The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 104: Helping Hand (2)

As soon as the white masked man saw a bottle of potion fly towards him, he jumped towards the bottle in a hurry to catch it. he was extremely swift when he pounced towards the bottle, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to handle the pain for long period of time without fainting. The white masked man’s eyes had already become unfocused and he was quickly losing focus. The white masked man’s breathing had become shallow because of the pain, and his heart was beating really fast.

The masked man caught the bottle of the potion and quickly started to drink the potion in a hurry, he didn’t even bother to check if the potion was the right one or not. His mind right now was a complete mess. The white masked man took out another potion bottle from his pocket after he finished drinking the one n his hand. Before drinking the next potion, white masked man took out the crappy dagger, which was stuck on his arm. After throwing the crappy dagger away the masked man drank the potion he took out on his own.


After he finished drinking the potion on his hand, a sigh escaped out of his mouth. Few seconds later the wound that was inflicted on him by the dagger slowly started healing in front of the people slowly. It seemed like the second potion that the white masked man drank was none other than healing potion.

“Who was it? WHO WAS THE COWARD THAT LAUNCHED AN ATTACK HIDING INSIDE THE WOODS?” shouted the white masked man after recovering from the injury, his eyes had become red from anger after being sneak attacked. Right now, all he wanted to do was to tear the sneak attacker in pieces. All the pin he had experienced a few moments ago had all disappeared as if he had never experienced any of it.

Suddenly from inside the slowly a man approached towards the group of people, after seeing the man slowly walking over as if nothing had happened, angered the white masked man more. The white masked man was so angry that he wanted to run into the woods and kill the man with his bare hands, but he controlled his anger. He first wanted to know what opponent he would be fighting before he made his move. One thing was clear on White masked man’s mind that someone who could throw dagger from such distance and still injure him heavily must be someone powerful, so he was a little cautious this time.

He was trying to figure out who the man was right now, as the man slowly walked out of the dark forest, he came closer to the masked man and the masked man was finally able to see the appearance of the man who attacked him. Unfortunately for the masked man, the man who came out was also wearing a mask so he couldn’t recognize who the an was. This infuriated the masked man even more.

The masked man who came in front of the group was obviously Kang-Ho, he was moving around hunting beasts around the forest trying to level up and find another pocked dimension. Unluckily for Kang-Ho for 1-2 hour he wasn’t even able to find another pocket dimension when he suddenly heard a distant shout. Kang-Ho recognized the voice of the man who shouted even from far away, he knew it was his own friend Moon Jung. As soon as he recognized the voice of Moon Jung, he came running to rescue him from danger, after all he owed Moon Jung everything for saving his family when he wasn’t there to protect them.

Seeing Kang-Ho came as a shock to the white masked man, he knew all the variables entering the dungeon, he was provided with all the details of the people who would be entering the mass dungeon, he had made preparation for all situation but he was still unsure of who the man was. To find some clue, the masked man looked around the surrounding to check the expression of the people and see if they had any idea who the new masked man was.

To the white masked man’s dismay, it seemed that no one not even Moon Jung knew, who the masked man was. Moon Jung too had a bewildered expression on his face, as if saying ‘who is this man?’ as he looked towards his bodyguards. His bodyguards were looking at Moon Jung and asking the same question through their eyes. To them it seemed as if the man had drooped from the sky to save Moon Jung in a critical position.

“Who are you? Why are you meddling in our business? If you are a smart man don’t meddle in our business and walk on your own way, and let us finish what we started. If you do so you will be rewarded by the people above us. If not, you will make a really scary enemy trust me you don’t want to make them your enemy.” Said the white masked man in hopes to try and scare away this unknown man, White masked man was unsure of the origins of the masked man so he didn’t want to make enemy, even though he was hit by his dagger earlier, the white masked man was clear on one thing he must complete his mission or else he would lose everything.

For the white masked man, a little cut on the arm, was nothing to fuss over when he had everything on the line. He was clear on one thing he must complete this mission even if it meant to not pursue the matter with Kang-Ho. A man with unknown origins was more difficult to deal with than the man he knew everything about.

Hearing what the white masked man said Kang-Ho didn’t show any reaction, he just turned his head towards Moon Jung and checked if he was okay. After finding out that he came just in time to save Moon Jung, Kang-HO felt a little relived.

“Don’t listen to him, whatever he offers we can give you more trust me and help us fend them off. Please.” Seeing Kang-Ho look towards them One of the inexperienced bodyguards shouted towards Kang-Ho. To the shout the bodyguard with more experience had a frown on his face, but he didn’t say anything and looked at Kang-Ho with anticipation. On the other hand, Moon Jung had a solemn expression, it seemed as if he had already let the fate decide its own course.

Kang-Ho didn’t react to the plea of the Bodyguard either he wasn’t in mood to talk, he just pounced towards the Masked assassins.

“F**K! Kill him, kill him, everyone attacks him first. He is more dangerous than the others. Keep all of your focus on him.” shouted the white masked man, after seeing Kang-Ho moving towards them it was clear who was he here to help, with frown on his face the white masked man decided to Kill Kang-Ho first as he didn’t know who the man was and what abilities he had. One thing was clear to everyone after seeing Kang-Ho move towards the assassins, that was that he wasn’t afraid of anything.

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