The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 102: Struggle (2)

Seeing his group fall apart, the bodyguard got very angry, but he controlled himself not letting his emotion get best of him. Someone ignoring command was the worst-case scenario for him, they were being surrounded from all sided with enemies double their number so the best thing they could have done was stick together. After seeing his team fall apart the bodyguard started thinking of a solution that might help them get out of the situation. But no matter how much he thought he couldn’t see any way out of here without huge sacrifice.

The white masked man started to clean his sword; the sword was drenched with blood. As he was doing so one of the bodyguards approached him while yelling. The bodyguard didn’t care about his own life as he was running towards the white masked man. The bodyguard’s mind was clouded with madness.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha look at the guy, he thinks he can take us all alone.” Said the white masked man while clearly seeing the bodyguard running towards him. as he said so, he turned around towards someone to his back and gestured him to come forward. After looking at the command the assassin came forward, the assassin whom white masked man, called in front was the same snake who was surveying Moon Jung’s group earlier.

As Snake moved forward to strike down the bodyguard, moon Jung couldn’t help it anymore he too ran forward to save the bodyguard. Moon Jung knew the risk but he didn’t want to see anymore of his people die. Moon Jung moved swiftly towards snake; snake’s attention was solely on the bodyguard so he dint notice Moon Jung moving towards him. As Moon Jung was about to get close to the snake, he out of nowhere felt severe pain on his shoulder, with the pain came huge force which forced him to the ground. up until now Moon Jung’s focus was directly on snake, but after he got hit by the foot on his shoulder, he finally moved his eyes towards the source of pain.

Moon Jung was surprised when he saw a foot on his shoulder where he felt pain, he didn’t see anyone move but who was the person who had managed to breach his defences. As he tried to fin out, it turned out that the person responsible was none other than the white masked man. Moon Jung last remembered him being way back, but now here he was standing on his shoulder.

“AHHHHHHHHHHH!” a loud scream was heard throughout the dark forest area around Moon Jung’s group.

As Moon Jung was contemplating the movement of the White masked man, he suddenly heard a loud scream, the scream was horrifying. Moon Jung was suddenly jolted awake from his trance, as he moved his eyes towards the source of the horrible sound, Moon Jung was left speechless as he saw one of his bodyguard was being toyed around by 3 men. They were slowly carving the flesh from the bodyguard’s body as he watched this process in horror. The scene was straight out of horror movie, Moon Jung was too horrified by what was happening.

Suddenly Moon Jung was filled up with rage after seeing one of his own being mercilessly being killed, he applied force to the ground and pushed the foot of his shoulder. as soon as he was free from the binding he started to move backward towards the other bodyguards. Moon Jung knew that they would have to fight together if they wanted to get rid of all of these enemies, of else getting out of here would become impossible.

“Everyone Regroup!” yelled Moon Jung towards the other bodyguards, as soon ass they got their command, the bodyguards pushed their enemies away and started hurrying towards Moon Jung in a hurry. They Followed Moon Jung’s command without any question because, Moon Jung had time and again proved his worth and skill in these kinds of situation before this, so he didn’t have to worry about gaining his bodyguard’s trust.

“You think you can run?” asked the white masked man as he stood on the same spot, as soon as his sentence was over his question was over his sword suddenly started to burning red in colour. The sword started giving off a very ominous felling to anyone who looked at it or anyone who was near the weapon.

Moon Jung moved his head towards the white masked man as he felt something horrifying, as soon as his eyes laid on the sword on white masked man, cold sweat started pouring out of him nonstop. Moon Jung’s eyes started to look towards the different direction as if searching for a perfect place to hide. But unfortunately, even after searching he wasn’t able to find the perfect location to hide, this came as a rude awakening to Moon Jung, as he realized just how insignificant his life was in front of a level 150 hunter, Moon Jung didn’t have the required skill to counter the skill that white masked man had.

Destructive slash was the name of the skill that the white masked man was using, this skill is a highly lethal skill especially against people who didn’t have any kind of protection skill. This skill uses 80% of body’s mana to launch a very destructive attack towards the target, this skill is the favourite skill used by assassins. This skill is most popular for its ruthlessness because, this skill will 100% kill its target if the tarted does not or was not able to react in time and activate the defensive skill. This skill uses the destructiveness of the mana as it’s weapon to launch an attack to its victim. Although this skill was overpowered against a normal person without any kind of defensive skill, there was also a huge flaw in this skill. This skill cannot do any damage to its target if the target uses any defensive skill, so this skill is never used when the opponent has a defensive skill.

This skill is best used in the scenario where you want your enemy dead in one strive and your enemy must not be aware of your attack. The second drawback of this attack was that anyone near the attacker after using this skill would be aware of the presence of the attacker after feeling the ominous vive that the sword gives after using the skill. No matter how great you are at concealing, yourself you would be found out if you start using this skill near your enemy so there was no point in launching a sneak attack using this skill. the only people this skill worked best on was those who didn’t have the skill to defend against the attack, and Moon Jung unfortunately was one of those people. So, all he had was thinking about right now was how to avoid being hit by the attack from the white masked man.

“NOOOOOOO Sir run away!” yelled one of the bodyguards who was watching the scene unfold, he was aware of the skill and what it did, on top of that he also knew what Moon Jung had under his sleeves. So naturally he knew that Moon Jung would not be able to survive if he was hit by the attack.

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