead and stole a lot of limelight. However, they are destined to be disappointed.

“No, nothing?” William searched the IMDB actor database and Wikipedia again, but found nothing. There is no information, no clues. To be precise, Lan Li doesn’t even have an IMDB cast page, as if…as if he popped out of a crack in a rock.

William was dumbfounded. Even if he is a newcomer, he shouldn’t be so. He doesn’t even have basic personal information such as birth date, which is really ridiculous. At present, on the profile page of “Pacific War” IMDB, the “Eugene-Sledge” actor column is labeled “Lenry-Hall”, but after clicking it, it is blank

Lan Li-Hall. List of works, “Pacific War”.

This is all the information they have been able to search so far. It is clean and not much different from white paper.

William couldn’t help feeling a little discouraged. He was deeply impressed by Lan Li. The origin was that he was the only one in the first episode who was not able to go to the battlefield. But what really moved him was the amazing performance, which seemed to have no effort. As time progressed, his performance gradually became clear. Thirty minutes passed after the premiere, but his image of the rich man’s young master became more and more specific, which is really rare.

Even the “brothers” have not been able to do this.

“Billy, why don’t you search Google? Or… Facebook?” Graham gave his opinion.

William’s eyes lit up suddenly, “Yes, Facebook!”

Now in 2010, Google has become the largest website in the United States, with a coverage rate of over 80%, followed by Yahoo, Microsoft and Facebook. Among them, Facebook has covered 53% of the American population. In addition, the visit rate of Facebook has surpassed that of Google, ranking first in the number of visits to websites in the United States, followed by Google, Yahoo, and YouTube.

However, after opening Facebook, William changed the name combination several times to search, but he still didn’t find any information. This is really staggering.

“Isn’t it possible? Isn’t Lan Li a young man? Why didn’t he register on Facebook?” William thought things were getting more and more interesting, and his curiosity about the newcomer actor was also rising. Then he searched Google. They finally found out that most of the news was from the premiere last night. Apart from that, there was only one extra news from an actor’s Facebook.

This is an unknown actor, mainly active in New York’s off-Broadway, and usually has his own full-time job. Obviously, he is the type of person who has no choice but to compromise with life after the end of the actor’s career. He mentioned in Facebook that they are currently rehearsing an original drama off Broadway, and one of the actors has really made the entire crew shine:

“From the West End of London, I have appeared in at least three plays. The basic skills are solid and the performances are full of spirituality. **** Christ, we are digging treasures! Lanly Hall, with this guy, our dramas can definitely be a blockbuster.”

“He is British!” William’s eyes widened. In the “Pacific War”, the standard Texas accent had no flaws. “He was also a theater actor! God, you say, if we go to those majors in the UK Can you find his name if you search at the Drama Academy?”

Unlike the United States, the United Kingdom still followed the harsh actor debut steps. He was born in a professional college, polished in the West End of London, and challenged exceptional roles. Only actors who followed such steps can be recognized by other peers. In recent years, with the strength of Hollywood, such traditions have loosened, and some grassroots actors who became famous overnight have appeared; but in the bones, the tradition and pride of British actors have not changed.

Therefore, most British actors can basically find their names in those drama schools.

“Billy, Billy, look!” Graham slammed William’s shoulder hard and pointed to the computer screen. It was a link from the tubing with the title: “‘Cleopatra’, Performer, Renly-Hall.”

“…is this the same name?” William asked questioningly.

Graham had a different idea, “We just searched for’Renly Hall’, but we didn’t find the same name at all. Besides, why can’t actors sing? Everyone can sing, the only difference is that they are out of tune. That’s all. Maybe it’s just that he played and sang at home and uploaded it to YouTube?”

William couldn’t refute, he was suddenly excited, and quickly clicked on the link. UU reading was so excited that he clicked it three times before he succeeded. After entering the familiar page of YouTube, William looked up and down. This video was uploaded in August last year. Eight months have passed in a blink of an eye. Time, but the number of views is only less than two thousand, and the number of likes is only a pitiful thirty-nine.

There are no one million and 800,000 videos in YouTube. If there is no special gimmick and no professional publicity, it may be less than an hour after uploading that it will be directly overwhelmed by countless new videos, and no one will pay attention.

William somewhat believed Graham’s statement, maybe this was just a video recorded by Lan Li for self-entertainment, so it didn’t attract the attention of netizens at all.

After clicking on the video, a figure of a man holding a guitar appeared on the screen. A creamy yellow spotlight fell down and fell on the broad shoulders. The slightly curly short golden brown hair seemed to add a touch of vicissitudes and loneliness. “It’s him! It’s him!” William yelled out of control, shaking Graham vigorously.

Graham almost felt that he was going to fall apart. “Look, look!” Only in this way can William calm down.

At this time, the two people noticed that this was actually a bar, not a casual bedroom singing, but a formal performance, and there were many audiences under the bar. From a recording point of view, it seems that the recording person is standing in the bar.

When the strings outline the first note, William’s mind was drawn in, and the sadness overflowing in the cheerful melody made people moved. When the performance of a song is finished, the turbulence in the heart can’t stop at all, but it is slowly revolving, precipitation bit by bit, as if the whole world is quiet.

“My God!” This was the only response William could make.

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