The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 103: Helping Hand

Moon Jung tried to run away from the attack but every time he changed direction the masked man would follow him immediately, to Moon Jung it felt like a nightmare. He didn’t know what to do after being hunter down by the masked man. When the bodyguards found out about the predicament Moon Jung was in, they all tried to jump in and help Moon Jung, but unfortunately for them this gave the opponents the upper hand they were looking for all this time. The finally managed to pin down some of the bodyguards that were fighting with all they had.

After seeing what just happened to his bodyguard Moon Jung Knew he didn’t really have a chance if he didn’t do anything to save himself. Moon Jung was very panicked after seeing his bodyguards in such predicament, this was the first time in his entire life when he had been cornered. The situation became very dire as Moon Jung tried to defend against the attack. At this moment Moon Jung had lost all his hope.

Suddenly, Moon Jung fell to the ground as his foot hit an obstacle unknowingly. As Moon Jung started to fall his face became pale. If another person saw his face right now the person would describe the colour of his face as purple, that described the level of panic Moon Jung was currently in. On the other side the white masked man was startled after seeing his target fall abruptly, he wasn’t ready for that. His attack came to an abrupt stop, as he once again tried to attack Moon Jung. Under the mas of the masked man was a creepy smile, who ever saw this smile would get chills run down their spine as his eyes shined with ruthless light.

Moon Jung turned his head around after getting himself together, and slowly tried to crawl away, but at his heart he was clear that if there wasn’t any miracle that happened right now then he would surely would die today under the sword of the masked man.

As Moon Jung saw the sword descend upon him, the world around Moon Jung started to slow down, extremely quickly. He felt as if the attack was taking a lot of time to reach him, as the sword came closer to Moon Jung, he started to remember all the things that happened to him in the past. A lot of emotions could be seen passing by Moon Jung’s face, but the thing that stood out the most was regret it wasn’t clear to what he regrated but, one thing was clear that he regrated a lot of things.

‘Mom, Dad, your unfilial couldn’t fulfil your dreams, hope you find it in your heart to forgive me.’ Thought Moon Jung, right now he could do anything just to see his parent’s face, but alas he could only imagine his parents in his heart as he was going to die any second now.

Just at the moment when the sword was about to make contact with Moon Jung, an unexpected scene occurred which even took Moon Jung by surprise. Out of nowhere a dagger covered in blood flew out of woods and stuck the unsuspecting masked man on his arm. The sword that was descending in high speed came to an abrupt stop, at first the masked man didn’t realize what was going on. He felt as if his arm came to an abrupt stop on its own, it was just too weird. But right then he felt something warm liquid flowing on the back of his arm, as he turned his head towards the region his face became pale. All he saw was blood and bone and, on his arm, there was a dagger sticking out.

At first the masked man didn’t feel any pain when the dagger cut through his skin, it was just too abrupt. But after he saw with his own eyes the pain finally came to set in, and nothing could prepare the masked man for the pain he felt. In just a second the masked man felt as if someone had pulled his heart out of his throat, the pain was just too unbearable. Under the surprised gazes of the surprised people the masked man threw away his sword and started screaming his head out. Throughout the forest only the masked man’s scream sounded for some moment.

This continued for about 10 seconds, by now all the people had stopped fighting, as they were confused as to what had just happened under their nose. Seeing their commanding officer screaming like crazy because of a small wound, all of the masked men were panic stricken, everyone lost focus of their original target and started to look around the surrounding from where the dagger had entered. A moment ago, they were all very complacent and suddenly everything changed in matter of seconds.

Even though Moon Jung’s bodyguards were very surprised, but they maintained their composure and quickly organized themselves. Compared to the Bodyguards the team of assassins seemed as if they were a bunch of ragtag teams of untrained soldiers. Both the teams were completely different, right after they organised themselves, they ran towards Moon Jung who was still on the ground staring at the scene unfold with lifeless eyes, it seemed as if Moon Jung wasn’t quite able to comprehend what was happening. After surrounding Moon Jung, the bodyguard in chief helped Moon Jung up.

The Bodyguard started to check if there were any harm done to Moon Jung, the bodyguard let out a sigh of relief as he realized that there was no harm done to Moon Jung just except for some bruises, still the bodyguard took out a healing potion and handed it o Moon Jung, and wanted him to drink it. After Moon Jung was given the potion only then he came back to his senses, he quickly drunk the potion even though he knew he wasn’t hurt.

Suddenly after seeing Moon Jung drinking a potion, eyes of a masked man suddenly flashed with knowing light, it seemed as if he had, had sudden enlightenment out of thin air.

“Give the chief a bottle of Anti-poison potion, I think the dagger was covered with the Goblin’s blood.” said the masked man towards the other masked man that was beside him, his face was full of confidence as he had finally figured out what had just transpired.

Goblin’s blood was a name of a type of potion that was used mainly for interrogation, this potion induced insane amount of pain once it was applied on a wound. This type of poison was rarely used on combat as it didn’t provide much assistant towards a fight, this poison was only used if the person was looking to hurt the opponent really badly, that was the reason why most of the people didn’t realize it immediately that the cause of the intense pain was the goblin’s blood.

“Boss drink this, this will ease the pain.” Said the masked man.

As soon as the other masked man heard that it was goblin’s blood, he threw a bottle of potion towards the white masked man in a hurry.

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